Pagination : Load More
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Pagination : Load More
Forum Version : phpbb3Other : Topics with more than one page
This is a small project I started a few weeks ago, but never completely finished. Basically it applies a button to the topic which allows you to load more pages, similar to "endless" scrolling. Here's a demonstration : will see a button by scrolling to the bottom of the topic.
Clicking this button loads the next ( or previous ) page, without transitioning to a new page.
It uses a global object -- $fa_topic -- to store necessary data related to the current topic. Mostly topic data, page numbers, nodes, and a method for getting pages.
It's still in the early stages, as the script is only optimized for phpbb3.
The only things that need to be changed to work, would be the perpage variable. This should be changed to the amount of replies you allow perpage; Default is 15. You can find this value by going to Administration Panel > General > Messages > Configuration > Posts per pageThere's also a language config object in case you want to change or translate words.
To install : go to Administration Panel > Modules > JavaScript codes management > Create a new script
Placement : In the topics
- Code:
$(function() {
// start up variables
var perpage = 15,
// general language config
lang = {
next : 'Next Page',
previous : 'Previous Page',
first : 'Reached Beginning of Topic',
last : 'Reached End of Topic',
loading : 'Loading...',
page : 'Page'
main = document.getElementById('main-content'), // main container
topicId = window.location.href.replace(/.*?t(\d+).*/, '$1'),
pagination = $('p.pagination', main),
first = $('.post', main)[0],
title = document.createElement('H2'),
bottomHook = document.anchors.bottomtitle,
topBlock = document.createElement('DIV'),
bottomBlock = document.createElement('DIV'),
next = document.createElement('INPUT'),
previous = document.createElement('INPUT'),
i = 0;
if (!pagination[0]) return; // return if no pagination
page = $('a[href^="/t' + topicId + 'p"]:not(.pag-img)', pagination[0]); // get page list
topHook = pagination[0].nextSibling.nextSibling;
window.$fa_topic = {
id : topicId, // topic id
title : document.title.replace(/(.*?)\s-.*/, '$1'), // topic title ( non-slug )
next : next, // next button
previous : previous, // previous button
loading : false, // currently loading the next page ?
prevPage : +pagination[0].getElementsByTagName('STRONG')[0].innerHTML, // previous page number
currentPage : +pagination[0].getElementsByTagName('STRONG')[0].innerHTML, // current page number
lastPage : pagination[0].getElementsByTagName('SPAN')[0].lastChild.tagName == 'STRONG' ? +pagination[0].getElementsByTagName('STRONG')[0].innerHTML : +page[page.length - 1].innerHTML, // last page number
hook : [bottomHook, topHook],
perpage : perpage,
pageList : {}, // contains a list of page links
lang : lang,
// gets the page specified
// @param page : a number representing a valid page
// @param position : a string; 'top' or 'bottom', Depends where the next page is placed
getPage : function(page, position) {
if ($fa_topic.loading) return;
position = position ? position.toLowerCase() : 'bottom';
if (position == 'bottom' && $fa_topic.currentPage >= $fa_topic.lastPage) return $ = $fa_topic.lang.last;
else if (position == 'top' && 1 >= $fa_topic.prevPage) return $fa_topic.previous.innerHTML = $fa_topic.lang.first;
var where = position == 'bottom' ? true : false, payload = document.createElement('DIV'), dropPoint = $fa_topic.hook[where ? 0 : 1], i = 0, posts, j;
$fa_topic.loading = true;
where ? $fa_topic.currentPage++ : $fa_topic.prevPage--;
$ = $fa_topic.lang.loading;
$fa_topic.previous.value = $fa_topic.lang.loading; = 'none';
payload.innerHTML = '<div style="height:30px" id="fa_topic_page' + (where ? $fa_topic.currentPage : $fa_topic.prevPage) + '"></div><h2>' + $fa_topic.title + ' - ' + $ + ' ' + (where ? $fa_topic.currentPage : $fa_topic.prevPage) + '</h2>';
$.get($fa_topic.pageList[page], function(d) {
for (posts = $('', d), j = posts.length; i < j; i++) posts[i].nextSibling.tagName != 'HR' && payload.appendChild(posts[i]);
dropPoint.parentNode.insertBefore(payload, where ? dropPoint : dropPoint.nextSibling.nextSibling);
$ = $fa_topic.currentPage >= $fa_topic.lastPage ? $fa_topic.lang.last : $ + ' (' + ($fa_topic.currentPage + 1) + ' / ' + $fa_topic.lastPage + ')';
$fa_topic.previous.value = 1 >= $fa_topic.prevPage ? $fa_topic.lang.first : $fa_topic.lang.previous + ' (' + ($fa_topic.prevPage - 1) + ' / ' + $fa_topic.lastPage + ')';
$fa_topic.loading = false;
window.location.hash = 'fa_topic_page' + (where ? $fa_topic.currentPage : $fa_topic.prevPage);
// insert current title
title.innerHTML = $fa_topic.title + ' - ' + $ + ' ' + $fa_topic.currentPage; = 'fa_topic_page' + $fa_topic.currentPage;
first.parentNode.insertBefore(title, first);
// next button attributes
next.type = 'button';
next.className = 'button2';
next.value = $fa_topic.currentPage == $fa_topic.lastPage ? $fa_topic.lang.last : $ + ' (' + ($fa_topic.currentPage + 1) + ' / ' + $fa_topic.lastPage + ')';
next.onclick = function() {
$fa_topic.getPage($fa_topic.currentPage + 1, 'bottom');
// previous button attributes
if ($fa_topic.currentPage > 1) {
previous.type = 'button';
previous.className = 'button2';
previous.value = $fa_topic.lang.previous + ' (' + ($fa_topic.prevPage - 1) + ' / ' + $fa_topic.lastPage + ')';
previous.onclick = function() {
$fa_topic.getPage($fa_topic.prevPage - 1, 'top');
}; = 'center';
topHook.parentNode.insertBefore(topBlock, topHook.nextSibling);
// append bottom nodes = 'center';
bottomHook.parentNode.insertBefore(bottomBlock, bottomHook.nextSibling);
// form page list so it can be used to load later pages
while (i ++< $fa_topic.lastPage) $fa_topic.pageList[i] = '/t' + $ + 'p' + ($fa_topic.perpage * i - $fa_topic.perpage) + '-';
'par ange tuteur';
In the mean time, if you use phpbb3 you can enjoy this..
Re: Pagination : Load More
Excellent, even better if it worked on all versions!!!
But this is easy to solve...
5 * from me,
But this is easy to solve...
5 * from me,
Re: Pagination : Load More
I see you haven't updated the number of pages after loaded.
If you are loading the next page, a new post has been submitted, and this post has added a new page. Or Mod deleted posts, and that has reduced pages. That may cause errors.
Here is my code, I let it start the loading process when it scroll to the bottom of the page.
If you are loading the next page, a new post has been submitted, and this post has added a new page. Or Mod deleted posts, and that has reduced pages. That may cause errors.
Here is my code, I let it start the loading process when it scroll to the bottom of the page.
- Code:
* Load content while scrolling to the bottom of the page
* by Zzbaivong (
$(function() {
var $win = $(window),
$page = $(document),
$pag = $(".pagination").last(),
$next = $pag.find('img[alt="Next"]'),
current, last,
endPage = false; // Enable load content while scrolling to the bottom of the page
if ($next.length) { // Has next posts page
current = $pag.find("b").text(); // Number of current page
last = $pag.find("a").last().prev().text(); // Number of last page
// console.log(current + "/" + last);
$win.scroll(function() {
if ($page.height() <= $win.scrollTop() + $win.height() + 100 && !endPage) { // 100(px) is the gap before the end of the page
endPage = true; // Disable
$.get($next.parent().attr("href"), function(data) { // NEXT is URL for next posts page
$pag = $(data).find(".pagination").last();
$next = $pag.find('img[alt="Next"]'); // Update URL for next posts page
current = $pag.find("b").text(); // Update number of current page
if (!$next.length) {
last = current; // Update number of last page
} else {
endPage = false; // Enable
last = $pag.find("a").last().prev().text(); // Update number of last page
// console.log(current + "/" + last);
// Add content to after loaded
Re: Pagination : Load More
It's certainly possible. I was thinking of a collection that's generated based on the user version, most likely automatically as that would be convenient.JScript wrote:Excellent, even better if it worked on all versions!!!
But this is easy to solve...
5 * from me,
I was originally going to replace the pagination with a new one, and add page links based on the number of pages loaded -- if you haven't noticed the window hash change.Zzbaivong wrote:I see you haven't updated the number of pages after loaded.
If you are loading the next page, a new post has been submitted, and this post has added a new page. Or Mod deleted posts, and that has reduced pages. That may cause errors.
There's always going to be error's with code, but there's nothing a little error handling and worst case scenario F5 couldn't fix, right ? You could update the list by polling the topic, but I'd rather not make topics request heavy.
I did however, forget to add a check on the pages, such as if the number input is available in the object. I should also have added a check for posts on the next page. The following would suffice in checking if the page has any posts:
- Code:
$.get('/t1p90-', function(d) {
console.log($('.post', d)[0] ? true : false);
Our product is never perfect, so we must constantly polish until it's perfect, just until another problem is discovered.
I tried your script ( phpbb3, punbb ), but I had not result. I'm assuming it works under certain circumstances ?
Re: Pagination : Load More
That is the code hints. I do not want it too confusing when discussing.
Remove 2 slash in front:
Write code after loading below:
Remove 2 slash in front:
- Code:
console.log(current + "/" + last);
Write code after loading below:
- Code:
// add content to this script after loaded
Re: Pagination : Load More
I've run the test here. it worked.
- Code:
var $win = $(window),
$page = $(document),
$pag = $("p.pagination:last").find("span"),
$next = $pag.find('img[alt="Next"]'),
current, last,
endPage = false; // Enable load content while scrolling to the bottom of the page
if ($next.length) { // Has next posts page
current = $pag.find("strong").text(); // Number of current page
last = $pag.find("a").last().prev().text(); // Number of last page
console.log(current + "/" + last);
$win.scroll(function() {
if ($page.height() <= $win.scrollTop() + $win.height() + 100 && !endPage) { // 100(px) is the gap before the end of the page
endPage = true; // Disable
$.get($next.parent().attr("href"), function(data) { // NEXT is URL for next posts page
var $data = $(data);
$pag = $data.find("p.pagination:last").find("span");
$next = $pag.find('img[alt="Next"]'); // Update URL for next posts page
current = $pag.find("strong").text(); // Update number of current page
if (!$next.length) {
last = current; // Update number of last page
} else {
endPage = false; // Enable
last = $pag.find("a").last().prev().text(); // Update number of last page
console.log(current + "/" + last);
// Add content to after loaded
$(".post:last").after('<hr class="newPage" style="border-top: 50px dashed red;">');
Re: Pagination : Load More
How to have similar loading (without page change) for pagination buttons? If I click 8, then it shows page 8 without reloading etc.
Tonight- Forumember
- Posts : 312
Reputation : 80
Language : Estonian, English, Russian
Location : Estonia
Re: Pagination : Load More
@Zzbaivong I see it now..
@Tonight that's fairly simple. You can create a contain which will load the newest posts and or pages. I wrote up a quick draft which only utilizes JavaScript. Utilizing template modifications would be much more effective in my opinion, as you won't need to do as much DOM manipulation as I'm doing here.
For now this will suffice as a starting point...because I'm sleepy.
Placement : In the topics
I will see you all later, around 05:00 EDT
@Tonight that's fairly simple. You can create a contain which will load the newest posts and or pages. I wrote up a quick draft which only utilizes JavaScript. Utilizing template modifications would be much more effective in my opinion, as you won't need to do as much DOM manipulation as I'm doing here.
For now this will suffice as a starting point...because I'm sleepy.
Placement : In the topics
- Code:
$(function() {
var node = document.createElement('DIV'),
main = document.getElementById('main-content'),
page = $('p.pagination', main),
post = $('', main),
func = function() {
$.get(this.href, function(d) {
var node = document.getElementById('faTopicData'),
page = $('p.pagination', d),
post = $('', d);
node.innerHTML = '';
$(node).append('<div class="clear"></div>');
page.find('> span > a').click(func);
return false;
}; = 'faTopicData';
post[0].parentNode.insertBefore(node, post[0]);
$(node).append('<div class="clear"></div>');
page.find('> span > a').click(func);
I will see you all later, around 05:00 EDT
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