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Messages about technical problems on forums

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Messages about technical problems on forums Empty Messages about technical problems on forums

Post by Ange Tuteur 9/11/2015, 22:57

Messages about technical problems on forums

This tutorial presents some error messages which may appear in the forums and the technical problems which are related to them.

Messages about technical problems on forums 09615110Database problems

Maintenance in progress


Messages about technical problems on forums 210

Explanation: A problem with the database during the connection.

  • This problem can happen exceptionally without reason. Just reload the page.
  • It is possible that if it persists, it may be a technical problem. An intervention may be in progress.

If you find this message, please let us know about it in this forum (or in our social networks pages if accessing the support is impossible). The following information can be included in your message:
- URL of your forum
- Screenshots
- When did you notice the issue (always, while logging in, while posting)
- When did the issue first appear

Contrary to the title of the message, a maintenance is not always in progress.

We try to schedule our updates and maintenance operations when the traffic is low. We also notify you in the support and in our social networks as soon as possible. If you notice this problem in the evening (Paris Time), a technical issue may exist.

Critical Error or General Error


Messages about technical problems on forums 16-12-12

Messages about technical problems on forums 16-12-11

Messages about technical problems on forums 16-12-13

Explanation: This is another error with the database. The issue may be generalized or not. In order to be sure, you can visit multiple forums. The access to the forum may be temporarily impossible or only certain actions may be executed (see the list of groups, of topics).

In this case, we recommend you to report the issue in our support forum or in our social networks pages including as much information as possible (see the previous point), so our technicians can reproduce, identify and solve the problem.

Messages about technical problems on forums 09615110Server problems

Loading icon and error 102502 (or 102503)


Messages about technical problems on forums 10250210

Reason: This is a problem with the server. The traffic may be too big. Again, visit another forum in order to be sure if this is appeared only on your forum or on others too and then notify our team.

Messages about technical problems on forums 09615110What type of message is posted when there is a planned technical intervention?

It depends, but it may be one of the above messages. We try to give you as much information as possible before the planned operation about the date, the duration and the problems which we may have to deal with.

Messages about technical problems on forums Yii_oo10

We recommend that you keep an eye on Announcements and Updates in order to be aware of all the news of Forumotion:

Messages about technical problems on forums Yii_oo11

Note: The topics of this forum are automatically in the Administration Panel of the forums:

Messages about technical problems on forums Yii_oo12

Ange Tuteur
Ange Tuteur

Male Posts : 13207
Reputation : 3001
Language : English & 日本語
Location : Pennsylvania

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