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Disabling ads on your forum

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Disabling ads on your forum Empty Disabling ads on your forum

Post by The Godfather April 23rd 2018, 5:55 pm

Desabling ads on your forum

Forumotion packages allow you to remove advertising on your forum for members only or for members and guests. There is no option to delete ads only for guests. This feature is available in the Disabling ads on your forum 857436672 package and in the Disabling ads on your forum 312592876 package.

You can remove ads on your forum either when you subscribe to a package or later, once the package has been subscribed. In all cases, the removal of the ads will only be valid until the expiration date of the package. A reading of the packages tutorial is recommended.

Removal of ads when purchasing the package

Annual payment

Go to your Administration panel  Misc  Credits management - Forumotion Packages

From this page on which a summary table appears, you can choose from the list to delete advertising for your members only (advertising visible to guests) or for your members and guests at the same time. Note that the package price is automatically recalculated according to your choice.

Disabling ads on your forum Pub110

You just have to proceed to the payment which is made via the balance of the credits available on the forum. If the balance is insufficient, you will be asked to add credits on your forum before you can finalize your transaction (see credit management tutorial)

See the example:

Once the transaction is validated, a summary reminding you of the expiry date of your ad deactivation is displayed in the Summary & Management menu, under the "Misc" tab. A reminder is also present in the ads management page in Misc > Credits management > Spend credits > Ads.

Disabling ads on your forum Pub310

Monthly payment

Go to your Administration panel  Misc  Credits management - Forumotion Packages

From this page on which a summary table appears, you can choose from the list to delete advertising for your members only (advertising visible to guests) or for your members and guests at the same time. Note that the package price is automatically recalculated according to your choice.

Disabling ads on your forum Pub410

Payment is mandatory done via Paypal (note that the use of a Paypal account requires it to be linked to a card or a valid bank account). Unlike the annual payment, the monthly payment does not use the credits available on the forum, but directly debits the Paypal account, and is without commitment. The monthly package will be automatically renewed when it expires.

See the example:

Removal of ads after the purchase of the package

Go to your Administration panel  Misc  Credits management - Spend credits

This is still possible at any time, if you have not already removed the advertising for members and guests when purchasing the package. Note that it is also possible to include the removal of ads for members when purchasing the package, and then complete this removal by allowing guests to benefit from it.

Disabling ads on your forum Pub610

The forum will calculate the number of credits needed to deactivate advertising on your forum for your members only or your members and guests, pro rata to the remaining activation time of your current package, in order to have only one common expiration date for the package and the ads deactivation. A practical way to renew them at the same time in a synchronized way.

Example: If the forum subscribed to the Advanced package on January 1, 2018, its package will expire on January 1, 2019. If the forum founder wishes to delete the ads on July 1, 2018, i.e. in the middle of the year, the forum will only charge him 6 months to delete the ads in order to correspond to the time remaining in the package.


Deleting ads via credits affects all ads posted by Forumotion on your forum, including :

  • Ads at the top of the forum
  • Sponsored content (which you can already remove for free via an option in your admin panel)

The Godfather
The Godfather

Posts : 5284
Reputation : 843

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