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Removing the possibility to display the Google Map on Forumotion forums

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Removing the possibility to display the Google Map on Forumotion forums Empty Removing the possibility to display the Google Map on Forumotion forums

Post by The Godfather May 14th 2019, 10:30 am


Following the transition of the Google Map to a paid service, and in order to avoid keeping a non-functional option on our forums, we decided to remove the display of the Google Map in the "Who is online?" page of Forumotion forums.

To do this, we will remove from the admin panel > General > Statistics > Forum statistics : all the "Google Map Options" block and its content.

Removing the possibility to display the Google Map on Forumotion forums 14-05-12

This will prevent your forums from displaying a non-functional Google Map that showed you an error since the switchover of this Google service to a paid version :

Removing the possibility to display the Google Map on Forumotion forums 14-05-11

This has no impact on the functioning of your forums or their statistics. It just remove the Google Map display from the "Who's Online?" page.

Removing the Google Map can be extended to other places where a non-functional map is displayed (for example : events) or to other features that are based on it (for example : automatic location).

Thank you for your understanding.

Forumotion Team king
The Godfather
The Godfather

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