New improvements for the mobile version: quote, moderation tools...
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New improvements for the mobile version: quote, moderation tools...
New improvements for the mobile version of the forums: quote, moderation tools... |
Dear Forumotion users, To facilitate the use of the Forumotion forums on mobile devices, and in accordance with mobile-friendly practices, we have made some improvements to the functionality available on the modern mobile version. These are only "small" improvements but should prove very useful to some members. Here is what consists of these new features which concern both members and forum administrators.
We hope you will share our opinion on the usefulness of this improvement, See you soon, your Forumotion team. |
A Forumotion Important Announcement |
Last edited by The Godfather on August 3rd 2020, 3:53 pm; edited 3 times in total
The Godfather- Administrator
- Posts : 5316
Reputation : 844
SLGray, TonnyKamper, MattiaDes and JaneDoe like this post
Re: New improvements for the mobile version: quote, moderation tools...
In order for the new features of the mobile version to be present and to work optimally on your forum, if you have customized the viewtopic_body template or the topics_list_box template of the mobile version before this update, please make the replacements following for the modern mobile version:
Administration Panel > Display > Templates > Mobile version
Administration Panel > Display > Templates > Mobile version
- viewtopic_body:
Add the following code:- Code:
<!-- BEGIN switch_user_authreply -->
<a href="{U_POST_REPLY_TOPIC}" rel="nofollow" class="btn btn-rep-topic" title="{L_POST_REPLY_TOPIC}">
<i class="material-icons">reply</i> {L_POST_REPLY_TOPIC}
<!-- END switch_user_authreply -->
<!-- BEGIN viewtopic_bottom -->
<form class="quickmod" method="get" action="{S_FORM_MOD_ACTION}">
<input type="hidden" name="t" value="{TOPIC_ID}" />
<!-- <input type="hidden" name="sid" value="{S_SID}" /> -->
<input type="hidden" name="{SECURE_ID_NAME}" value="{SECURE_ID_VALUE}" />
<div class="quickmod-wrap">
<!-- END viewtopic_bottom -->
- Code:
<div class="breadcrumbs">
<a class="nav nav-solid" href="{U_INDEX}">
- Code:
- Code:
<!-- BEGIN switch_edit_quote_buttons -->
<div class="navmenu_block">
<div class="navmenu_show"><i class="material-icons">more_horiz</i></div>
<div class="navmenu_list">
<!-- END switch_edit_quote_buttons -->
- topics_list_box:
Replace all the following codes:- Code:
<h3>{topics_list_box.row.TOPIC_TYPE}{topics_list_box.row.TOPIC_TITLE}</h3><div class="forum-statistics">{topics_list_box.row.REPLIES} {L_REPLIES}</div>
- Code:
<!-- BEGIN single_selection -->
<span class="radio">
<input type="radio" name="{topics_list_box.FIELDNAME}" value="{topics_list_box.row.FID}" {topics_list_box.row.L_SELECT} />
<span class="radio-check"></span>
<!-- END single_selection -->
{topics_list_box.row.TOPIC_TYPE}{topics_list_box.row.TOPIC_TITLE}</h3><div class="forum-statistics">{topics_list_box.row.REPLIES} {L_REPLIES}</div>
- posting_body:
Add the following codes:- Code:
<!-- BEGIN switch_section -->
<div class="select-subtle">
<!-- END switch_section -->
- Code:
<textarea class="input-subtle" name="message" placeholder="{L_MESSAGE_BODY}" id="text_editor_textarea" tabindex="2" rows="10">{MESSAGE}</textarea>
<input type="submit" name="post" class="btn" value="{L_SUBMIT}" tabindex="3" accesskey="s" />
<input type="hidden" name="lt" value="{LAST_TOPIC_ID}" />
The Godfather- Administrator
- Posts : 5316
Reputation : 844
SLGray, TonnyKamper, Jucarese and JaneDoe like this post
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