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New improvements for the mobile version: quote, moderation tools...

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New improvements for the mobile version: quote, moderation tools... Empty New improvements for the mobile version: quote, moderation tools...

Post by The Godfather August 3rd 2020, 3:39 pm

New improvements for the mobile version of the forums: quote, moderation tools...

Dear Forumotion users,

To facilitate the use of the Forumotion forums on mobile devices, and in accordance with mobile-friendly practices, we have made some improvements to the functionality available on the modern mobile version. These are only "small" improvements but should prove very useful to some members.

Here is what consists of these new features which concern both members and forum administrators.

  • Members with the required rights now have access to the moderation tools allowing for example to delete a topic, lock it, divide it, move it... The moderation tools appear at the top of the topics (once logged into your account).

See example:

  • Quoting a message / a member is a feature that is widely used but was missing on the mobile version. It is now available in its simple version (no multiple quote for the moment).

See example:

  • A "Reply to topic" button is now available at the top of a topic for logged members with the right to reply.

See example:

  • Some users of the mobile version were embarrassed by the difficulty of posting a topic in the correct section. It is true that it is more difficult to navigate between the sections in order to publish a new topic on the mobile version compared to the desktop version. To solve this problem, you now have the possibility to choose the section in which to publish the topic directly on the topic creation page.

    By default, the section where the user is located is included in the form. However, the latter can display the forums and sub-forums and choose the section that suits him best to publish his topic. Of course, the sections displayed depend on the permissions allocated to each.

See example:
See example:

In order for this update to work optimally on the forum, administrators who have customized the mobile templates viewtopic_body, topics_list_box and posting_body must absolutely take the modifications below into account.

We hope you will share our opinion on the usefulness of this improvement,

See you soon, your Forumotion team.

Last edited by The Godfather on August 3rd 2020, 3:53 pm; edited 3 times in total
The Godfather
The Godfather

Posts : 5316
Reputation : 844

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New improvements for the mobile version: quote, moderation tools... Empty Re: New improvements for the mobile version: quote, moderation tools...

Post by The Godfather August 3rd 2020, 3:43 pm

In order for the new features of the mobile version to be present and to work optimally on your forum, if you have customized the viewtopic_body template or the topics_list_box template of the mobile version before this update, please make the replacements following for the modern mobile version:

Administration Panel > Display > Templates > Mobile version

The Godfather
The Godfather

Posts : 5316
Reputation : 844

SLGray, TonnyKamper, Jucarese and JaneDoe like this post

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