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New improvements for the mobile version of the forums

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Important New improvements for the mobile version of the forums

Post by The Godfather August 27th 2019, 2:57 pm

New features and improvements on the mobile version of Forumotion forums

Dear users,

Internet users are turning more and more into mobile users. As a result, traffic from a mobile has equaled and even exceeded traffic from a conventional desktop. That's why the Forumotion team has once again worked on improving navigation on the mobile version but not only. Some users have reported that important pages of the forum were missing: the topics followed, the latest forum discussions or private messaging for example. We therefore add these pages which are now adapted to navigation from a mobile device.

With these enhancements and additions, the new mobile version gives your community the following benefits:

  • A simpler navigation on mobile to browse your forum. The goal is to improve the user experience of visitors and members.
  • New features present that make life easier for users: access to the latest discussions, private messaging...
  • A mobile version ever more customizable and with the colors of your community: banner, colors, greeting and now the PWA on the forums.
  • A better referencing (SEO) of your forum thanks to a simpler navigation and an always 100% mobile-friendly forum.

Here is a detailed list of the changes made today to the modern mobile version of the Forumotion forums:

1. Added mobile private messaging: As on the desktop version, the mobile version now has its own mobile pages allowing the sending of new private messages as well as access to inboxes, sent messages, outboxes and archives (access to its different boxes is via a horizontal scrolling).

See example:

2. Added pages "Watched topics" + "Latest discussions": As with the desktop version, the mobile version now has its own mobile pages "Watched topics" + "Latest discussions"

See example:

3. Added an action bar: Enabled by default on all forums (not disableable) it allows guests and users direct access to certain pages:

  • Home page: Gives access to the home page
  • Last: Gives access to the page of the last discussions of the forum
    Login: Gives access to the login page

Members :
  • Home page: Gives access to the home page
  • Last: Gives access to the page of the last discussions of the forum
    Watched: Gives access to the page of watched topics by the member on the forum.
  • PM: Gives access to the private messaging

See example:

4. Addition of the breadcrumb in the topics: An ergonomic way for the user to find his way around when he is immersed in one or more Subforums.

See example:

5. Adding the member's avatar in the quick reply: The user's avatar is now displayed near his message editor in topic quick responses.

See example:

6. Addition of the "Homepage message" on the forum homepage on the mobile version: The content of the Homepage message is now displayed on its modern mobile version.

See example:

We hope that this improvement will bring you full satisfaction.

The Forumotion team king

Note :

  • Warning: your browser cache may cause forum appearance issues on your mobile. If it is, consider emptying the browser cache.

The Godfather
The Godfather

Posts : 5287
Reputation : 843

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