Displaying the recent activity in the profile
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Displaying the recent activity in the profile
Hi all,
We have developed a code that allows the display of the latest activity in user profiles. The code has been tested and works for phpBB and modernBB.
Panel > Modules > HTML & JAVASCRIPT > Javascript code management > Create a new JavaScript code
We have developed a code that allows the display of the latest activity in user profiles. The code has been tested and works for phpBB and modernBB.
Panel > Modules > HTML & JAVASCRIPT > Javascript code management > Create a new JavaScript code
- Title: Displaying the recent activity in the profile
- Location: All Pages
- Code:
- Code:
$(function() {
if (window.location.pathname.search("/u") !== -1) {
var default_language = 0; // 0 - romanian, 1 - english
var p_ID = window.location.pathname.replace(/[^0-9\ ]/g, ''),
p_is_online = false,
p_location = null,
p_last_update = null;
if (typeof p_ID === 'undefined') return;
var lang = [{
user_is_offline: "Nu exista date disponibile.<br /> Utilizatorul nu este conectat.",
recent_activity: "Activitate recenta",
loading: "Se incarca datele ...",
location: "Localizare in forum:",
last_update: "Ultima activitate:",
his_profile: "Profilul lui %s"
user_is_offline: "No data available. <br /> The user is not logged in.",
recent_activity: "Recent activity",
loading: "Loading data ...",
location: "Location in forum:",
last_update: "Last activity:",
his_profile: "%s's profile"
$.get("/viewonline", function(data) {
$('.forumbg a[href="/u' + p_ID + '"]', data).each(function() {
p_is_online = true;
p_username = $('a[href="/u' + p_ID + '"]', data).parent().parent().find('td:nth-child(1)').html();
p_location = ($('a[href="/u' + p_ID + '"]', data).parent().parent().find('td:nth-child(3)').html().search("/viewonline") > -1) ? lang[default_language].his_profile.replace("%s", p_username) : $('a[href="/u' + p_ID + '"]', data).parent().parent().find('td:nth-child(3)').html();
p_last_update = $('a[href="/u' + p_ID + '"]', data).parent().parent().find('td:nth-child(2)').html();
$("#user_activity").html("<strong>" + lang[default_language].location + "</strong> " + p_location + "<br /> <strong>" + lang[default_language].last_update + "</strong> " + p_last_update);
if (p_is_online === false) $("#user_activity").html(lang[default_language].user_is_offline);
}, "html");
$("#profile-advanced-right .module + .module").before('<div class="module" style="margin-bottom:4px;"><div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span><div class="h3"><span style="color:#EF3333"><strong>' + lang[default_language].recent_activity + '</strong></span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><div id="user_activity">' + lang[default_language].loading + '</div></div><span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div></div>');
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