Issue with Forum Tabs and other areas Color Issue Hitskin_logo

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    Issue with Forum Tabs and other areas Color Issue

    Nirr'ti Kala
    New Member

    Posts : 6
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    Location : EVE-Online (Ammatar Mandate)

    Issue with Forum Tabs and other areas Color Issue Empty Issue with Forum Tabs and other areas Color Issue

    Post by Nirr'ti Kala March 28th 2009, 6:49 pm

    So, pretty much I can't change the colors of the forum tabs, the tabs at the top, and the way of a lot of other things. Can anyone please check my site and see what they think the issue might be?

    To answer some questions: Yup, I went to the admin panel -> display -> colors -> and change the colors in Colors and Text Size to the colors I wish, but nothing. It only seems to work for when I bring my mouse pointer over the forum words, but I want the color to be blue - not just when I hover over.

    So, anyone got an idea? Also, before I am asked - I have pressed save button, refreshed the page, and also waited over an hour, so not sure where I am going wrong on this, anyone?

    Thanks in advanced!

    Site: (Our theme is more of a blue look because our name is Blue Nova Industries - Game group.)