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Managing Your Forum Width / Height

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Managing Your Forum Width / Height Empty Managing Your Forum Width / Height

Post by Rok Thu 26 Mar 2009 - 20:23

Managing Your Forum Width / Height

Let's say that you are starting off your forum, but the widht of the forum doesn't look right. There are a few ways to manage your forum's width to make it appeal to you.

You can change the width by percentage :

1. Administration Panel
2. General tab
3. Forum -- Configuration
4. Scroll down a little bit and you'll see the table for Forum Width.

You can manage your forum widgets to reduce / increase forum width / height :

1. Administration Panel
2. Modules tab
3. Portal & Widgets -- Forum widgets management
Display forum widgets : If you set as Yes, both widget columns will be removed from your forum index page (which will reduce the stress of scrolling over to view parts of the forum.)

Width column 1 (left) : If you want your forum widgets larger (which will increase forum width), you have to set the pixels from a minimum of 180. You can also remove this column (which will decrease the forum width and remove all widgets from the left side of the forum index.)

Width column 3 (right) : Same thing goes for the right-side column except the right-side column will be affected.

[Removing both columns will leave your forum without widgets and wll leave your forum width less wide. Adding Both columns will leave your forum wider with widgets.]

Space between two widgets : You can manage the space between each of the widgets vertically by setting the spaces between the each widget. Doing so would possibly reduce your forum height.

Space between columns : This will manage the space between each column in higher pixels (which can reduce/ increase your forum width.)

You can also delete / add some of your widgets to reduce / increase forum height.


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