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Dark Takua
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    Indexing Problems


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    Indexing Problems Empty Indexing Problems

    Post by Cman July 5th 2009, 8:20 pm

    Me and everybody else probaly wants their site to show up on Google. I have not banned any bots on my site. There is always a Google bot on my site. My site never shows up in Google's search engine. Like I posted a topic on this site, and Google had it indexed within a hour. If they are always on my site, why aren't they indexing things? I even checked the robots.txt file, Google is allowed on. Google has only like 5 of my pages. I have over 200 topics. Also, this site also has Msn, and Yahoo! robots, how do I get those robots on my site?
    Dark Takua
    Dark Takua
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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by Dark Takua July 5th 2009, 8:52 pm

    It will get up there Wink

    the Yahoo! and MSN will come Wink

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by Cman July 5th 2009, 8:56 pm

    but i have been waiting for half of a year, no result

    forumotion support forum gets it up there in an hour

    what the big deal is that since i have html pages, i have a google powered site search. people can't find all of my pages.
    Dark Takua
    Dark Takua
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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by Dark Takua July 5th 2009, 8:58 pm

    Well, maybe they are online when you aren't, i don't know Indexing Problems Mouais

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by Cman July 5th 2009, 9:02 pm

    is there some kind of bot control panel?

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by byt411 July 5th 2009, 9:18 pm

    Bot control panel? don't think so.

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by Mehtevas July 5th 2009, 9:19 pm wrote:is there some kind of bot control panel?
    No there is not

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by Cman July 5th 2009, 9:35 pm

    is there some way to control bots besides wbmasters?

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by doggyhse July 6th 2009, 11:26 am

    i think this is something related more to seo which i dont like forumotion include this feather for all of you.

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by Darren1 July 6th 2009, 12:01 pm


    The Yahoo! bot comes onto your forum after about the first month, where as the Google bot comes onto ur forum, within it's first few weeks.
    They both do create "indexed" versions of your forum; like the Google "cache" if you like.

    Your forum is not able to come up onto these searches for several weeks after they make their first visit; you can search for you forum by the "site name" but searches are always run by "Meta tags"

    Example: I have a site called "Microsoft support forum" and some of the meta tags are "Microsoft help" "help Microsoft" "Microsoft forum", and I want to find it on Google; putting in something not similar such as "johns forum" will not even come close to finding my site.
    However if I were to put in Google "Microsoft help" or "help Microsoft" or "Microsoft help forum" my forum has a high chance of being on the top half of my Google search.

    It also helps if you have a high activity number, as the higher it is, the better the ranking of ur site, and the higher the ranking, the more bots come, more actively.

    There is no bot control panel.

    Last edited by darren1 on July 6th 2009, 12:02 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Add additional information)

    Posts : 70
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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by doggyhse July 6th 2009, 1:25 pm

    if that is so simple, that would be great. ppl wont be using seo to make money. submitting your site and seo is diff. (correct me if im wrong)

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by notMicElf July 6th 2009, 1:48 pm

    What are you searching? It could be that other sites are more 'popular' (been visited more) than yours, and they're on the first page(s). your site could just be a few pages back.

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by Cman July 7th 2009, 3:53 am

    darren1 wrote:Hello,

    The Yahoo! bot comes onto your forum after about the first month, where as the Google bot comes onto ur forum, within it's first few weeks.
    They both do create "indexed" versions of your forum; like the Google "cache" if you like.

    Your forum is not able to come up onto these searches for several weeks after they make their first visit; you can search for you forum by the "site name" but searches are always run by "Meta tags"

    Example: I have a site called "Microsoft support forum" and some of the meta tags are "Microsoft help" "help Microsoft" "Microsoft forum", and I want to find it on Google; putting in something not similar such as "johns forum" will not even come close to finding my site.
    However if I were to put in Google "Microsoft help" or "help Microsoft" or "Microsoft help forum" my forum has a high chance of being on the top half of my Google search.

    It also helps if you have a high activity number, as the higher it is, the better the ranking of ur site, and the higher the ranking, the more bots come, more actively.

    There is no bot control panel.

    I have had my forum since 2008.

    notMicElf wrote:What are you searching? It could be that other sites are more 'popular' (been visited more) than yours, and they're on the first page(s). your site could just be a few pages back.

    I searched my forum's URL. I also used a bookmarklet tool to find all pages of my site. And I tried my site search. There was only like 5 pages or so of mine on there..I searched through pages.

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by kirk July 7th 2009, 5:20 am

    Also remember the bots can only gather information on topics/post of the forums that are open to all/guest. bots can not register on your forum there for they can not get into or gather any information that the forums are set for members only.

    so depending what you want to show. you can have your forums permissions set for guest to view but they would have to be a member to reply. if you forums are set this way then the bots can gather more information.. other then that meta tags is where it's at like Darren said.

    but like notMicElf said. if someone else has similar topics or meta tags that get more hits (more popular) then of course they will be the first ones to come up on the search engine.

    so that's just a lil more insight on the issue. but the more forums you have open for guest to at least view the more info bots can gather to add to there search engine.

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by Cman July 7th 2009, 5:33 am

    thanks for the help, but all of my forums are open.

    blackeye what could be going on?

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by notMicElf July 7th 2009, 5:54 am

    Cman wrote:thanks for the help, but all of my forums are open.

    blackeye what could be going on?

    It does take time, how long has your forum been up again?

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by Darren1 July 7th 2009, 8:50 am

    notMicElf wrote:
    Cman wrote:thanks for the help, but all of my forums are open.

    blackeye what could be going on?

    It does take time, how long has your forum been up again?

    It gas been open since 2008 Wink

    Can you inform us of the meta tags that your forum is using?

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by Cman July 8th 2009, 2:52 am

    i used one tag for google webmasters..but i made a html page with it on there..the page no longer exsists. the keywords for my site are: just, corbin

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by Darren1 July 8th 2009, 3:33 am

    Cman wrote:i used one tag for google webmasters..but i made a html page with it on there..the page no longer exsists. the keywords for my site are: just, corbin

    have you tried searching for just those terms "just" and "corban" yet?

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by Cman July 8th 2009, 4:49 am

    yes, i have, also i searched with my forum's URL. i have a google site search...that grabs all of my site's pages on Google and puts into my site search engine..only a couple of my pages are showing up in it.

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by Cman July 11th 2009, 5:44 am

    Also, I have another problem. I have a forum that guests can post in. Google bots are going in there and spamming my site search...they are indexing the link new topic on the guest forum. Whenever I search anything...there is always a page like that that says information. I am getting a little more indexed pages now..but not close to all of them.

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by †figure July 11th 2009, 3:01 pm

    What is your problem?
    How to stop the bots or how to set the permissions.

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by Cman July 11th 2009, 3:22 pm

    The problem is that only Google bots are on my site. I want MSN and Yahoo! bots to come too. Also, the Google bots are barely indexing anything of my forum. This is bad for me because my site search engine does not function correct. Also, the bots are indexing the new topics, quote, post reply, e.c.t. links on my guest forums.

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by †figure July 11th 2009, 3:59 pm

    Well there is a simple answer for your problem.
    You not forumotion nor anybody else but the company can make the bots come.

    There is no feature to stop them from coming so there is nothing you need to worry about.

    Last edited by †figure on July 11th 2009, 4:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by Cman July 11th 2009, 4:13 pm

    There is a code to ban them...but the problem is that not all of them are coming...and when some do come all day...they don't index everything they are supposted to.

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by †figure July 11th 2009, 4:15 pm

    Have you read what Darren said.

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    Indexing Problems Empty Yes...

    Post by Cman July 11th 2009, 4:54 pm

    I did try it.

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by †figure July 11th 2009, 4:55 pm

    darren1 wrote:
    There is no bot control panel.

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by Darren1 July 12th 2009, 1:07 am

    Cman, the MSN bot will only come when your forum reaches a pre-determined number of activity point's - end of story.

    Figure, there is a code to disallow bots to access ur forum, but I don't know it off hand Wink

    I have heard a little whisper through the grape vine about the Yahoo! bot;
    It is currently not properly indexing when it should be - the yahoo! team is currently working on fixing, and upgrading it.

    The Google bot will only index what guests can see.

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    Indexing Problems Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by MrMario July 12th 2009, 6:21 am

    You need to go to google summit your forum to the serach engine, go to other forums post the link and share the word of your forum. I would also suggest you add more mega tags so that its easyer for people to search your forum.