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Dark Takua
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    Indexing Problems


    Male Posts : 681
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    Location : Florida

    Indexing Problems - Page 2 Empty Indexing Problems

    Post by Cman July 5th 2009, 8:20 pm

    First topic message reminder :

    Me and everybody else probaly wants their site to show up on Google. I have not banned any bots on my site. There is always a Google bot on my site. My site never shows up in Google's search engine. Like I posted a topic on this site, and Google had it indexed within a hour. If they are always on my site, why aren't they indexing things? I even checked the robots.txt file, Google is allowed on. Google has only like 5 of my pages. I have over 200 topics. Also, this site also has Msn, and Yahoo! robots, how do I get those robots on my site?

    Male Posts : 11037
    Reputation : 653
    Language : English,Vulcan,Klingon, Romulan,& Gorn

    Indexing Problems - Page 2 Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by kirk July 12th 2009, 6:30 am

    MrMario wrote:You need to go to google summit your forum to the serach engine, go to other forums post the link and share the word of your forum. I would also suggest you add more mega tags so that its easyer for people to search your forum.

    yes i agree.
    actually we covered about as much as we can on this.
    lets sum this up. there's no reason to turn this in to a mill pages when all of the answers and suggestions where provided.

    Male Posts : 681
    Reputation : 5
    Language : English
    Location : Florida

    Indexing Problems - Page 2 Empty Re: Indexing Problems

    Post by Cman July 18th 2009, 5:18 am

    yea...the first problem is solved. the only reason i was concerned about this was because of my site search

    the second problem is that the bots are going into the guest forums and clicking on links like "reply", "new topic", e.c.t. what that is doing is spamming my site search with pages that say "information".