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    Hidden forums and content

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    Hidden forums and content Empty Hidden forums and content

    Post by nads November 16th 2009, 1:14 am

    Hi again,

    I have set up a hidden forum on my forum which can only be accessed when admin are happy the person has posted alot and arent trolls/advertisers/fakes/children etc. Are there any rules about what can be discussed in these forums such as things of a sexual nature (nothing lewd, just frank talk) or is this not allowed on any forum, regardless of them being hidden or not?

    Thanks Hello

    Male Posts : 11037
    Reputation : 653
    Language : English,Vulcan,Klingon, Romulan,& Gorn

    Hidden forums and content Empty Re: Hidden forums and content

    Post by kirk November 16th 2009, 1:50 am

    All forums tos still apply. i mean you can have conversations on an adult level.There are many things that can be talked about that have nothing to do with sex and can be adult conversations. But anything being discussed in a sexual nature. you would want to keep non explicit and on a mature level.

    Just use your best judgement on what would be going to far. Honestly it's better to just avoid allowing things like this all together.. but it would all deepened on what exactly is being discussed and if it where explicit or offencive to others or not?

    Remember people complain about everthing and anything. so if complaints where to come in then forumotion litigation's would have to investigate and make a decision on whether it is to extreme and breaking tos or not.

    so once again you would be better off avoiding any such conversations.
    but it's your forum and your call. So just use your best judgement and dont let things get to explicit or carried away.

    The best way to look at things to try and analyse or put in perspective.
    Would be to think of haveing all content on a PG 13 rating. IF it was something that would be inappropriate for a thirteen year old. then you could face warnings and or lose your forum, depending exactly what is on the forum,if complaints come in and how explicit or offensive the complaints of the content in question may be.
    It would also be for forumotions litigation's to decide and make any decisions on warnings or a forums to be shut down.

    Hope that helps a lil.
    New Member

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    Hidden forums and content Empty Re: Hidden forums and content

    Post by nads November 16th 2009, 3:25 pm

    Thanks for your reply, very helpful! It has never been explicit but since i've opened this hidden forum maybe the members will chat more openly about personal issues, but i will keep an eye on things, i've also got words censored x

    Male Posts : 11037
    Reputation : 653
    Language : English,Vulcan,Klingon, Romulan,& Gorn

    Hidden forums and content Empty Re: Hidden forums and content

    Post by kirk November 16th 2009, 6:55 pm

    nads wrote:Thanks for your reply, very helpful! It has never been explicit but since i've opened this hidden forum maybe the members will chat more openly about personal issues, but i will keep an eye on things, i've also got words censored x

    ok cool Smile

    Topic marked solved and now locked