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Post by The Godfather November 5th 2007, 12:26 pm

Searching Post

How does the search feature work and how do I use it?

The forumotion search engine browses through the topic titles of your threads instead of the content. This is why a topic title should be as descriptive and explicit as possible. To get good search results later, try to choose words that another user might use in his search.

If you click on the search link in the top navigation bar, a popup will appear for you to enter the search terms already. If you are redirected to the advanced search immediately, be sure you have activated Javascript in your browser. The advanced search allows to specify additional info, restrictions and sorting options. You can also search you site with google there.

You can use also wildcarts "*" for your search. For example, test* would return topics that contain "test" as well as topics that contain "testing".

There are also some preset search settings, that delivers results with only one click. Those links are usually located at the top of your forum. Those are: "View posts since last visit • View your posts • View unanswered posts". What leads us to the next point of this tutorial already:

I can't find the topic I posted

A moderator may have moved your topic to a more appropriate place, especially if the topic is in the wrong section or if it needs the intervention of an Administrator (for exemple, if the member can't use the utilities because he lost his creation password), if it doesn't respect the rules, or if you translated a tutorial

How to find my topics then?

There are two ways, really simple, but unfortunately forgotten by many members.

The first way, the most neglected one: In the homepage, you just have to click on the second link indicated with red in this screenshot - "view your posts":
Searching Posts Search10

The second way is to click on the Searching Posts Profile at the bottom of your messages. On the right side, in the statistics part, you'll also find links to show all posts of this user. This list goes back to approximately the last 300 posts of that user.

The Godfather
The Godfather

Posts : 5281
Reputation : 843

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