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Touch Social - Invision

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Solved Touch Social - Invision

Post by Reborn12 Tue 31 Jul - 11:17


I've been recently working on my forum with the coding aspect and had a look at this feature posted on the forums:

However, it seems to only work in forums other that 'Invision' which my forum is running on. I've followed the tutorial and put the certain code in the css style sheet but with the html part where textures are shown, in my ACP it tells me that only php etc forums can be changed so i then created a html page for the html code but that didn't work either.

Can anyone please help me with putting this feature on my Invision forum?

- I tried replying to the section linked above but i didn't not have access to it.


Is there a way to hide the code in the announcement?
And how do i link the buttons to the community's youtube site etc?

Last edited by Reborn12 on Tue 31 Jul - 11:47; edited 6 times in total (Reason for editing : Update)
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Solved Re: Touch Social - Invision

Post by SLGray Tue 31 Jul - 11:23

Put the HTML in an announcement that is on all pages.

Touch Social - Invision Slgray10

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Solved Re: Touch Social - Invision

Post by Jophy Wed 1 Aug - 9:55

Since the topic was marked solved, topic moved.

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