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Password problems or Lost your Founder's Password

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Password problems or Lost your Founder's Password Empty Password problems or Lost your Founder's Password

Post by Shadow September 11th 2013, 3:31 pm

Password issues

  • You have to be the founder of the forum,
  • You should only contact one staff member, and be patient,
  • Before you can send a private message, you must have posted at least one message on the forum,
  • Be brief and concise: there is no need to write a lot about your issue unless we ask you to,
  • You must not post the requested information on the forum in public under any circumstances.

You have lost the forum password

  1. This will only work if the security option of not sending the password for administrators and moderators is disabled. If this option is activated on your forum, check step 2.

    If this is the case, when you try to connect to the forum, click on the link "I forgot my password" (example). You can also access it at this address: taking care to replace with your forum address.

  2. If the option preventing the sending of a new password to administrators and moderators is enabled, go to the founder's tools (click here). Log in with the foundation email OR the forum address and password. Generally, unless you have changed it later, this will be the first password used on the forum.

    Once logged in, you will be able to access the "Forum security" section, where the option can be disabled. Disable it, and repeat the previous step from the forum login form (step 1). If you can't remember the password needed to login the founder tools, please check the next point.


You have lost the founder utilities password

    If you have lost the password to login the founder's tools, please send the following information by private message to one of the Forumotion staff members indicated at the end of this guide:

    • The URL of your forum:
    • The email of foundation: (if you can't remember, give us a list of potential email addresses)
    • I also lost the password of the founder account on the forum: YES - NO

Founder email isn't working anymore

    If you cannot get access via your email provider, send a private message to one of the Forumotion staff members indicated at the end of this guide with the following filled out:

    • The URL of your forum:
    • The email of foundation: (if you can't remember, give us a list of potential email addresses)
    • A new e-mail address to be used as a foundation email:

Forumotion staff members that manage password problems: @SLGray @APE @brandon_g @TheCrow and @skouliki
Remember to contact only one staff member

Last edited by Shadow on September 14th 2018, 7:03 pm; edited 2 times in total

Male Posts : 16208
Reputation : 1832
Language : French, English

TonnyKamper, poesia-verses, Lark1, The Last Outlaw, Sanja Maksimović and MysticBlueDragon like this post

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Password problems or Lost your Founder's Password Empty Re: Password problems or Lost your Founder's Password

Post by SLGray February 15th 2022, 1:39 am

A lot of members need to understand that we can only help with password issues related to the founder's account, not any other account on forums.

Password problems or Lost your Founder's Password Slgray10

When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
Never post your email in public.

Male Posts : 51554
Reputation : 3523
Language : English
Location : United States

SarkZKalie, TonnyKamper and Lark1 like this post

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