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Frequently Asked Questions

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Post by The Godfather November 30th 2009, 12:19 am

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
Information and advice to administrate and reference your forum,
To help you with your administration panel,
To guide and introduce you to the options provided by Forumotion.

Frequently Asked Questions Double12Here you will find a non-exhaustive list of tutorials to help you know how to administrate and manage your forum and how to use the different possibilities provided by Forumotion.

Frequently Asked Questions Sugg10

Frequently Asked Questions Naviga10Quick Navigation
Links to quickly jump to a FAQ category.
  1. To be read
  2. Reference of your forum (Essential)
  3. Organize your board
  4. Forum appearance
  5. Hitskin
  6. Gallery
  7. Templates
  8. Portal & Widgets
  9. Modules
  10. Calendar
  11. As Moderator & User
  12. Domain names
  13. Juridical help
  14. Miscellaneous
  15. Troubleshooting

Frequently Asked Questions Read10To be read
Security and Foundation

Security & Passwords
Forumotion : maximum security for your forums
Password problems (Lost your Founder's Password?)
OnlineGuardian: What to do
My forum was "hacked"
I've received a message from Forumotion, is it true ?
How does a backup work ?
Foundation email
How to activate a new member?
Help Keeping your forum safe from hackers.

Forum Glossary
Some basic definitions
Differences between Forums and Categories
The admin panel
Basic Post Layout
How to import an external forum to Forumotion?

Frequently Asked Questions Refere10Reference of your forum (Essential)
Advice to help you with referencing your forum on Google and other search engines.

How to Add Keywords (MetaTags)
Google Webmaster Tools
Optimize your forum referencing with Google sitemaps Frequently Asked Questions 2101011 14/03/22
Forum Promotion
How To Change Your Forum Address + Forum Name. Frequently Asked Questions New110

Frequently Asked Questions Organi10Organize your board
Generalities on the configuration and management of your forum

How to configure and use your custom email boxes?
Categories and Forums - Creation and Appearance
Organizing Groups / Colors in Legend Frequently Asked Questions 2101010 07.14.2023
Adding Rules to the Registration Process
Forum Timezone & Language
Designate Moderators
User Ranks Frequently Asked Questions 2101011 07.31.2023
How to Activate Users Manually
Auto-Subscribe to groups
How to Activate Blogs
How to manage your storage space?
How to manage Permissions
Extended Search
Forum On Holiday, Forum Under Construction
How to make a backup of your templates Frequently Asked Questions New110

Frequently Asked Questions Design10Forum appearance
Everything on how to make your forum look better.

Installing themes
How to install a FavIcon (browser address bar icon)
The Navigation bar
How to install a Banner/Logo
Personalized Profile fields / Warning System
Cascading Stylesheets (CSS)
Smilies / Emoticons
GIFs in the editor
How to Setup Members' Avatar's Sizes
Managing Your Forum Width/Height
Edit profiles fields browsing through the members profiles
The Advanced profile
Reputation system (Evaluation   "Thanks" Button)
Scrolling announcements
The points system Frequently Asked Questions 2101011 01/08/21
Login Pop-up
Topic Icons - How to add a "solved" icon
Global Announcements
Adding Signature Limitations
Disabling ads on your forum

Frequently Asked Questions Hitski10Hitskin
Everything on Forumotion theme hosting.

How to use Hitskin?
How to install and submit a skin?
Your skins on Hitskin without authorisation? You want to delete it?

Frequently Asked Questions Galler10Gallery
Information on how to use your forum gallery.

How to use the Gallery

Frequently Asked Questions Templa10Templates
How to modify the templates of your forum and personalize it.

Forumotion Templates

Frequently Asked Questions Misc10Portal & Widgets
Install a homepage for your forum / Install widgets.

The Portal
Forum Widgets

Frequently Asked Questions Custom10Modules
Information on special features of your forum.

The RPG feature
Creating HTML Pages
The Forumotion Chatbox
Have any Widget on Navigation Bar
How to send a Newsletter
The Report System
Flood Control
"Popular Content' Newsletters

Frequently Asked Questions Calend10Calendar
Information on how to use your forum calendar.

The Calendar

Frequently Asked Questions Users10As Moderator & User
What moderators and users can do on Forumotion forums.

Moderator Guide
Your Profile, Avatar & Signature
Private Messages
Basic BBCodes on Forumotion boards
Creating Polls
Sticky & Announcement
Searching Posts
Banning Members

Frequently Asked Questions Domain10Domain names & SSL certificate
How to use a personalized domain name or SSL Certificate on Forumotion forums.

Custom your Domain Name
Redirecting a domain name acquired outside Forumotion
Domain name transfer
SSL Certificate: Guide for a success forum migration to HTTPS Frequently Asked Questions Update11Sun, Sept. 29, 2019

Frequently Asked Questions Judge10Juridical help
The Admin : Responsibilities, Legal notes & Info

Forum Security
The Utilities - Backup and Restore
Credits Management
Legal Notes / Copyright, Music, Videoclips and similar content
Admin Obligations - Account deletion / Personal Info
Forumotion Database
Recovery or Change the Founder of an Account
Forumotion Copyrights

Frequently Asked Questions Sugg10Miscellaneous
Other information about your forum.

Word & Username Censorship
ServImg Imagehost Tutorial
Change your e-mail address
Text Sitemap
How to identify your forum version
Monetization of your forum
Forumotion Packages
Forum Limits

Frequently Asked Questions Admin10Troubleshooting
Information on what to do when all else fails.

I forgot my passwords / forum address - what to do?
I recieved a PM, but no pop-up opens!
How to Unlock your Forum
Enabling HTML Frequently Asked Questions 2101011 07.14.2023
How to - Clear the cache & Cookies in Your browsers
The Godfather
The Godfather

Posts : 5181
Reputation : 833

Johnalex Zarco likes this post

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