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Your skins on Hitskin without authorization? You want to delete it?

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Your skins on Hitskin without authorization? You want to delete it? Empty Your skins on Hitskin without authorization? You want to delete it?

Post by Shadow November 14th 2013, 10:03 am

You want to delete your Hitskin skin?


Even if offers free skins, all Hitskins skins are copyrighted© by the owner.

1. Your skins on Hitskins without your authorization?

One of your skins, that you have created and submitted (or not) to Hitskin, was downloaded to our sharing-website without your consent. You can contact our staff to remove the skin from Hitskin.

Please send a private message to Forumotion Staff

Please follow this method:
1- The url with the plagiarized skin details + the original website on which you displayed the skin. ("Only if the skin has already been posted by you")
2- Email of your Hitskin account ("Only if the skin has already been posted by you")
3- An irrefutable proof you are the owner of the skin

As soon as we receive the complaint, we will make a decision and send you a message via PM

2- You want to delete your skin from Hitskin.

Please send a private message to Forumotion Staff

Please follow this method:
1-The url with the skin details to delete
2-Email of your Hitskin account

Your skins on Hitskin without authorization? You want to delete it? Warnin10After one month, your skin will belong to our community. That means we are under no obligation to delete the skin!


Male Posts : 16208
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Your skins on Hitskin without authorization? You want to delete it? Empty Re: Your skins on Hitskin without authorization? You want to delete it?

Post by wunderwood February 23rd 2020, 3:58 am

After one month WHAT? You get to claim ownership of copyrighted artwork? How can you begin to believe that this is legal? I mean, honestly I would love to have a Wolfhome theme on here and promote the site, but you can't just STEAL someone's artwork! I have contracts and agreements with artists. I am surprised you are able to get away with this.
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Your skins on Hitskin without authorization? You want to delete it? Empty Re: Your skins on Hitskin without authorization? You want to delete it?

Post by SLGray February 23rd 2020, 4:05 am

That statement is referring to the person who uploaded the theme.

Your skins on Hitskin without authorization? You want to delete it? Slgray10

When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
Never post your email in public.

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Your skins on Hitskin without authorization? You want to delete it? Empty Re: Your skins on Hitskin without authorization? You want to delete it?

Post by wunderwood February 23rd 2020, 4:26 am

Okay, sorry for the misunderstanding.
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Posts : 8
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Language : English

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