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Are there skins/themes available to install on forumotion forums not via hitskin?

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Are there skins/themes available to install on forumotion forums not via hitskin? Empty Are there skins/themes available to install on forumotion forums not via hitskin?

Post by ~Edmin~ August 22nd 2014, 11:47 pm

I was just wondering if there was anywhere else that skins or themes can be obtained and installed on forumotion forums other than hitskin? I have looked through all 188 pages and can't see any that would suit my forum. Any suggestions?
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Are there skins/themes available to install on forumotion forums not via hitskin? Empty Re: Are there skins/themes available to install on forumotion forums not via hitskin?

Post by SLGray August 23rd 2014, 1:50 am

There might be some on forums where members share their themes.  Checkout the promotion section.

Are there skins/themes available to install on forumotion forums not via hitskin? Slgray10

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