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How to import your external forum on Forumotion?

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How to import your external forum on Forumotion? Empty How to import your external forum on Forumotion?

Post by Shadow June 25th 2014, 4:39 pm

How to import your external forum on Forumotion?

How to import your external forum on Forumotion? Import10

Idea You will soon be a member of Forumotion

Forumotion is the largest host of free forums on the Internet. We provide the best forum service to help your online community thrive.
With over one million active forums created, Forumotion is one of the leaders in the forum sector.

On Forumotion, all the internet forums include many new and free features: free forum hosting, unlimited sub-forums, tools to moderate the discussions, RPG features, customized domain, free forum skins, awesome avatars’ creation, etc. You can switch your forum versions when you want: PhpBB, PunBB or Invision
If you have any issue, a staff member is available 24/7 on the support forum.

If you would like to import your external forum to Forumotion... There are only 4 steps to import your forum. This process is absolutely FREE!!.  Mr. Green

Don't hesitate to contact our team on the support forum. They are available to answer all your questions  cheers

How to import your external forum on Forumotion? Create10

Add STEP 1: You have a self-hosted forum (phpBB, Invision or PunBB)

Self-hosting is an operation that consists in hosting a forum on its own machines or on a provider that allows you to get the database. In that case, the administrator must install all scripts on his/her forum, configure the database, manage SEO rules,... before starting to use the forum. By consequences, the founder must have technical skills.

That's why, Forumotion offers the opportunity to dump the database in order to make your life easier without any stress and cost. Smile
- No stress: Our engineering teams ensure the running, the maintenance, the backup, the new options of your forum.
- No fee: Once your forum hosted on our service, our services are free regardless of the size, the number of subjects, the number of memebrs of your forum...

Many big forums have already imported their forums on Forumotion. Why not you???  fufufu

Add STEP 2: Get the dump of the database

In order to get the dump of your forum database (PhppBB, Invision or PunBB), simply connect to your web management application for the MySQL database.

In our example, we will work with phpMyAdmin, which is one of the most popular interface to manage a MySQL database on a PHP server. Many hosts, whether free or paid, offer this process.
How to import your external forum on Forumotion? 25-06-10

Connect on your MySQL interface:

How to import your external forum on Forumotion? Server10

On the list, choose your forum database that you would like to import on Forumotion (In this example PhpBB), that click on "Export":

How to import your external forum on Forumotion? 25-06-10

Then, you will have the export database page:

1- Select the "custom" option in order to have all options
2- Select all databases
3- Select "zipped" compression

How to import your external forum on Forumotion? 25-06-11

Finally click on "GO"

How to import your external forum on Forumotion? 25-06-12

You will have to register the file on your computer. (In this example the file name is
How to import your external forum on Forumotion? Zip10
You will have to provide this file to Forumotion.

Exclamation Warning: Once the dump starts, all new information displayed on the forum (subjects, messages, users...) will not be imported on the new Forumotion forum.
By consequence, you must close your forum for maintenance.

Add STEP 3: Create your Forumotion Forum

Once you get your forum database, you can send us your importation request via the importation form. This form is available on the last creation step.
Nothing is more easy!!!! Create your Forumotion forum: HERE

This is fast and free. For more information, you also have this tutorial: How to create a free forum on Forumotion?

Add STEP 4: Send your importation request to Forumotion

The process is very simple. You just have to file the importation form available on the last forum creation step.

How to import your external forum on Forumotion? Forum_11
On the last creation page, you will have the option to import your external forum to Forumotion:
How to import your external forum on Forumotion? Import11

Once you click on "YES", the form appears:
How to import your external forum on Forumotion? Import12

1- Your email address: This email is the foundation email of your Forumotion forum. This address must be valid so that Forumotion team contacts you easily Smile
2- The URL of your previous forum to import to Forumotion: This url should be available on the web. Our team must check if the forum fits with our Terms of Service
3- Comments and questions: This part is optional but allows us to add some comments.

Then, download the database file:
How to import your external forum on Forumotion? Browse11

How to import your external forum on Forumotion? File10

The download process can take minutes to hours depending on your database size Smile

How to import your external forum on Forumotion? 10010

Once the database sends to Forumotion, you will receive a confirmation email.
The new forum will be available with all the data as soon as possible (within 48 hours depending on the database size!)

Right now, you don't have to do more. The team will contact you via the email provided.

How to import your external forum on Forumotion? WarningFor the best follow-up of your request, we advise you to open a new topic in the  Migration requests section on our support forum, specifying the URL of your new forum and/or other information relating to the import.

This subject will allow us to keep in touch with you. If necessary, you can also ask any questions to the team in charge of importing your Forum directly in this topic.

Please note:
- For security reason some data won't be imported on your forum like password and private messages. Thanks for your understanding Smile
- After the process, you have to follow Forumotion rules.
We look forward to welcoming you!  banana


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