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The Forumotion external widget to integrate your forum last topics on a website

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The Forumotion external widget to integrate your forum last topics on a website Empty The Forumotion external widget to integrate your forum last topics on a website

Post by Luzz November 4th 2021, 10:35 am

Dear users, 

We have already launched several features allowing the integration of external content on a Forumotion forum. This is the case of the Discord widget or the Twitter widget for example. This time, we reversed the question: "And why not offer a widget that allows you to integrate the forum on an external site?". This is the objective of the Forumotion external widget

This feature allows you to generate an EMBED code that you can then integrate on a website other than the forum: a personal website, a blog or another forum for example. Once integrated, the widget will display the latest forum topics. Some options are available allowing you to customize the display and content of the widget: desired width, display of a "See more" button to access the forum, display of the logo, etc. 

Here are all customization options available for this feature:

The Forumotion external widget to integrate your forum last topics on a website Ext-wi10

To access the configuration options and generate the integration code, go to the Administration Panel >> Modules >> Forumotion external widget 

Once the configuration is complete, all you have to do is click on "Generate" and retrieve the HTML code below. You just have to copy and paste it on an external site where you want to display this widget.

In short, you have the ability to post the latest discussions from your forum on any website! Here is how it looks when we integrate the external support forum widget on a WordPress site for example:

The Forumotion external widget to integrate your forum last topics on a website Widget12

This widget takes the design of the forum and can be customized via personal CSS.

Administrators who have not activated the SSL certificate on their forum will not be able to integrate the Forumotion external widget on an external site using the HTTPS protocol.

See you soon with some more updates.

The Forumotion Team  king

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