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smilie box,too small would this do better in another category?

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Solved smilie box,too small would this do better in another category?

Post by wotsupdawg December 5th 2012, 8:37 pm

too small.It's the width. I wanted to change the width but i can't make the needed change in the CSS code. Can it be done. The width is far too narrow and i get 1 smilie per row.Unlike the one here where there's at least 6 and you can click the arrow to view more.Not on my board.
you have to scroll all the way through to get to eacn one and you can BARELY click the arrow to change to the next set either.

I can't use the link to show you the page where the problem is occurring for at least 7 days. If you need more info to help let me know. Will see what i CAN provide.
NEVER MIND .got it.
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Solved Re: smilie box,too small would this do better in another category?

Post by SLGray December 6th 2012, 3:58 am

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smilie box,too small would this do better in another category? Slgray10

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