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Music Player

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Solved Music Player

Post by xX_Lew_Fu_Xx April 8th 2013, 1:25 am

ok so I want to add a music player toour clan site..2 questions.. what music player and how do i add it..Please help..aaaaarg
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Solved Re: Music Player

Post by SLGray April 8th 2013, 3:25 am

Music Player Slgray10

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Solved Re: Music Player

Post by xX_Lew_Fu_Xx April 8th 2013, 6:21 am

I tried all of these.. im probably just an idiot but i cant make it work...? All they do is display the music.. Cant figure it out...I am pretty computer illiterate so..? anyway to have someone install it for me? its
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Solved Re: Music Player

Post by Sanket April 8th 2013, 7:10 am
If you did all of the things mentioned in the tutorial.
Can you tell us, where & what code did you add?

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Solved Re: Music Player

Post by kirk April 8th 2013, 6:55 pm

I use internet radio from delicast

If you like to find a couple stations you want to add this way just give me the link to the station you want and i can give you the code for it.


Or here is the code i use, but you have to go in to the view source on the delicast page of the station you want, then find and use the link for src=

below in the red is where you would add the src= link, you would right click on the page of the station you want,view source code, then find the src= link.. it is usually not to far from the top of the page and you will see object or embed tags and know it is right around there

<object ID="MP" CLASSID="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" type="application/x-oleobject" height="63" width="250">
<PARAM NAME="Mute" VALUE="false">
<PARAM Name="Volume" Value="100">
<PARAM Name="autoStart" Value="false">
<PARAM NAME="ShowStatusBar" value="true">
<PARAM NAME="uiMode" value="mini">
<EMBED TYPE="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage="" ID="WM"
Name="WM" Width="250" Height="63" Src="SRC LINK HERE" AutoSize="1" AutoStart="0" ClickToPlay="1" DisplaySize="0" EnableContextMenu="1" EnableFullScreenControls="1" EnableTracker="0" Mute="0" volume="100" PlayCount="1" ShowControls="1" ShowAudioControls="1" ShowDisplay="0" ShowGotoBar="0" ShowPositionControls="0" ShowStatusBar="1" ShowTracker="0">

Other then that, this is just another easy way to do it, like i said i can give you the src= link for any stations you want if you are not sure how to find them in the source code, You can also adjust the code to auto play or dimensions even invisible if you wanted to as well, and that code should work for all browsers.

So yeah just another way to add music thumright

Male Posts : 11037
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Solved Re: Music Player

Post by xX_Lew_Fu_Xx April 9th 2013, 2:52 am

kirk wrote:I use internet radio from delicast

If you like to find a couple stations you want to add this way just give me the link to the station you want and i can give you the code for it.


Or here is the code i use, but you have to go in to the view source on the delicast page of the station you want, then find and use the link for src=

below in the red is where you would add the src= link, you would right click on the page of the station you want,view source code, then find the src= link.. it is usually not to far from the top of the page and you will see object or embed tags and know it is right around there

<object ID="MP" CLASSID="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" type="application/x-oleobject" height="63" width="250">
<PARAM NAME="Mute" VALUE="false">
<PARAM Name="Volume" Value="100">
<PARAM Name="autoStart" Value="false">
<PARAM NAME="ShowStatusBar" value="true">
<PARAM NAME="uiMode" value="mini">
<EMBED TYPE="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage="" ID="WM"
Name="WM" Width="250" Height="63" Src="SRC LINK HERE" AutoSize="1" AutoStart="0" ClickToPlay="1" DisplaySize="0" EnableContextMenu="1" EnableFullScreenControls="1" EnableTracker="0" Mute="0" volume="100" PlayCount="1" ShowControls="1" ShowAudioControls="1" ShowDisplay="0" ShowGotoBar="0" ShowPositionControls="0" ShowStatusBar="1" ShowTracker="0">

Other then that, this is just another easy way to do it, like i said i can give you the src= link for any stations you want if you are not sure how to find them in the source code, You can also adjust the code to auto play or dimensions even invisible if you wanted to as well, and that code should work for all browsers.

So yeah just another way to add music thumright
I dont get it? also can i put my own music on it..

Last edited by xX_Lew_Fu_Xx on April 9th 2013, 2:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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Solved Re: Music Player

Post by xX_Lew_Fu_Xx April 9th 2013, 2:55 am

I still dont understand.. here is the code from seamless music player
<!-- SCM Music Player -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""
data-config="{'skin':'skins/scmGreen/skin.css','volume':100,'autoplay':true,'shuffle':false,'repeat':0,'placement':'top','showplaylist':false,'playlist':[{'title':'Black Ops Rap','url':''},{'title':'Let the bodies hit the Floor','url':' drowning-pool-bodies-let-the-1'},{'title':'All','url':''}]}" ></script>
<!-- SCM Music Player script end -->

I did this with the widget stuff didnt work just shows the code no music.. also i even went to my home page html code ..pasted the player in there.. player bar showed up at the top of my site but no music plays..???? I even tried the soundcloud thing all of it..I dont know AAaaaaaarg
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Solved Re: Music Player

Post by SLGray April 9th 2013, 3:05 am

Please don't double/triple post. Your post need to be separated by 24 hours before bumping, replying or adding more information. Please use the edit button instead!

Music Player Slgray10

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Solved Re: Music Player

Post by moi_lolito April 9th 2013, 5:55 am

I am having the same problem as xX_Lew_Fu_Xx, I did all the steps correctly and the player appears at the bottom of my forum, but the music simply doesn't play, maybe the problem here is that the link should be direct and end with an .mp3? If that's the case, could somebody provide a nice file host for that? I have tried to search around, but all file hosts just provide a direct download link, and this doesn't work it seems

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Solved Re: Music Player

Post by Sanket April 9th 2013, 6:17 am

Upload the file to a website like which is a webhost.

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Solved Re: Music Player

Post by kirk April 9th 2013, 8:33 pm

or you can always try something like podbean.. Pretty sure they give you 1bg for free which is plenty to create a nice play list. you can upload your own music to a play list and they give you a embed code?

Sanket wrote:Upload the file to a website like which is a webhost.

sanket what file has to be uploaded?
Just wondering if it is a script you may be able to import it from a html or java script page.
I will have to see what you have in the tutorial Smile

Male Posts : 11037
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Solved Re: Music Player

Post by xX_Lew_Fu_Xx April 12th 2013, 8:16 am

kirk wrote:or you can always try something like podbean.. Pretty sure they give you 1bg for free which is plenty to create a nice play list. you can upload your own music to a play list and they give you a embed code?

Sanket wrote:Upload the file to a website like which is a webhost.

sanket what file has to be uploaded?
Just wondering if it is a script you may be able to import it from a html or java script page.
I will have to see what you have in the tutorial Smile
Hey thanks so much.. podbean works and you can modify the code to auto play.. wow.. podbean is the one.... :wouhou:
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Solved Re: Music Player

Post by Sanket April 12th 2013, 8:22 am

Topic Solved & Locked

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