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Adding code into CSS Stylesheet but when saved less than half of the whole code gets saved! Help!

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Solved Adding code into CSS Stylesheet but when saved less than half of the whole code gets saved! Help!

Post by ryz July 23rd 2013, 1:52 pm

As the title says, I'm trying to add a code into my CSS stylesheet, but when i hit save and go back to the very end of the css stylesheet where I added the code, I only see less then half of it actually got saved, tried repeatidly to save the full code but the same problem remains.

An example of how it looks like and causing problem for:

my css stylesheet contains of 3248 of lines, it can't be full can it be?

Last edited by ryz on July 23rd 2013, 2:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

Male Posts : 85
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Language : English

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Solved Re: Adding code into CSS Stylesheet but when saved less than half of the whole code gets saved! Help!

Post by Ange Tuteur July 23rd 2013, 2:19 pm

You don't really need to make multiple threads of your problems, but I believe you may have reached the character limit for the stylesheet.

Read over this thread for minimizing your CSS.
Ange Tuteur
Ange Tuteur

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Solved Re: Adding code into CSS Stylesheet but when saved less than half of the whole code gets saved! Help!

Post by ryz July 23rd 2013, 2:40 pm

SethC1995 wrote:You don't really need to make multiple threads of your problems, but I believe you may have reached the character limit for the stylesheet.

Read over this thread for minimizing your CSS.

 I know, Thanks!

Male Posts : 85
Reputation : 1
Language : English

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Solved Re: Adding code into CSS Stylesheet but when saved less than half of the whole code gets saved! Help!

Post by Ange Tuteur July 23rd 2013, 4:36 pm

You're welcome, good luck. Wink
Ange Tuteur
Ange Tuteur

Male Posts : 13207
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Location : Pennsylvania

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Solved Re: Adding code into CSS Stylesheet but when saved less than half of the whole code gets saved! Help!

Post by SLGray July 23rd 2013, 7:30 pm

Topic Solved & Locked

Adding code into CSS Stylesheet but when saved less than half of the whole code gets saved! Help! Slgray10

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Male Posts : 51608
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Language : English
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