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is this legal to use this css code to hide some links

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Solved is this legal to use this css code to hide some links

Post by Michael_vx Wed 7 May - 4:21

is this legal to use this css code to hide some links












i wonder if there any problem by that thank you

Last edited by Michael_vx on Wed 7 May - 6:40; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : i forget something in the code)

Male Posts : 664
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Language : Arabic and some English
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Solved Re: is this legal to use this css code to hide some links

Post by Ange Tuteur Wed 7 May - 6:30

The last selector is to hide the free forum support on footer, correct ? If so you should remove that one as you're not allowed to modify those footer links. Furthermore, if you link back to the support those links may not appear in posts, so that will cause you more issues, or "unwanted side effects".

All the other ones looked fine.
Ange Tuteur
Ange Tuteur

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Solved Re: is this legal to use this css code to hide some links

Post by Michael_vx Wed 7 May - 6:36

Ange Tuteur wrote:The last selector is to hide the free forum support on footer, correct ? If so you should remove that one as you're not allowed to modify those footer links. Furthermore, if you link back to the support those links may not appear in posts, so that will cause you more issues, or "unwanted side effects".

All the other ones looked fine.
you are talking about

am i right ?
alright thank you then for info
and one last thing check my tuto i have sent thanks you
this topic is done as solved

Male Posts : 664
Reputation : 29
Language : Arabic and some English
Location : Egypt

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Solved Re: is this legal to use this css code to hide some links

Post by SLGray Wed 7 May - 9:40

Topic Solved & Archived

You are not allowed to modify the footer links, unless you use credits.

hide - is this legal to use this css code to hide some links Slgray10

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