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How do i add multiple userbar images to posts

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How do i add multiple userbar images to posts Empty How do i add multiple userbar images to posts

Post by Iandartez September 20th 2014, 4:10 am

I'm looking to add multi userbar ranks underneath forum names for posts like this

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How do i add multiple userbar images to posts Empty Re: How do i add multiple userbar images to posts

Post by SLGray September 20th 2014, 4:15 am

Add one to the rank area, and create a profile field for the other ranks.

How do i add multiple userbar images to posts Slgray10

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How do i add multiple userbar images to posts Empty Re: How do i add multiple userbar images to posts

Post by Iandartez September 20th 2014, 4:23 am

SLGray wrote:Add one to the rank area, and create a profile field for the other ranks.

Please explain??? Im new at this, how does profile fields work?
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How do i add multiple userbar images to posts Empty Re: How do i add multiple userbar images to posts

Post by SLGray September 20th 2014, 4:36 am

Administration Panel > Users & Usergroups > Users > Users Profiles
Press the create profile field button.
Then fill in the information.

How do i add multiple userbar images to posts Slgray10

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