How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
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How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
Hello all,
How can I make a customized member of the month widget? My forum version is punbb.
How can I make a customized member of the month widget? My forum version is punbb.
Last edited by Black-Shadow on Sat 27 Dec - 0:17; edited 1 time in total
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
are you wanting something simple or more advanced if you want somthing more advanced give me a list of everything you want to include
here is a simple one just add the code in a new widget
Member of The Week
here is a simple one just add the code in a new widget
- Code:
[b]Member of The Week[/b][/center]
Member of The Week
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
I just find this tutorial but its not working as tried it. I want to make something similar.
I just find this tutorial but its not working as tried it. I want to make something similar.
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
you have to be registered to see it can you post the code?
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
Oh Yes sorry, here is the widget code:
- Spoiler:
- Code:
function makeArray() {
for (i = 0; i<makeArray.arguments.length; i++)
this[i + 1] = makeArray.arguments[i];
var months = new makeArray('Janeiro','Fevereiro','Março','Abril','Maio','Junho','Julho','Agosto','Setembro','Outubro','Novembro','Dezembro');
var date = new Date();
var month = date.getMonth() + 1;
var yy = date.getYear();
var year = (yy < 1000) ? yy + 1900 : yy;
var member_of_month = sessionStorage.getItem('member_of_month');
if(member_of_month) {
} else {
var link = jQuery('.module table[summary="Os membros mais ativos do mês"] td:eq(0) a').attr('href');
var usernametxt = jQuery('.module table[summary="Os membros mais ativos do mês"] td:eq(0) a').text();
jQuery('.info_nameHead').html(jQuery('.module table[summary="Os membros mais ativos do mês"] td[width="30%"]:eq(0)').html());
jQuery('#memberNick').html(jQuery('.module table[summary="Os membros mais ativos do mês"] td[width="30%"]:eq(0)').html());
jQuery.get(link, function(bs){
var id = link.match(/\d+/g);
jQuery('#memberMsg').html(jQuery('#field_id-6 dd div',bs).html());
jQuery('#memberReg').html(jQuery('#field_id-4 dd div',bs).html());
jQuery('#memberReput').html(jQuery('#field_id-14 dd div',bs).html());
jQuery('#memberData').html(jQuery('#field_id-12 dd div',bs).html());
jQuery('.info_mes').html(months[month] +" "+ year);
jQuery('.info_irperfil').html('<a href="'+link+'">Ir para o perfil</a>');
jQuery('.mimp').html('<a href="/privmsg?mode=post&u='+id+'"><img src="" alt="Procurar posts"></a>');
jQuery('.mipost').html('<a href="spa/'+usernametxt+'"><img src="" alt="Procurar posts"></a>');
<div id="member_of_month">
<div class="box_container" style="">
<div class="box_head">
<div class="head_avatar"><div class="av"> </div><br>
<div class="head_info">
<span class="info_nameHead"></span> <span class="mimp"><a href="/privmsg?mode=post&u=46"><img src="" alt="Enviar PM"></a></span>
<span class="mipost"><a href="spa/test"><img src="" alt="Procurar posts"></a></span><br>
<span>Membro do mês </span><span class="info_mes"></span>
<div class="main-content">
<div class="box_bottom">
Parabéns a <span id="memberNick"></span>. nosso novo membro do mês. <br />
Registrado pela primeira vez neste fórum <span id="memberReg"></span>. Ele comemora aniversário em <span id="memberData"></span>. Tem o total de <span id="memberMsg"></span> posts. Ele recebeu <span id="memberReput"></span> pontos de reputação. Parabéns ao membro do mês. </div>
<div class="irprofile" align="right" style="margin:10px;">
<span class="info_irperfil"></span>
.box_bottom{ float:left}
#memberReg, memberMsg, memberReput{ }
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background-color: #262e33;
border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0;
color: #fff;
height: 85px;
padding: 15px;
.head_avatar{float:left; /*width:80px;*/ margin-right:10px; margin-top:0px;}
.head_info{foat:right;/* width:180px;*/ margin-top:10px;}
.head_info span{font-size:14px; position:relative; line-height:20px;}
.head_info a span{color: #fff!important;font-size:20px!important;line-height:14px; text-decoration:none;
transition: all 150ms linear;}
.head_info a{color: #fff;text-decoration:none!important;}
.info_nameHead{font-size:20px!important;line-height:14px; }
.info_mes,.info_mes a {background:#68a72f;border-radius:10px;color:#fff; padding:3px; text-decoration:none;
transition: all 150ms linear;}
.info_mes:hover{ background-color:#619c2b}
.info_mes a:hover{ background-color:#619c2b; margin:3px;}
.info_irperfil,.info_irperfil a {background:#68a72f;border-radius:10px;color:#fff; padding:3px; text-decoration:none;
transition: all 150ms linear;}
.info_irperfil a:hover{ background-color:#619c2b; margin:3px;}
.irprofile a, .irprofile span a{color:#fff!important;}
.av img{
.av{ font-size:0px; color:transparent}
.av div{ display:none}
.av br{ display:none}
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-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
border-radius: 3px;
vertical-align: middle;
transition: all 150ms linear;
.mi:hover, .mimp:hover, .mipost:hover{ background-color:#3c4951;}
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border-color: transparent transparent #fff;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 15px;
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.box_bottom{background:#fbfbfb;margin-top:10px;padding:15px; margin-bottom:10px;}
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
ok what about a image of what it should look like maybe i can write something similar
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
It must looks like this
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
ok that should be to hard to make .. and any idea what the lil notepad and the magnifier does? and what the green rectangle in the corner says?
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
Hello _Twisted_Mods_,
The english text of widget is:
"Congratulations to our newest member [UserName] of [Month] [Year]. Joined the first time in this forum [RegistrationDate]. He celebrates birthday on [BirthdayDate]. He/She has a total of [PostsNumber] posts. He received [NumberOfReputationPoint] reputation points. Congratulations to month member."
The first green rectangle is the latest month and the second one means "View Profile". The tutorial code which I was posted up contains a javascript which is retrieving those fields information (in the brackets on below text), but it needs some modifications to work correctly. As I checked the problem caused that the javascript retrieves the data from mod_top_post_users_month template and I have modified it due the recent topic system v5. I dont know how to mofify the javascript to retrieve those data from statistics page.
I just found a similar tutorial in brasilian forumotion support here
The english text of widget is:
"Congratulations to our newest member [UserName] of [Month] [Year]. Joined the first time in this forum [RegistrationDate]. He celebrates birthday on [BirthdayDate]. He/She has a total of [PostsNumber] posts. He received [NumberOfReputationPoint] reputation points. Congratulations to month member."
The first green rectangle is the latest month and the second one means "View Profile". The tutorial code which I was posted up contains a javascript which is retrieving those fields information (in the brackets on below text), but it needs some modifications to work correctly. As I checked the problem caused that the javascript retrieves the data from mod_top_post_users_month template and I have modified it due the recent topic system v5. I dont know how to mofify the javascript to retrieve those data from statistics page.
I just found a similar tutorial in brasilian forumotion support here
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
well im sorry my scripting hasnt reach this lvl yet i cant figure it out.. but looks like you have to add something to the members profile saying they are member of the month ..but its hard for me to read everything because its not in English and my scripting knowledge isnt that great...maybe ange or js can take a look at this and figure it out they are both awesome and will probably have this solved in about 2 secs
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
Yes I think it's difficult but may someone else can help me. It needs a very good knowledge of JavaScript to handle it.
Yes I think it's difficult but may someone else can help me. It needs a very good knowledge of JavaScript to handle it.
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
I saw this topic, but I had hopes that you would come to the conclusion alone...Black-Shadow wrote:Bump
No problem, let's go:
1- Activate your widget [Top posting users this month]
2- Open the code you posted here in an editor of your choice, translate everything that is not in English into their native language!
Watch the phrase that appears on top of the widget and change so it is in Portuguese, of course.
Then, the code will work because will conform to your widget in your local language.
If it still does not work, let me know and I will do the translations for you ok?
So long,
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
Hello Jscript,
I have already activated this widget but I have modified the template because it is using by Recent Topics System v5 module and I dont know how can I retrieve those data in a custom widget. I think to retrieve them from forumurl/statistics page but i dont know if it is possible or from somewhere else.
I have already activated this widget but I have modified the template because it is using by Recent Topics System v5 module and I dont know how can I retrieve those data in a custom widget. I think to retrieve them from forumurl/statistics page but i dont know if it is possible or from somewhere else.
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
Is this able to be done for phpbb3 also?
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Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
Hello everybody!
This weekend I will make the code with support for multiple languages ok?
So long,
This weekend I will make the code with support for multiple languages ok?
So long,
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
If you manage to do this for Phpbb3 please tell the code for me! Thanks!
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Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
You can do what I do.
- What I Do:
- ACP>>Modules>>Forum widgets management>>Create A Widget>>Name The Widget MOTM (or whatever you like for MOTM>>Get your MOTM Profile picture>>Copy it then Paste it in the Body of your widgets box>> Add A description or name!
Re: How can I make a customized Member Of The Month widget?
I need to retrieve it automatically but as I said previously I have modified the template mod_top_post_users_month because its using from Recent Topics System v5 and it must retrieve the data of member of the month from there or from forum statistics page.
I need to retrieve it automatically but as I said previously I have modified the template mod_top_post_users_month because its using from Recent Topics System v5 and it must retrieve the data of member of the month from there or from forum statistics page.
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