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Randomize your forum banner

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Tutorial Randomize your forum banner

Post by Ange Tuteur February 6th 2015, 10:06 am

Randomize your forum banner

This simple trick will allow you to display multiple banners on your forum at random. Only one banner will be shown at once, but it will be different each time you change or reload the page. This will work for any forum version. Smile

Randomize your forum banner Fafm10


Go to Administration Panel > Modules > JavaScript codes management, and create a new script.

Title : Random banner
Placement : In all the pages
Paste the following code :
$(function() {
  var banners = [

  logo = document.getElementById('i_logo') || document.getElementById('logo') || document.getElementById('pun-logo');
  if (logo) (logo.tagName == 'IMG' ? logo : logo.firstChild).src = banners[Math.floor(Math.random() * banners.length)];


There's only one simple modification for you to make. At the top of the script you'll see an array of banners :
  var banners = [

You can replace or delete these image URLs, and add your own. Multiple banners should be separated by a comma, and the banner URL should be between quotes ! Here's an example of only two banners :
  var banners = [

As you can see, you can have as little or as many banners as you want ! Mr. Green

Ange Tuteur
Ange Tuteur

Male Posts : 13207
Reputation : 3000
Language : English & 日本語
Location : Pennsylvania

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Tutorial Re: Randomize your forum banner

Post by skouliki February 11th 2020, 10:08 am

This code was updated to fit in with the new HTTPS address

updated 11.02.2020 by skouliki

Female Posts : 15411
Reputation : 1709
Language : English,Greek
Location : Greece

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