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Notifications not appearing in drop down menu on toolbar, but they appear on Notifications page

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In progress Notifications not appearing in drop down menu on toolbar, but they appear on Notifications page

Post by Diabolus June 24th 2015, 7:13 pm

Technical Details

Forum version : #phpBB2
Position : Administrator
Concerned browser(s) : Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari
Who the problem concerns : A few members
When the problem appeared : Last Saturday (June 20, 2015)
Forum link :

Description of problem

A few members of our forum have noticed that when they click on "Notifications" from the toolbar, none of the notifications appear in the drop down menu. The only thing they can see is "See all notifications." Here's a screenshot of the drop down menu:

Notifications not appearing in drop down menu on toolbar, but they appear on Notifications page 0c07ff6f0e6b5be5747cd3f4d3f15cb7

The thing is they know for sure that they are receiving new notifications because when they click on "See all notifications," there are brand new notifications listed on the notifications page. I have asked them to make sure that the threads they are watching are still active and that everything in the column of "In the toolbar" is checked. I also asked them to see if other browsers will make any difference, but the problem persists on all of them. Here is a screenshot of the notifications page, taken by the same person who took the screenshot above:

Notifications not appearing in drop down menu on toolbar, but they appear on Notifications page 2b454e1da25c8689719497966d79d274

So, the notifications system obviously still works, but none of it is appearing in the toolbar. They have to resort to refreshing the Notifications page to see if they have new notifications because nothing is appearing in the Notifications drop down menu for them. This is very inconvenient for them, so I would appreciate it if someone could provide some assistance on this!

New Member

Posts : 9
Reputation : 1
Language : English

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In progress Re: Notifications not appearing in drop down menu on toolbar, but they appear on Notifications page

Post by Ange Tuteur June 24th 2015, 7:31 pm

Hi @Diabolus,

This problem has been reported. You can report your problem to this topic, if you like.
Ange Tuteur
Ange Tuteur

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In progress Re: Notifications not appearing in drop down menu on toolbar, but they appear on Notifications page

Post by Diabolus June 24th 2015, 7:39 pm

Oops, I didn't realize that another thread was already created. 

Thanks, Ange! I'll report to that thread. (:
New Member

Posts : 9
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Language : English

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In progress Re: Notifications not appearing in drop down menu on toolbar, but they appear on Notifications page

Post by Ape June 24th 2015, 7:45 pm

Topic locked as there is already a thread and link given


Notifications not appearing in drop down menu on toolbar, but they appear on Notifications page Left1212Notifications not appearing in drop down menu on toolbar, but they appear on Notifications page Center11Notifications not appearing in drop down menu on toolbar, but they appear on Notifications page Right112
Notifications not appearing in drop down menu on toolbar, but they appear on Notifications page Ape_b110
Notifications not appearing in drop down menu on toolbar, but they appear on Notifications page Ape1010

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