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Notification for new post from guest/member

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In progress Notification for new post from guest/member

Post by mlee September 16th 2015, 7:55 pm

I'm having trouble setting up the notification.
Whenever a guest post a new topic, only the administrator will get email/pop up message.
How can I set up for all moderators can get email notification when a guest/member post a new topic?

All moderators's permissions have set correctly but still didn't get a notification when a new topic got post in the forum. Confused

Thank you~
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In progress Re: Notification for new post from guest/member

Post by SLGray September 16th 2015, 8:04 pm

Are they watching the forum and topics?  They will have to manually do this themselves in their profiles.

Notification for new post from guest/member Slgray10

When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
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