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Script problem

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Solved Script problem

Post by Pamoon Sat 6 Feb - 13:50

Hi, i post this to ask that why my code isnt working well, at least it worked.
<!-- BEGIN switch_vote_active -->
<div id="pacount{comment.displayed.U_POST_ID}" class="pavotecmnt">
<span class="gensmall">
<script type="text/javascript"> var str ='{comment.displayed.switch_vote_active.L_VOTE_TITLE}'; if (str=="Message not voted") {str="Not liked.";document.write(str); } else {str=str.replace("Message reputation :",""); str=str.replace("100%",""); str=str.replace("(",""); str=str.replace(")","");str=str.replace("vote","likes."); str=str.replace("s",""); document.write(str); }</script>
<!-- BEGIN switch_vote -->
<span class="pavotecmnt"id="{comment.displayed.U_POST_ID}">
<a href="{comment.displayed.switch_vote_active.switch_vote.U_VOTE_PLUS}" target="v{comment.displayed.U_POST_ID}v" onclick="document.getElementById('{comment.displayed.U_POST_ID}').innerHTML='';var str ='{comment.displayed.switch_vote_active.L_VOTE_TITLE}'; if (str=='Message not voted') {str='Not liked.'; }else {str=str.replace('Message reputation :',''); str=str.replace('100%',''); str=str.replace('(',''); str=str.replace(')','');str=str.replace('vote','likes.'); str=str.replace('s',''); } if(str=='Not liked.') {str='1 like.'; }else{ for (i=0; i<=(str.length-1);i++) {if (str.charCodeAt(i)>=48 && str.charCodeAt(i)<=57 && str.charAt(i+1)==' ') {str=str.replace(String.fromCharCode(str.charCodeAt(i)),String.fromCharCode((str.charCodeAt(i))+1));}}}document.getElementById('pacount{comment.displayed.U_POST_ID}').innerHTML='<span class=gensmall>'+ str+'</span>'; ">Like</a>
<!-- END switch_vote --><!-- END switch_vote_active -->
This code is worked, but it cant show the text correctly, it doesnt show "x like." (or "x likes.") but "x like.s" or something even worse than it.
Script problem Berror10

Last edited by Draud0229 on Sat 6 Feb - 14:08; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 28
Reputation : 10
Language : en.js

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Solved Re: Script problem

Post by Take Notes Sat 6 Feb - 13:57

Try this:
<!-- BEGIN switch_vote_active -->
<div id="pacount{comment.displayed.U_POST_ID}" class="pavotecmnt">
<span class="gensmall">
<script type="text/javascript"> var str ='{comment.displayed.switch_vote_active.L_VOTE_TITLE}'; if (str=="Message not voted") {str="Not liked.";document.write(str); } else {str=str.replace("Message reputation :",""); str=str.replace("100%",""); str=str.replace("(",""); str=str.replace(")","");str=str.replace("vote","likes"); str=str.replace("s",""); document.write(str); }</script>
<!-- END switch_vote_active --> <!-- BEGIN switch_vote_active --><!-- BEGIN switch_vote -->
<span class="pavotecmnt"id="{comment.displayed.U_POST_ID}">
<a href="{comment.displayed.switch_vote_active.switch_vote.U_VOTE_PLUS}" target="v{comment.displayed.U_POST_ID}v" onclick="document.getElementById('{comment.displayed.U_POST_ID}').innerHTML='';var str ='{comment.displayed.switch_vote_active.L_VOTE_TITLE}'; if (str=='Message not voted') {str='Not liked'; }else {str=str.replace('Message reputation :',''); str=str.replace('100%',''); str=str.replace('(',''); str=str.replace(')','');str=str.replace('vote','likes'); str=str.replace('s',''); } if(str=='Not liked') {str='1 like'; }else{ for (i=0; i<=(str.length-1);i++) {if (str.charCodeAt(i)>=48 && str.charCodeAt(i)<=57 && str.charAt(i+1)==' ') {str=str.replace(String.fromCharCode(str.charCodeAt(i)),String.fromCharCode((str.charCodeAt(i))+1));}}}document.getElementById('pacount{comment.displayed.U_POST_ID}').innerHTML='<span class=gensmall>'+ str+'</span>'; ">Like</a>
<!-- END switch_vote --><!-- END switch_vote_active -->
Take Notes
Take Notes

Male Posts : 2337
Reputation : 324
Language : English
Location : Forumountain

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Solved Re: Script problem

Post by Pamoon Sat 6 Feb - 14:06

so to fix it is just remove "."? ._. thank sir.

Posts : 28
Reputation : 10
Language : en.js

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Solved Re: Script problem

Post by Take Notes Sat 6 Feb - 14:27

Draud0229 wrote:so to fix it is just remove "."? ._. thank sir.
You're very much welcome.
Take Notes
Take Notes

Male Posts : 2337
Reputation : 324
Language : English
Location : Forumountain

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Solved Re: Script problem

Post by SLGray Sat 6 Feb - 20:42

Topic solved and archived

Script problem Slgray10

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Male Posts : 51499
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