Improve the performance for Font Awesome button trick
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Improve the performance for Font Awesome button trick
Same way I've used here, I rewrite Add Font Awesome button to the editor and update Font awesome to version 4.6. (634 icons).
Go to Admin Panel > Modules > JavaScript codes management and create a new script with the following settings:
Title: Font Awesome icons
Placement: In all the pages
Go to Administration Panel > Display > Colors > CSS stylesheet and paste the following style rules:
Hold Ctrl to select multiple icons at once.
If you haven't used Font Awesome icons, or are using an older version (< 4.6.), please install (or update) the following way.
Goto ACP >> Display >> General >> overall_header, find:
and added below it (or replace the old version), the code:
How to set up?
1. Installing the JavaScript
Go to Admin Panel > Modules > JavaScript codes management and create a new script with the following settings:
Title: Font Awesome icons
Placement: In all the pages
- Code:
jQuery(function($) {
'use strict';
if (!$.sceditor) {
var button_title = 'Font Awesome Icons',
fa_list = '\uf26e \uf042 \uf170 \uf037 \uf039 \uf036 \uf038 \uf270 \uf0f9 \uf2a3 \uf13d \uf17b \uf209 \uf103 \uf100 \uf101 \uf102 \uf107 \uf104 \uf105 \uf106 \uf179 \uf187 \uf1fe \uf0ab \uf0a8 \uf01a \uf190 \uf18e \uf01b \uf0a9 \uf0aa \uf063 \uf060 \uf061 \uf062 \uf047 \uf0b2 \uf07e \uf07d \uf2a2 \uf069 \uf1fa \uf29e \uf1b9 \uf04a \uf24e \uf05e \uf19c \uf080 \uf02a \uf0c9 \uf244 \uf243 \uf242 \uf241 \uf240 \uf236 \uf0fc \uf1b4 \uf1b5 \uf0f3 \uf0a2 \uf1f6 \uf1f7 \uf206 \uf1e5 \uf1fd \uf171 \uf172 \uf15a \uf27e \uf29d \uf293 \uf294 \uf032 \uf0e7 \uf1e2 \uf02d \uf02e \uf097 \uf2a1 \uf0b1 \uf188 \uf1ad \uf0f7 \uf0a1 \uf140 \uf207 \uf20d \uf1ba \uf1ec \uf073 \uf274 \uf272 \uf133 \uf271 \uf273 \uf030 \uf083 \uf0d7 \uf0d9 \uf0da \uf150 \uf191 \uf152 \uf151 \uf0d8 \uf218 \uf217 \uf20a \uf1f3 \uf24c \uf1f2 \uf24b \uf1f1 \uf1f4 \uf1f5 \uf1f0 \uf0a3 \uf0c1 \uf127 \uf00c \uf058 \uf05d \uf14a \uf046 \uf13a \uf137 \uf138 \uf139 \uf078 \uf053 \uf054 \uf077 \uf1ae \uf268 \uf111 \uf10c \uf1ce \uf1db \uf0ea \uf017 \uf24d \uf00d \uf0c2 \uf0ed \uf0ee \uf157 \uf121 \uf126 \uf1cb \uf284 \uf0f4 \uf013 \uf085 \uf0db \uf075 \uf0e5 \uf27a \uf27b \uf086 \uf0e6 \uf14e \uf066 \uf20e \uf26d \uf0c5 \uf1f9 \uf25e \uf09d \uf283 \uf125 \uf05b \uf13c \uf1b2 \uf1b3 \uf0c4 \uf0f5 \uf0e4 \uf210 \uf1c0 \uf2a4 \uf03b \uf1a5 \uf108 \uf1bd \uf219 \uf1a6 \uf155 \uf192 \uf019 \uf17d \uf16b \uf1a9 \uf282 \uf044 \uf052 \uf141 \uf142 \uf1d1 \uf0e0 \uf003 \uf199 \uf299 \uf12d \uf153 \uf0ec \uf12a \uf06a \uf071 \uf065 \uf23e \uf08e \uf14c \uf06e \uf070 \uf1fb \uf2b4 \uf09a \uf230 \uf082 \uf049 \uf050 \uf1ac \uf09e \uf182 \uf0fb \uf15b \uf1c6 \uf1c7 \uf1c9 \uf1c3 \uf1c5 \uf1c8 \uf016 \uf1c1 \uf1c4 \uf15c \uf0f6 \uf1c2 \uf008 \uf0b0 \uf06d \uf134 \uf269 \uf2b0 \uf024 \uf11e \uf11d \uf0c3 \uf16e \uf0c7 \uf07b \uf114 \uf07c \uf115 \uf031 \uf280 \uf286 \uf211 \uf04e \uf180 \uf119 \uf1e3 \uf11b \uf0e3 \uf154 \uf22d \uf265 \uf260 \uf261 \uf06b \uf1d3 \uf1d2 \uf09b \uf113 \uf092 \uf296 \uf184 \uf000 \uf2a5 \uf2a6 \uf0ac \uf1a0 \uf0d5 \uf2b3 \uf0d4 \uf1ee \uf19d \uf0c0 \uf0fd \uf1d4 \uf255 \uf258 \uf0a7 \uf0a5 \uf0a4 \uf0a6 \uf256 \uf25b \uf25a \uf257 \uf259 \uf292 \uf0a0 \uf1dc \uf025 \uf004 \uf08a \uf21e \uf1da \uf015 \uf0f8 \uf254 \uf251 \uf252 \uf253 \uf250 \uf27c \uf13b \uf246 \uf20b \uf03e \uf01c \uf03c \uf275 \uf129 \uf05a \uf156 \uf16d \uf26b \uf224 \uf208 \uf033 \uf1aa \uf1cc \uf084 \uf11c \uf159 \uf1ab \uf109 \uf202 \uf203 \uf06c \uf212 \uf094 \uf149 \uf148 \uf1cd \uf0eb \uf201 \uf0e1 \uf08c \uf17c \uf03a \uf022 \uf0cb \uf0ca \uf124 \uf023 \uf175 \uf177 \uf178 \uf176 \uf2a8 \uf0d0 \uf076 \uf064 \uf112 \uf122 \uf183 \uf279 \uf041 \uf278 \uf276 \uf277 \uf222 \uf227 \uf229 \uf22b \uf22a \uf136 \uf20c \uf23a \uf0fa \uf11a \uf223 \uf130 \uf131 \uf068 \uf056 \uf146 \uf147 \uf289 \uf10b \uf285 \uf0d6 \uf186 \uf21c \uf245 \uf001 \uf22c \uf1ea \uf247 \uf248 \uf263 \uf264 \uf23d \uf19b \uf26a \uf23c \uf18c \uf1fc \uf1d8 \uf1d9 \uf0c6 \uf1dd \uf04c \uf28b \uf28c \uf1b0 \uf1ed \uf040 \uf14b \uf295 \uf095 \uf098 \uf200 \uf2ae \uf1a8 \uf1a7 \uf0d2 \uf231 \uf0d3 \uf072 \uf04b \uf144 \uf01d \uf1e6 \uf067 \uf055 \uf0fe \uf196 \uf011 \uf02f \uf288 \uf12e \uf1d6 \uf029 \uf128 \uf059 \uf29c \uf10d \uf10e \uf1d0 \uf074 \uf1b8 \uf1a1 \uf281 \uf1a2 \uf021 \uf25d \uf18b \uf01e \uf079 \uf018 \uf135 \uf0e2 \uf158 \uf143 \uf267 \uf28a \uf002 \uf010 \uf00e \uf213 \uf233 \uf1e0 \uf1e1 \uf14d \uf045 \uf132 \uf21a \uf214 \uf290 \uf291 \uf07a \uf090 \uf2a7 \uf08b \uf012 \uf215 \uf0e8 \uf216 \uf17e \uf198 \uf1de \uf1e7 \uf118 \uf2ab \uf2ac \uf2ad \uf0dc \uf15d \uf15e \uf160 \uf161 \uf0de \uf0dd \uf162 \uf163 \uf1be \uf197 \uf110 \uf1b1 \uf1bc \uf0c8 \uf096 \uf18d \uf16c \uf005 \uf089 \uf123 \uf006 \uf1b6 \uf1b7 \uf048 \uf051 \uf0f1 \uf249 \uf24a \uf04d \uf28d \uf28e \uf21d \uf0cc \uf1a4 \uf1a3 \uf12c \uf239 \uf0f2 \uf185 \uf12b \uf0ce \uf10a \uf02b \uf02c \uf0ae \uf26c \uf1d5 \uf120 \uf034 \uf035 \uf00a \uf009 \uf00b \uf2b2 \uf08d \uf165 \uf088 \uf087 \uf164 \uf145 \uf057 \uf05c \uf043 \uf204 \uf205 \uf25c \uf238 \uf225 \uf1f8 \uf014 \uf1bb \uf181 \uf262 \uf091 \uf0d1 \uf195 \uf1e4 \uf173 \uf174 \uf1e8 \uf099 \uf081 \uf0e9 \uf0cd \uf29a \uf09c \uf13e \uf093 \uf287 \uf007 \uf0f0 \uf234 \uf21b \uf235 \uf221 \uf226 \uf228 \uf237 \uf2a9 \uf2aa \uf03d \uf27d \uf194 \uf1ca \uf189 \uf2a0 \uf027 \uf026 \uf028 \uf1d7 \uf18a \uf232 \uf193 \uf29b \uf1eb \uf266 \uf17a \uf19a \uf297 \uf298 \uf0ad \uf168 \uf169 \uf23b \uf19e \uf1e9 \uf2b1 \uf167 \uf16a \uf166'.split(' '),
listLength = fa_list.length,
index = 0,
disable = false,
$win = $(window),
function createList($wrap) {
disable = true;
var stop = index + 100;
if (stop > listLength) {
stop = listLength;
for (index; index < stop; index++) {
$('<i>', {
'class': 'fa',
text: fa_list[index]
index = stop;
disable = false;
function updatePosition($wrap, caller) {
var callerLeft = caller.offset().left,
winWidth = $win.width(),
customStyle = {
top: caller.offset().top,
marginTop: caller.outerHeight()
if (callerLeft + 220 > winWidth) {
customStyle.left = 'auto';
customStyle.right = 0;
} else {
customStyle.left = callerLeft;
customStyle.right = 'auto';
$(function() {
$('.sceditor-container iframe').contents().find('head').append($('<link>', {
href: '',
rel: 'stylesheet',
type: 'text/css'
// create sceditor button and drop down
$.sceditor.command.set('fontawesome', {
awesome: function(editor, caller, callback) {
var $wrap = $('.sceditor-fontawesome'),
closeDropDown = editor.closeDropDown;
if (!$wrap.length) {
editor.closeDropDown = function() {
closeDropDown.apply(closeDropDown, arguments);
if ($":visible")) {
$wrap = $('<div>', {
'class': 'sceditor-dropdown sceditor-fontawesome'
}).click(function(e) {
$wrap.on('click', '.fa', function(e) {
if (!e.ctrlKey) {
$wrap.scroll(function() {
if (disable) {
return false;
if (index >= fa_list.length) {
return false;
if ($wrap.scrollTop() + 250 + 50 < $wrap[0].scrollHeight) {
return false;
} else {
if ($":hidden")) {
} else {
updatePosition($wrap, caller);
if (!addResizeEvent) {
addResizeEvent = true;
$win.resize(function() {
updatePosition($wrap, caller);
// wysiwyg
exec: function(caller) {
var editor = this;
$.sceditor.command.get('fontawesome').awesome(editor, caller, function(icon) {
editor.insert(' [font=FontAwesome]' + icon + '[/font] ', '', true, true, true);
// source
txtExec: function(caller) {
var editor = this;
$.sceditor.command.get('fontawesome').awesome(editor, caller, function(icon) {
editor.insert(' [font=FontAwesome]' + icon + '[/font] ', '');
tooltip: button_title
toolbar = toolbar.replace(/date,/, 'fontawesome,date,'); // add the button to the toolbar
2. Installing the Style
Go to Administration Panel > Display > Colors > CSS stylesheet and paste the following style rules:
- Code:
.sceditor-container textarea{font-family:Roboto,arial,sans-serif,FontAwesome!important}
.sceditor-button-fontawesome div{background:url(!important}
.sceditor-fontawesome .fa{color:#333;font-size:20px;text-align:center;cursor:pointer;padding:3px 0;width:20%}
.sceditor-fontawesome .fa:hover{color:#666}
Hold Ctrl to select multiple icons at once.
If you haven't used Font Awesome icons, or are using an older version (< 4.6.), please install (or update) the following way.
Goto ACP >> Display >> General >> overall_header, find:
- Code:
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Last edited by Zzbaivong on May 16th 2016, 11:36 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Update list of Font Awesome v4.6.)
Re: Improve the performance for Font Awesome button trick
Is there a reason why some of the icons are doubled? I noticed in the JavaScript there are similar icon codes.
\uf080 \uf080
\uf080 \uf080
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Re: Improve the performance for Font Awesome button trick
Funny i was going to ask the same thing LOLSLGray wrote:Is there a reason why some of the icons are doubled? I noticed in the JavaScript there are similar icon codes.
\uf080 \uf080
Re: Improve the performance for Font Awesome button trick
Thanks for feedback. I wrote the script to get them automatically. Duplicate icons because I did not remove alias icons.
- Code:
var iconNodes = document.querySelectorAll('#wrap > .container .text-muted:last-child'),
arr = [];
[], function(icon) {
icon = icon.textContent.replace(/^\[&#x(.+)\;\]$/, '\\u$1');
if(arr.indexOf(icon) !== -1) return; // remove duplicate
arr = JSON.stringify(arr).slice(3, -2).replace(/"\,"\\/g, ' ');
Re: Improve the performance for Font Awesome button trick
Where does this need to go, or have you edited the code in the first post?Zzbaivong wrote:Thanks for feedback. I wrote the script to get them automatically. Duplicate icons because I did not remove alias icons.
- Code:
var iconNodes = document.querySelectorAll('#wrap > .container .text-muted:last-child'),
arr = [];
[], function(icon) {
icon = icon.textContent.replace(/^\[&#x(.+)\;\]$/, '\\u$1');
if(arr.indexOf(icon) !== -1) return; // remove duplicate
arr = JSON.stringify(arr).slice(3, -2).replace(/"\,"\\/g, ' ');
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Re: Improve the performance for Font Awesome button trick
I've updated the first post.
That is the code to get a list of icons for
. To use it:
Copy code >> go to Font Awesome cheatsheet >> F12 (Ctrl-Shift-I) >> Console >> Paste code >> Enter
That is the code to get a list of icons for
Copy code >> go to Font Awesome cheatsheet >> F12 (Ctrl-Shift-I) >> Console >> Paste code >> Enter
Re: Improve the performance for Font Awesome button trick
Ok. You say there is 809, but it looks like there is more than 809 on this page: .
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Re: Improve the performance for Font Awesome button trick
I forgot to edit the number of icons.
After removing the duplicate icons, left 605 icons.
After removing the duplicate icons, left 605 icons.
Re: Improve the performance for Font Awesome button trick
Could this be updated to work with version 5.0.6?
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