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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose April 16th 2016, 7:32 am

Choice of Title: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons
Choice of Category: Games and RPG
Language: English only
Forum's Description: A role play community forum where anyone can join to partake in in-depth role plays were the sky is the limit and fantasy is made a reality. you can watch, join, or just hang out with players to learn and have fun about the wonder of role play, the main role play is a mix of dungeons and dragons as well as game of thrones and lord of the rings all mashed together, a logical world set in the olden days were knights battled dragons and wolves trolls and ogres were the common pest. other role plays which we hold in our wings are things like Scifi, anthropomorphic and even modern fantasy vampire coven based role plays for the darker of hearts. a little bit of everything for everyone.

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons F920f710
DeLaRose A Story of Dragons White_10

Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 7:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

Female Posts : 97
Reputation : 5
Language : Fluent in Sarcasm, Backtalk, and English as my third Language.
Location : Somewhere in Cyberspace

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Introduction

Post by Anaya DeLaRose April 18th 2016, 10:38 pm

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons 00025610


So let me give us an introduction, I am Anaya and I run DeLaRose role play group. In 2005 we were formed on a at the time small chat program known as IMVU. To this day we will hold most of our role plays there but have expanded beyond its virtual walls to a forum witch is powered by the wonderful who’s simple to use and easy to follow web page building base let us advance ourselves and be more independent and keep a nice and well put together log of all of our role plays so a big shout out thank you to them, really did help us a boat load.

So who are we? and who am I? So going back in time, it is 2005 and a girl had an idea and a hobby of text based role play, she had recently found a program were she could rp freely and allow others to rp with her. So that is what she did. She role played and allowed others to play with her in this text role play empire and in no time the empire expanded to the point she needed to drag it to places that were just bigger.  In 2006 the role play Iron Dynasty was born and back then seeing there was not much to record things on sadly much of the past history logs were lost. But remaking the Iron Rock in the recent years much has changed and the building blocks of this role play have turned and made an amazing foundation and now has made its self into an empire.  But that is the base role play we have under the DeLaRose role play group, there are many now all ranging from medieval fantasy to Safi and even anthropomorphic for people who enjoy a little bit of fur.  We over all have everything and we are also open to thoughts from others on what they want to see, as well as if they want to host a role play under us we also allow it and will even help others do so and learn how to.

So who am I? that one is simple, I am Anaya, Game Master of the role play and I simply am a guide, helper, kind, and understanding woman that put it all together that forever ago. I made the role play the graphics and the foundation that the blocks now build on, and trust me most of the time it builds it self and I just keep it going the right way.  So I am a small part of a larger machine and over all the only thing I do is change the oil, keep the wheel going strait and make the paint on it look bright at all times.

So lets have a taste of us, What is it we do, here I can just show you so much better then I can explain, I will here give you a small segment of our role play so you can read and see if you like it for yourself.

It had been a few weeks that the prince had been gone from his home, having been taken against his will. He was one of the best fighters in all the kingdoms but the many men whom stormed the Iron in the middle of the night, almost silently, took him in his slumber. Now, Jeff DeLaRose sat strapped down to a chair, as a masked man paced back and forth. "You are Jeff DeLaRose. Yes-... We know all about you. You killed your own brother. Many Brothers in fact. You did your mother's work when it came to dispatching her enemies. You were brought into a home made for dragons and rose through the ranks to become accepted by them. Some say-..." He picked a small dagger from a table that sat across from Jeff, having many small instruments on it, and started walking toward him. "...that you can't be broken." Jeff smirked and the man continued. "I am going to change that." "Then you are going to need a bigger knife." Jeff spat at the man's feet, already beaten and bloodied by the other men. "You kill because you are ordered to kill, no? Well I torture because I am ordered to. It's just business." The prince grunted and struggled, as the man came by and tightened his straps on the chair. "Don't move. I don't want to miss." He brought the small blade to Jeff's cheek and sliced horizontally across, the nectar trickled from the velvet flesh and dripped on the cold stone ground. Jeff grunted, gritting his teeth in pain while then man laughed. "I'm already broken!" Jeff shouted, clenching his hands against the arms of the chair. "I don't care who sent you! I don't care what you think you know about me!" The man leaned close to Jeff. "And why is that?" "Because when I get out of this chair, I am going to take that knife, and heat it to a red hot iron, and I'm going to slide it up your perky little a-...." The man hauled off and back handed Jeff, causing him to spit some blood onto the floor. "[Language]..." He finished, before the man smirked with amusement. "So? If I let you out of this chair, and you kill me...what will you do next?" The prince paused and lowered his brow. "I-...I will kill all the men who kidnapped me." The large torturer bellowed and got an inch away from Jeff's face again. "You are going to kill all 50 men, with no weapon in your weakened state? You have not trained and your power is almost gone. They would wipe the floor with you." Jeff grunted again and tilted his head back before reeling forward and smacking his skull into the man's nose. "Gods-... you are a bastard!" The man's hands flew up to his bloodied, crooked nose and he set his knife down on the table, starting to get annoyed with Jeff and his retaliation. "I'll just send in another man to take care of you." The man started to walk away and Jeff shouted. "Wait! What is your name?!" The man stopped, turned around and raised a brow after furrowing it. "My name is Yvern... why do you ask?" "Because, I made you a promise, and I intend to keep it." Yvern smiled and continued to walk out of the room whilst a fat pig of a man walked through the doors. He had himself a large axe and he spoke in broken english. "I Gort. Gort smash you." Jeff teased. "I Jeff, Jeff no care." Gort smiled and raised an axe over his head, before hearing Yvern's voice. "Nah ah ah! Gort! We need Lord DeLaRose alive. He is to tell us all the secrets that Anaya has to offer. Then you may kill him." Jeff spat at Gort's feet and coaxed the man. "Come on! Do it! Make my [Language]' day!" Jeff had no idea why he was the one to be kid napped but he knew that he needed to get home. They had hung him from hooks, beaten him within an inch of his life, cut him, hit him with rubber mallets, and even began to carve their symbols into his back, so he would never forget this incident. The defeated Jeff looked to the oaf whom still raised an axe and smirked. "Come on! Don't just stand there! Hurt me! I'm beginning to enjoy it!" Gort lowered the Axe and started to move closer toward Jeff, whom waited for his opportunity. He had planned this for a week now. He would wait for the main man, Yvern to leave, and would use one of his lackys to his advantage. Gort began to speak more nonesence. "Our house strong. You weak. We break you. You bones no strong nuff for Gort mouth." "Say that to my face..." Jeff waited, and Gort followed with his plans, as this was almost to easy, however Yvern was right. Jeff was weaker than he had been before and was almost like a human again, with how drained he was from not feeding and being beaten beyond his own comfort level. Gort leaned in close. "Gort want eat pretty man's eyes." Jeff then kicked his feet off the ground and used the legs of the chair to bash the behemoth of a man in the chin, knocking him unconsious. Jeff then used his momentum to roll over and onto his feet. The prince then ran backward into the stone wall multiple times until the large redwood chair broke, leaving Jeff with just the straps around his wrists. Jeff smiled in his small victory and removed them, before taking no time to regain himself. He reached for Gort's axe and Yvern's knife that he had left on the table and crouched as he made his way out of the door. He needed to rely on stealth to see him home. He was going to make it out of Was Gort saying that he was taken by another noble family? Jeff spotted two men, dressed in golden Armor, standing watch a few feet from him with their backs turned.  With the knife in one hand, Jeff moved in close, readying himself, before Yvern came up to them. "The Princess wants to see the prisoner. She says to leave him intact. She want's their wedding to be-...respectable." Wedding? "Yes Lord Firedor." Jeff's jaw dropped as he backed up into the shadows. Waiting for the perfect time to spring his escaped. "Let Gort finish with him and she will see to it that they have their conversation tonight." Jeff gave a small gasp before slowly making his way from the shadows and into a back room, off of the room he was held in. He limpped softly and grunted with each step. He had been injured before but nothing like this. No. This was different and something he was not use to feeling. He was now walking down a long hall, with many rooms to either side of him with their doors shut. He quickly planted his back against the wall when he spotted a door opening down the hall and opened up a random door, which was a chamber pot room, and huddled inside. The foot steps passed and he continued his journey down the corridor. He opened two large doors at the end of the hall and limped into what looked like a throne room. The prince looked around, as blood leaked onto the floor from his cheek and lips, his gaze stumbling across a figure sitting in the throne. She was a blonde haired beauty, wearing a crown, staring  back at Jeff. "Oh my." Jeff growled under his breath. "You-...did this to me?" She rebuttled right back. "No! I had no clue! I was told that you'd be brought here and-..." Jeff moved forward, to the throne. "You knew-...Don't lie to me." Her scared tone became chilled and emotionless. "Aye...I did. I ordered it. I knew that you wouldn't come willingly. I knew you had to be-...broken. Think about it, my Lord. You and I-...Ruler of DeLaRose and Ruler of Firedor, easily forming our Armies together. We would be absolutely invincible. We would rul-.." Jeff took another step forward, clutching his hand around the axe. "I wish no such thing. My heart has belonged to another and always will." She smiled softly. "It doesn't matter whom we love, my prince." "Aye, It does! Do you realize what you put me through?!" Jeff took another step and she simply sat back. "Any moment, I could have men flood this room and take you down." She spoke low. "No, you wont risk getting me killed. You know that each second I stand, I regain my energy. Send your men and see how it ends for them." Jeff spoke in a soft voice, taking another single step. She began to grow worried. "I didn't mean for them to go this over board, Jeff. I just wanted to see us wed." Jeff shook his head and looked at the ground. "You sent your men to my home. You murdered men of ours in their sleep. You tortured me in order to turn me into some broken slave. Some fake figure of authority whom knows not of what he is ordering his men to do without the word of his queen?" Jeff gripped the knife firmly in the other hand. "No-...the things they did to me while I was locked up here-... how long has it been? Weeks? Months?" She answered softly. "4 month." made it to the bottom of her throne. "You locked me up for a month. In that time, they cut your sigels into my back. Forever carved into my skin like some kind of animal hide that holds a damned symbol! They smashed my face with their fists while I had no way to defend myself! They slit my skin just for laughs! They beat me and destroyed my power! You wanted this!" Jeff grew angry, but began to take a step back ."Aye...I did. But I did not know my men would go this far. Yvern did this to you. He is my right hand, and sociopath. He takes joy in-... torturing the prisoners-..." "So that is what I was?! A prisoner to you? You just wanted to marry me for an army. For power." Jeff smiled and slowly began to back up. "You sound just like my mother." "No-...Ever since I was a little girl, I've heard of your valor on the battlefeild. The countless towns and taverns you'd visited, bringing peace and coin to. The many men you'd kill just to bring honor to your family. Everyone in the land of Firedor knew of your adventures. They heard of the time you fought a Zarot. They heard of the time you killed your brother. They heard of the murdered our village. Everyone around here knows you. Everyone around Mill Mire knows you. Everyone knows you. That's how I heard of you-...and fell in love with you." Jeff growled. "Fell in love with me?! You want to use me to do your dirty work! I am done being used! I've killed and almost been killed just for some honor that doesn't even belong to me!" She sighed some. "So what are you going to do to me then?" Jeff shook his head. "That-...really isn't up to me. Is it?" He looked up to her and she shook her head as well. " isn't. I guess it's an honor to die by your hand. I've always wanted to meet you. I've always wanted to see how beautiful you were." Jeff slowly began to make his way up the steps to her throne, where she still sat, waiting. Her words were sweet and innocent, which she was not. His hands slowly let go of his weapons and he slid his hands up to her cheeks, getting a few inches away from her face. "We can be together, my love. Forever." Jeff's eyes began to tear up as he caressed her cheeks, before moving to grip around her windpipe. "I'm not your love." He then watched as she gained a surprised look as he squeezed. Her eyes began to glaze over with each passing second. Each little bit of life she had left was slowly going away and within minutes, she was gone. Nothing but a lifeless husk of a woman left, slumped in a throne. He held his hands loosely there for a few minutes before gently letting go and picking up the axe and knife from the ground, before turning and making his way to the main doors that led outside. He was free at last, and one day. He would return, and slam his blade into Yvern's heart. Until that day were to come. He would sail home, on a stolen ship that rested in the Firedor port. He was going home.

"35 days." She spoke, standing in front of the mirror, naked. It had been 35 days since Jeff had left her. Perhaps for a princess. She had yet to move any of his clothes from her room, and still wore his ring around her neck. He even left his beloved mask behind which she took to wearing until his return, if he was ever to return. "Where is he?" She muttered, as the gaze she gave off stared out the window, overlooking the passing ships out on the sea. "Maybe he will come back. Maybe he is dead..." She went over the many different senarios that could have taken place in the last month of his venture, yet there were still some things that didn't make sence. He left his mask, and didn't tell her where he was going. He didn't take his weapons, that sat in the corner of their room, and he didn't even make the bed as he did every single morning. Her ample body stood in the shadows of the room whilst her fingers moved to pick the mask up, and place it on her cheeks, doing the straps over her ears. She dressed herself in a black, leather top, skin tight, and a pair of leather pants to match. Her fingers slipped into the fingerless gloves that she found lying around the room and with that, she turned to leave. As she exited their room, she turned to face the guards at the door. "Mark, Lev, did you hear any rumors of Jeff's return?" "No, my Lady. We only heard what the others have heard. Anaya says that he left on his own accord but there is no evidence to support such a claim. We don't know any more of the truth than you do." "Aye...thank you." They saluted the hand maiden and began to continue their post. She made her way into the main hall, where she spotted Samuel, drinking his usual cup of tea. Or Orphan tears, as he took to calling it. "Hello Samuel..." "You look ridiculous..." He said, raising a brow." Her smile fadded from behind the mask. "He is probably dead. Or he ran away again..." "You have no idea what you are talking about!" She grunted, begining to turn to walk away, before hearing more of the butler's words. "You think you are enough to make him stay? He left after slaughtering a village the last time. This time, I doubt it will be any different. When power comes into play for this family, the DeLaRose tend to chase it." Samuel took a long sip before Ashe turned to face him once again. "I love that man, no matter how much you want him gone." "Who said I wanted him gone. It's actually rather...quiet without him here. I do miss his anger." "As do I-...where do you think he is?" She asked, tightening his mask. "If my caculations are correct, probably in Firedor, sipping on some blood." Ashe sighed more and looked to the floor. "What if he isn't though-...I keep having this dream that he is trapped in some dark room, in mass amounts of pain." "Don't worry much my dear-...If we both know Jeff, he is alive and well. It takes much to take down that bastard." She sighed once more. "What happened between Jeff and Jaurl? He refused to talk about it." Samuel took a sip of his tea before dropping it onto the coaster on the table. "Jaurl attacked Jeff to get Jeff to mercy kill him. He said he didn't want to be on this planet anymore, and Jeff had no choice but to defend himself. It was quite upsetting for him. He hasn't been the same. He Just got angrier and began to shy away, until he met you." Ashe sighed for a third time. "Will you stop that-...I'm sure he is fine. He has you, doesn't he?" She shook her head and continued to walk away, toward the throne room. "We will just have to wait and see." The doors closed behind her as she began to go to her post. Where Anaya was. While Jeff was Away, Ashe took it upon herself to be a hand maiden for Anaya, and a good one at that. Anaya had taken a large liking to her and Ashe did her best to keep the queen happy. She strolled into the kitchen and poured Anaya's favorite fruit juice into a pitcher for the queen and made her way back out to where the queen was sitting and reading over paper work. "Good morning, Ashe!" "Good morning, your grace." She mumbled, pouring the glass that Anaya was using. "Why do you seem so down?" "Why aren't you, your grace? Jeff is gone and I don't know if he will ever return." "Are you still going on about that? He is fine. He is happily sitting on his own throne. I'm sure he will come to visit soon. And if not, well then we will visit him!" Anaya's eyes moved to Ashe's mask. "So, he left that old thing behind for good, aye?" "I'm not sure he did it intentionally. He left his weapons behind as well-..." Anaya narrowed her eyes. "I've got a lot of work to do. If I need anything else, I will call for you, my dear. Go rest, or go take a walk. I'm sure that will clear your head." She bowed before the queen before turning to walk out the back. "Yes, your grace." Anaya was being suspicious and was certainly behind something that had to do with Jeff's  vanishing act. She began to walk down to the beach, before reaching down to pick up a rock before skipping it across for about three bumps. "He survived the War of the North...He survived countless fights...and he survived so many more things than just that. He has to be fine." She sighed and looked down, remembering Jeff's eyes as he finished the king of the north. Completely destroying whatever was left of the decaying authority figure caused Jeff to finally sleep well for that night, in her arms. She smiled from behind the mask, before tossing another rock. "Come home, Jeff." She whispered, remembering the countless months they shared together at his home. Little did she know, the broken prince was already on his way.

Anaya walked to Samuel as he lay in his chair with his feet up, her belly round as she leaned over him and crawled up to his lap. "She still talks about it you know, wonders where he went and what happened to him" Samuel wrapped his arms around her waist “you know I find it sexy when you are all tyrant like you used to be, did the war the combat change you?” Anaya let out a breath and she ran her hand down his shoulder taking his hand in hers and putting it to her belly so he could feel the growing egg within her body. “In another 4 months I will almost be ready to lay. And to be able to be a dragon I well need to be more a dragon, teach it the right way our way and the old way, we can teach it to fight and to want power, to rule. And with Jeff out of the picture we can at last not have to worry about him getting in the way and the whole crying thing with his brother, I can’t stand Ash with her bringing it up all the time, it has been over 6 months now that he has been gone” Samuel moved a hand and ran it along his woman’s cheek as he ran claws into her hair, his long hair back in a braid like he liked it as his upper body was without garments on his muscles and shoulders strong and broad “it is fine and you have been doing fine with dealing with it, I remember how hard you took it when Drax left and never came back. So just know she needs time Jeff is not coming back anyway. We both saw to the orders to remove him, Ash will get over it all in due time when she at last comes to the understanding that he is never coming back” Samuel did not allow Anaya to have the last word witch he knew she would want, as he leaned in wrapping his clawed fingers around her waist line and deeply kissing her to well in lemans words shut her the F*** up.

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Khal_drogo_and_daenerys_targaryen_by_angeliccorpse-d4zwh4e

her eyes lit up as he did and she was happy with him holding her happy simply to be allowed to be herself when it just seemed others wanted her to be different, she could kill, rape, pillage and do whatever she wanted with Samuel and over all she could rule, her way and she would raise this dragon youngling her way and in the image of the dragon it was meant to be.  

Anaya ran her fingers along his chain as she pushed him against the back of the chair toppling it over as she laughed and he fell to his back with her on top of him “so what is the plan for the remainder of the day my dear king of the Iron Rose” Samuel rolled her over onto her back as his foot kicked the chair sending it tumbling away from them both leaving them both on the floor there laying on the rug “I don’t know my beloved queen of the Iron Rose, we can lay here all day?” Anaya could not help but smile as she lay there on her back looking up at him with her giant red eyes. “I am fully alright with that, no one to bother us. And we can bring this kingdom back to life. The town is re-built, the waterways clear, and the people are coming and in the coming weeks the town will be full and booming once more, shops and venders and meals and foods from all over this world, it will be so nice and if we see a lich or wraith it dies, no undead here, god never again” Samuel could not help but chuckle as he kissed her and pushed her up against the floor grinding his body against hers, that shut the Queen up that is for sure.

~~~~~~~4 months Later~~~~~~~

So now you have had a taste of us, so keep reading and find out more, or contact me Directly and I will respond to any questions you have about me, the role play or well anything. i will post here with all new things, and snips of the new story lines, but you will have to go to the main page to read the full things, and feel free to Register for the page Very Happy and post on anything you are able to.

~ From Anaya

Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 7:29 pm; edited 2 times in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

Female Posts : 97
Reputation : 5
Language : Fluent in Sarcasm, Backtalk, and English as my third Language.
Location : Somewhere in Cyberspace

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose April 18th 2016, 10:51 pm

Latest Parts Added Iron Dynasty Rose Has Thorns Part 2 Winter has come: Link = Click Here Latest Part At Bottum

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons White_10

Snip Of The New Part:

Victoria looked at her a sense of astonishment on her face as her eyes lit up like a bright summers day. The glow upon her face would put the torches’ to shame as she took the Steller gown into her arms and spun around with it in a gitty show of excitement. “oh miss Anaya this gown is spectacular; it is utterly amazing I am so happy, thank you, I will do anything you wish of me, I am at your beck and call my lady” she right away dropped her gown was not caring if any saw her as she kicked the old dirty red drape to the floor and kicking it to the side with her small feet, slipping into the tight fitting red gown. she smiled and spun around happily in this dress that hugged her curves and showed her feminine beauty that the other large dress just hid. Brown hair wrapped up tightly she moved her hands to let it out as it fell over her shoulders.

Anaya looked at her and a brow lifted as the girl overall striped right there not seeming to care and being engulfed in her own bubble of bliss. “it looks wonderful on you, now I am going to get some things down, pick out another one you like then meet me down in the main hall and we can go over your new found place here.” Anaya did not wait for a response from the girl as she walked out of the side room and let out a breath as she walked into a silent hall. 

The emptiness made her heart beat a bit softer as the silence was just wonderful. Walking her feet touched the floor and each step was met with light breathing as she just seemed to take simple pleasure in the moments she had to herself, no Samuel, no son, no people no present’s just empty halls and servants working for her, the guards there silent as she ordered them and empty minded not having a judgment of her actions as they feared her and respect her more then anything else.  Anaya walked into her study as she picked up a large pile of paperwork as she flipped the pages, damage reports, robberies and thefts in the town that would all be sent out to the town guard to handle.  She stopped as she looked upon an image that one of the townspeople had drawn and sent to the crown, some dorky drawn image of what they imagined her and Sam were like human and dragon. 

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Anaya smiled as she held it in her fingers, and for a moment, she truly missed him, missed his hands in her hair and missed his arms around her. She missed everything about him, how he was always there beside her even his stupid need to keep her safe and make her life easier even if the point of it all was useless and she did not fully understand why he just had to keep her safe when she could kill him without trying. Giving a light laugh she took the paper and folded it softly putting it in a drawer of her desk were there were all the drawings from the townspeople, drawings of Jeff, of her on a grand white steed, of her lost children….. letting out a breath she sat in her chair taking all the papers from that drawer and flipping them. 
Kiara, a beautiful girl with a fighter’s heart, black hair fallen down her shoulders and a blue gown she just adored, her little adopted Draco itch, turned loose to run rampant from its master till Anaya found it broken and hurting. She calmed the beast and took it under her wing freeing the mind of the poor beast and blessing it to give it the gift of sanity and intelligence.  Over time, it was allowed to walk the halls and soon became an honorary member of the family. 

Kuro, a young pup found far from home found its way into the swings of a dragon sleeping in the forest, it curled its self in the warm wings of the beast and slept safely for the first time in its life. When the dragon woke it turned its head to look at its wing, the sleeping baby wolf simply melted the beasts heart and she could not dare to wake it. Later named Kuroki DeLaRose the dragon adopted the small wolf taking him into later learn he would grow to be a fighter, a loyal head of her family and a dear treasure in her heart.

Talon, A Raven cawed as the sun had grown dim over the day and she walked along in the forest tears welling in her eyes, the bird came to her and landed upon her shoulder bringing an aura of peace to the white haired woman Anaya.  The Raven was told to not leave and that for giving the pleasure of peace to the heart of a monster and not finding fear in her, it was wanted and loved. The raven later showed it was not only a raven but a man and soon as time went on that man was adopted as the dragons second oldest child and given the crown of the Rose.

Elena, a sweet girl brought to the castle by her eldest son, the girl with fire in her heart and a rebellious spirit. Loved as a child of the rose since she melted the heart of the eldest price, Anaya allowed her son to take the girl in and she soon became a princess under the crown upon her son’s request.

Jev, a sweet devilish child of her adopted sister Lyric, her sister not being able to care for the child the child spending more of its time with its aunt and at the castle then she did at her own home and birthplace. The devilish nature of the girl digging deep into Anaya’s heart she reminded her of herself when she was only a yearling and soon the child was adopted in as a child of Anaya. 

Anna, a sweet girl taken as a slave from a slaver selling his goods, new to the family name but loved all the same by the people. Taken in as Anaya’s only left living daughter she soon became an icon for the people of the castle, a woman both strong yet sweet and knowing the world of the poor. 

Then Jeff, her eldest son, heir to her throne if no blood child had been born before her time of passing, her beloved adopted brat. So sweet hearted so soft trained under the dragon sun and beaten to be stronger, to be harder as his heart was simply too pure for this world. A boy born to her sister Jeff was sister to Jev, but he was the other side of her, he was the innocence, and she was the darkness. Jeff riding his black steed into battle a blade that had seen much blood and eyes that prayed to be done with it all, a heart not made for this world it was tossed in.  

All children lost, all children killed or made to hate their own mother in the time Anaya had been alive. The past had been so cruel madness infecting her body causing her to kill and starve her own children and kill her own family for sport. Kiara killed as she did not heed warnings, the girl simply hugged her beloved mother crying and wishing to be loved as her mother burned her to a crisp. Kuro, killed by the townspeople by lashing and burning after his mother scorned him from the castle forbidding him from ever returning as she beloved the voices within her mind that he was trying to kill her. Talon forced to flee the castle when his mother tried to consume him. Elena tossed down the starving pit for the punishment of going against the words of her mother, the girl died within the pit after three days no food or water. Anna new and young and still living at the castle but spends more time away then home as the fear of her own mother and her mother's anger and destructive nature is too great. Jeff, holds a hate for his own mother that goes back years of punishment, torment and beatings to force him to be strong and not be weak, forced to kill all kinds to fill his mother's hunger. 

Anaya held the papers in her hands as she looked upon them with sad red eyes, the past she would never get over and a past she shoved in a drawer in her study to force herself to not pay attention to let on she had a heart. Putting the papers back in the drawer she shut it slowly as she took the key from the top of the desk and locked the simple wooden drawer putting the chain back in a small can on the desk. She let out a sigh as she picked up a stack of parchment and flipped them passing the time and enjoying the peace she was given just for a while more.

---One Hour Later---

Anaya: Walking out of her study her eyes glazed as the reading was simply dull but the same needed. She held the pile of papers as she walked over to a small pedestal with a basket on the top and placed the files into the basket to be sent out later in the afternoon. Anaya let out a sigh as the silence in the kingdom was gone and her small window of peace and quiet was over, you go in a room to peace and when you come out you gain noise, simple noise could be so unsettling and such a hindrance.  She wiggled the basket so all the papers layer flat then made her way to her throne to yet go over more records as the job of paperwork never seemed to be done. A maid came over and bowed as it went to its knees at the queen’s flank “Mistress can I get you anything, mint tea like you enjoy or honey water and lemon?” Anaya moved her claws to run into her hair as she nodded “yes honey water with ice and lemon would be good thank you Clare run along now and fetch that” Clare did as told and got up “oh Clare, and come back and stay here, there are townspeople to come today and you will give them service wall they stay so bring out the water jug with ice for any guests we have, if they are more then peasants we can crack out the wine but I don’t think we will be so the water jug will do” Clare said not a word and nodded her head and ran off into the dining hall to do as instructed. As Anaya sat calmly on her throne picking up her leather bound book looking over it to see if any record had been made of the broken pipes being fixed in the basement.

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons White_10
DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Main-q10

Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 7:33 pm; edited 2 times in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose April 18th 2016, 11:08 pm

BlackFire Empire Roleplay Snip: Click Here to go to the Full Role Play On the PageDeLaRose A Story of Dragons Lion_10

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons White_10
DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Dantes10

DanteBlackfire: Dante and the boy took a day to get to where they needed to be, taking as long as it took to investigate the strange murders

PandoraTamsinLasair: ~ Pandora walked by the cells, the stench of human waste strong in her nostrils. She found a large male in a cell, glaring at her "Dirty whore" the man spat at her and she smirked, "you do " she said as she opened the door. The man never got the chance to utter another word as Pandora placed her hands on either side of his head, her eyes turning white as she pulled both his soul and life force from his body. The sounds of his screams echoing throughout the dungeon ~

DanteBlackfire: Dante and the boy was working for hours to figure out what was going on in the villages taking them a while to find the source of all that was happening they found themselves in a heated battle for over a few hours though they came out on top killing as much of the beasts as possible before returning home

Anaya: A Villager screams in the distance. the sound of woman and children crying out something was going on

PandoraTamsinLasair: ~ pandora climbed the stairs out of the dungeon with a satisfied smirk on her face, knowing the guards would dispose of her meal. She made her way to her chambers, knowing a hot bath would be waiting for her. She preferred the tub in her personal chambers as it was larger. She stripped easily and climbed into the steaming water with a contented sigh ~

DanteBlackfire: Dante ran over to where the screams were seeing a woman who was crying stopping her he placed his hands on her shoulders "What is it?"

Anaya: The woman looked at him big blue eyes looking up at him “there is a demon in the house there behind here, killed most the town please help us” she slumped lifelessly onto the ground.

DanteBlackfire: Dante stopped her from falling walking to where the woman was talking about to investigate having his bow loaded and ready to fire

Anaya: As the man left that one woman she turned to nothing but dust behind him but only after he got out of sight. A cheap trick a ploy, a ruse, a nice con to simply draw the next victim into the house. As the door opened when the man entered the smell of dress filled the air. The demon looked up from the bit and claw mark riddled corpse she had her face shoved into. Blood and a lump of intestine dropped and plopped to the ground out of her mouth that lay a slight gap. Her hand held the bowl of the woman she had ripped apart a shrivelling child in the background. The bowl hung from the clawed hand of the demon as her eyes, red and black as ever more night staring aimlessly no feeling no wit, no words. She took the bowl and thrashed it in her hand as a smile came to her lips “stupid [Language] thing can never get all the shit out, want to help me? The last one in this town is the boy, sure you will not mind holding this so I can off that little runt to” she could not help herself a crackled laugh came from her neck and mouth as she stood up. She was not overly tall a mere 5 foot 6 maybe a bit more maybe a bit less. Her red and black silken dress hung off lush plump breasts, hips formed and figured into that classic hourglass shape, a boy some men would kill for, skin silken smooth with black ink marks down it defining the shape of her luminous body. She moved her hands up running the intestine part up in-between her breasts the blood seeping into the fabric making it all so very moist. “don’t you want to my good sir, just to, touch it, don’t worry I will not bite” a voice like sweet honey and plum drafted from her breath something so beautiful coming from something so vile.

DanteBlackfire: As Dante made his way in he noticed the seductive woman though his energy could track danger from a mile as Dante made his way in he fired an arrow past her and spoke softly "Who..are you?" He tilted his head slightly as he loaded an arrow into the bow along with the boy he was training who also had a loaded bow ready

Anaya: The arrow fired did not even faze her at all “I am no one little one, but I will be someone in your world sometime soon I promise you” her words as sweet and smooth as silk and lavender blooms. She walked on air as black wings folded from her back and as she dropped the entrails from her hand she vanished and then reformed behind the man’s trainee it looked, the boy not even near as skilled as the older man, but she pushed her breasts up against the man’s back and let out a lustful moan. He was frozen, stunned with thoughts pumping in his little mind “so much weaker than you are, just training him?” she said into the other man’s ear as she vanished just as fast as he could turn around to shoot. She then reformed behind that boy shivering in the corner as she picked him up be the neck holding him in front of her body a meat shield “so tell me, my dear man, so you are the ruler of that castle a ways away, oh what’s it’s called dark, no black something sounds like a peachy place, I will have to make a stop there on my way around this land”

DanteBlackfire: Dante's eyes glowed a bright red as the entire house broke down from the curse black skull appearing behind Dante standing as tall as the mountains though high enough to not harm the village Dante growled and yelled "It's Blackfire, and you have 3 seconds to let the boy go or I will put you down" the boy looked at him and nodded Dante nodded back as he looked to the woman the giant black skull-like figure whose upper torso arms and head showing as it looked down at the female

Anaya: she looked at him her eyes looking into his own his little threat display not even moving a hair on her head, everything beautifully placed her dress did not even wave it was as if what was there. Was just too perfect. She took a claw and ran it to the boys neck “power down my dear or the boy gets his head lopped off and I vanish away and you only see me again when I deem it is time. Let’s talk” she kept tight hold to the boy’s waistline as she smiled and her tail wagged back and forth “so what’s the place like? Many people? Is it a booming establishment do you run it alone or are you with wife and child oh how I love children they are so, innocent” she moved down and kissed the boys cheek a black tar like substance seeping into his skin leaving a black spider-like mark. “you don’t even know who I am, so fast to temper so fast to shoot the poor massager spider, you can’t even see that there is a larger spider behind it all. So blind tisk tisk so blind, lets, talk? ” she looked up her claws at the boy’s neck as she smiled and her black tongue slipped over her lips with a grin.

DanteBlackfire: Dante stood there for a moment and then took the arrow off of the bow dropping both it and the arrow as the skull vanished he looked at her and growled "Let him leave..and we can talk alone. Dante looked to her and as his teeth held together the boy yelled out "Dante don't" Dante growled again louder as a sign for the boy to be quiet the boy did as he was told and looked down as he felt the woman kissed his cheek he growled as well

Anaya: The girl held onto the boy as the spider-like mark was growing “he was dead before you ever got here, this town, has the virus, I am simply a form of poison to fix the problem. Anti…venom super concentrated poison, and toxin, virus, sent to remove the main one. But you have not told me what I want to know. Your land, what is it like” she ran a claw around the boys cheek and if the man was closer he would be able to see that black tar-like stuff had started to creep into the little boys left eye. "and you are kinda cute" she gave a wing as her black hair fell in her face and that grin was glued upon her face.

DanteBlackfire: Dante looked at her and spoke softly "The land that it sits on has been my family for over 10000 years, I took it over after the rest of my family died I created it, and people started to move in..the boy you are holding is the only child there...he's and orphan" Dante looked at him and nodded as the boy reached in his pocket pulling out a black gem that was able to teleport him away though for some reason it was not working

Anaya: She gripped the boy tightly as his eyes were turning all black and the other one was doing the same, if she was to let go of the boy he would have slumped, he was dying, that was clear, toxin, “what a pity we will have to get some F**ing going on in your land, you do not hold children, no wife? so sad a king with no wife” she tilted her head as her claw started to cut down the boys cheek, no blood came out this side of his face was nothing but tar at this point. “they are all dead here. Every last one, man, woman, child, all just food for the spiders, so many spiders, find where they come from, stop the plague from coming to your land, find the spiders find the virus boy, don’t touch no no tisk tisk don’t touch” she let go of the boy and he fell from her and landed on the floor as she stood there over top his body as it was fading, life force flowing from him as his hair was falling out onto the floor “she will attack your home next, the spider queen, bibilith, the spider, will get you. ” she opened her arms and stood there and started to laugh to the point black tears fell from her eyes.

PandoraTamsinLasair: ~Pandora paced in the castle, worried and angry. Dante had been gone longer than it should have taken him and the boy to check things out and be back. She had sent a scout to check things out hours ago and was simply awaiting their return. her heart raced when she heard the sound of wings, her scout returning. "M'Lady, it looks as though there was a huge battle in the forest. I did not see the bodies of M'lord or the boy he took with him, and the village looked empty from the sky," he said and she nodded. She looked calm on the outside, but inside was another story. Without a word Pandora took off out the door, spreading her own wings and heading towards the village ~

DanteBlackfire: Dante used his feet to kick up and catch his bow in his hand and quickly fires arrows after arrows at her all of them aiming point blank for her chest anger built up as he saw the boy die

Anaya: As the man fired the arrows that were the whole plan, why drop your meat shield if you did not expect an attack, as the arrows hit her she did not stop laughing and the body fell to the ground in a hill of spiders that ran off and away some crawling over the men’s feet but oddly not laying a single bite to their legs only crawling away, they would bite later.

DanteBlackfire: As Dante's anger grew a black flame appeared around the area burning anything and everything around even the spiders until nothing was left not even ash Dante though managed to grab the boys body pulling him away from the spiders as they burned Dante placed him on the ground looking down at him on one knee looking down in shame

PandoraTamsinLasair: ~Pandora landed in the village, silently and gracefully. The wave of death hit her instantly and she groaned in half pleasure half pain. after a moment she sensed where Dante was and made her way to the house that was on fire. She watched it burn as she saw Dante coming with the lifeless body of the boy, placing him on the ground ~ What happened here? ~ she asked, looking around her ~

DanteBlackfire: "I...I couldn't save him....he died because of me...I should never have brought him he wasn't ready. Dante took a vile and a small knife cutting open the boys arm to try and put some of the toxin she put in him and closing the cork to keep it there as he placed it in his pocket he stood up as the boys body burned in a black flame untill it was gone "Whoever this woman was is still alive...even though I put 3 arrows in her chest she's somthing powerful and we need to lock down the village right away, also pull all the other villages to ours and have a shelter built as fast as possible"

PandoraTamsinLasair: ~ she looked at him sadly ~ there's no one left. I felt every last one of them. ~ she said softly ~

DanteBlackfire: Then go back into the castle and keep yourself there untill I return...burn the training will remind me too much of him..." Dante stood up as he started to walk off trying to find the woman from before

PandoraTamsinLasair: ~ she looks at him ~ no. I am not leaving your side. I spent a month thinking you were dead, you can't make me go through that again. you either return with me or I go wherever you ar going ~ she said, her voice firm and slightly angry ~

DanteBlackfire: "Pandora this woman is a psychopath" He snapped "If she even finds out that you are in my life she will stop at nothing to kill you and I have never felt any energy like this before...she is much powerful then the both of us and I cannot risk losing you I would kill myself if that happen, now please do as you are told and go back to the castle" He growled as he looked into her eyes

PandoraTamsinLasair: ~ she looked back at him ~ All the more reason for me to stay with you. You have never seen the full force of my powers, nor the full extent of what I can and cannot do. You can't say that this woman is stronger than both of us, because you have also not dealt with her without your soul. There is no use chasing someone. If she is after you she will end up at the castle eventually. What would you rather happen, her show up and it be just me there? or have something prepared if it does happen?

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons White_10

Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 7:47 pm; edited 3 times in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

Female Posts : 97
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Language : Fluent in Sarcasm, Backtalk, and English as my third Language.
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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose April 19th 2016, 2:54 am

Our users have posted a total of 1372 messages
We have 58 registered users
The newest registered user is DanteBlackfire

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Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 7:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

Female Posts : 97
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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by SLGray April 19th 2016, 4:06 am

Anaya DeLaRose wrote:Statistics 
Our users have posted a total of 1372 messages
We have 58 registered users
The newest registered user is DanteBlackfire

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons White_skull_divider_by_xxtoxic_infectionxx-d4pasdw
This is not consider an update.

Also please try not to post long messages that you have to use more than one post.  Try to post specific information about updates.

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Slgray10

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose April 19th 2016, 4:17 am

SLGray wrote:
Anaya DeLaRose wrote:Statistics 
Our users have posted a total of 1372 messages
We have 58 registered users
The newest registered user is DanteBlackfire

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons White_skull_divider_by_xxtoxic_infectionxx-d4pasdw
This is not consider an update.

Also please try not to post long messages that you have to use more than one post.  Try to post specific information about updates.
 thank you very much SLGray, I will remember this information, and every post I have done was a long post for each update up till the small Statistics post which in truth I should have added to the bottom of my last post but forgot lol I have made 4 posts so far, a introduction, Update on the one active role play, update on a side active role play then the small one being the little snip of statistics which I messed up on, I will be sure to heed your words and do as follows. if i slip up again please let me know Very Happy
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

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Location : Somewhere in Cyberspace

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose April 19th 2016, 9:50 pm

Update on BlackFire Empire role play: 

Snip of the story, to read it in full click the link overhead.  Link to The Full Story, Newest Story at Bottum

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons White_10

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons 656577-warm-spring-rain

DanteBlackfire:  Dante listened to her and nodded in agreement "I agree, but we need to make sure to do it soon, as for the trade agreement I don’t know if that's a good idea, the spider queen will learn about it and then will go after them as well, I could not live with myself knowing that I put other places in her path as well...However if you think it's best then I will send someone to speak with a village or castle from the south" He placed his hand on his shoulder stretching himself, speaking softly to her "And what if it came to where I would have no choice but to kill them, what do I do then?" He knew she would probably avoid an answer or just tell him she would not give him any weakness about her own kind, even if she was cast out from them she still seemed loyal to them, and he could not blame her... a lot of his loyalty was still with his tribe even if they have all been killed Dante still cared about them and the ways they lived. Dante walked over standing next to her waiting for her answer.

Anaya: She kept looking out the window as he talked and she admired the falling rain, such a simple thing to just fall to the ground were you became something a part of a mass much larger then yourself. It made the spider smile as she thought of the fact how it was exactly the same as home. So simple so the same so loud and everyone thinking at the same time messages flashing in the hive mind she learned to love. It was like she was never really alone, but now it was just silence her own raindrop had fallen on a rock and was unable to get to the earth were it craved sweet salvation. He mentioned if he had to kill them, had to kill her kind and her smile faded as she looked out the window “if it comes to that I will do what is needed to be done till I die in the filed with the rest of my kin. Till then just use flames from touch light, anything from your own making, your black fire anything will only anger them and scare them, demons attacks do no damage on animals soul made to destroy demons” she turned and looked at him yellow eyes dark with thought “is there anymore you wish to know, I have made the choice to not bother about keeping it from you, there is no point and regardless if you don’t find out from my mouth you will find out from my actions when the time comes. So ask and I will tell you anything you wish to find out”

DanteBlackfire: Dante smiled a bit was happy that she was willing to help him, he then walked over leaning his hands on the window as he looked out speaking softly "You said that my demon attacks won't work, but there has to be a way that I can stand against them and take them down if need be, I am not going to go to war with them if it can be avoided by me and my men need to know any weakness they may have that can kill them if it is required" He looked over to her taking his hands off the window and stared at her up and down "You cannot stand to them alone, if you try to you will die and I will not allow you to die, no matter what you say it will not change my mind, I care for you even if you don’t care for me" He looks at her attempting to show her how serious he was about her even if she did not feel the same way for him he wanted her to be safe.

Anaya: “You have wanted me dead since we met long ago in the town where I killed the boy, you may not have known it was me then but I killed the boy you wanted to save. I am not your new child you want to save, and if you don’t allow me to fight for you and do what I need to they will swarm over this castle take the land and chain you in the catacombs so you can be breed and killed” she did not take her eyes off the window but her voice was as serious sounding as it could be. “as you know Dante Blackfire my kind is made to destroy yours, so your own attacks and ability’s have bin hardwired into our bodies so we take no or very little damage. This is something we have been made to do, as my kind was not born we were created. Demonic ability’s like your black fire or even that skull you can conjure will do no or very little damage to our hard shells so you the ruler will have no option but to really on others. Or think outside of the shallow box. You worry about others dying for you, their blood on your hands, that is the largest deterrent the spider queen can use. You have no choice but to utilize family and other beings to work for you to even make a dent in there forces. Touch fire, oil, and other flames that you have not created will do the most damage, but if you create it all it will ever do is anger them and prevent the swarm but not kill it” she turned and looked at him “all the black fire and scull you have will not kill me, same with your arrows, you can shoot them over and over and I will just dissolve and kill you. If you want to kill them, learn how to kill me, and stop being a demon. If you want to kill the spiders you must learn how to think like one” her cold yellow eyes looked into him, no feeling no emotion nothing in them they just looked outright dead. 

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons White_10

Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 7:50 pm; edited 2 times in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

Female Posts : 97
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Language : Fluent in Sarcasm, Backtalk, and English as my third Language.
Location : Somewhere in Cyberspace

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by SLGray April 19th 2016, 9:57 pm

Please watch the date and time in your posts.  They need to be 24 hours apart.

Yesterday at 9:17 pm
Today at 2:50 pm

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Slgray10

When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
Never post your email in public.

Male Posts : 51608
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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose April 22nd 2016, 4:17 am

Update, for The Iron Dynasty Story, see the full story here: Click Here to go Right to the Full Story

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons White_10

Snip of the Story, read in full by clicking the over head link

ViktorRolanov: Hearing the woman speak, he had given a nod, before he changed his position of footing, allowing him; he had given a light smile as he had walked further toward her, his voice erupting from his lips as he approached the female on her throne. His voice was less venomous this time, not like it with his troops, this time, horribly friendly, but in a way that was going to make them at least tell they are stable. “I am Venurix, my lady. I am here to make a formal greeting. You buy our spiders, as such, for what I do not know. However, I would like to offer you trade, so that you may have plenty of our troops and spiders for use in your armies.” He had then given a bow, all of his men, but one of them, on his left had not bowed to her. He had just had his arms crossed and stood up high as if he was a king, he did not care for the mortals or such. He had given a slight smirk as he looked to his left, seeing the figure not bowing, giving him plenty of reason to act, and he would in that moment, extremely quickly to kill the man, but he would wait while he is not concentrating.

Anaya: The small of the dog in the halls had faded and guards were getting back in their places, maybe they killed the dog or it just lumbered off. Anaya sat in her throne as she moved her fingers into her snow white hair and brushed away the day’s dullness. Her heart was starting to want her in the basement into the hold under the castle to check on her growing child to ensure its safety, but she knew it was well guarded and she would handle matters here before she removed herself to there. Or when Samuel did return she would send him to go do the watch as him and herself were the only ones allowed to go down there at any point. Her red eyes looked to their guest as she had a dislike for him, anything she did not understand she took a distrust for right off the bat, but she was sure that was normal with most beings. “yes the spiders my mate uses to guard our lower holds, there has been a boom in their breeding so we are not in need of more but what soldiers do you offer? I only wish things I can trust and whatever you used to get here I do not want in my lands at all. They are not needed here, the guards were shocked to the point of soiling their armors and I do not need your workings in the lands here for others to get their claws on, so if the fighters come with their vessels I will not be of need of them” Victoria looked to Anaya as she looked back to the person there as she moved closer to Anaya putting her lips closer to Anaya and whispering softly into her ear “keep your friends close and your enemies closer my dear” 

FiliaSaton: - Cozy in her Anaya’s lap Mystic purred softly only looking up a bit to notice the new creatures step in . Anaya, at least to this kitten, seems to be her normal strong and noble woman. She no long smelled the horrid beast that invaded her home. “dogs yuck “ she thought . Why would anyone want something soo unrefined around? To her, anything that will drool and drink in its own water bowl can not be that smart. This thought left a smile on her back fuzzy lips. And as she relaxed knowing she did not smell the beast anymore, she would stretch out her paws and widen the padding of her feet revealing her 6 claws on each front paw. Her but raising up slightly as she tail stretches out. I loud yawning meow would then flow out her little mouth as she lowered her but again, and curl her tail around her black fluffy body. She then laid her head on her paw as her tail brushed gently up against her cheek. Mmm live is good now she thought no nasty dog around and the best lap in the castle to lay on. She purred out “ what better life could a kitten like me ask for.” she laid calm and quiet in Anaya’s lap just listening to the man that spoke to her Anaya and it amused her to see the bowing of all the men but as she lifted her head to see all of them that bowed . Her little ears went back when she saw one not bow at all, and look up at her Anaya to see what Anaya would do about such rudeness.-

ViktorRolanov: Venurix gave a slight nod, his helmet moved and the armour weave underneath glided over his skin softly. He watched her as she spoke to him, finding her words almost to his expectation, his eyes closed behind his helmet for a moment, then his ears flicked inside of the helm, he had heard the whispers of the female, not clearly but he had heard them. He found it rather settling, it was like his fortress, though not as small as this place, he did wonder if it spanned under the soil, he would not pry on such thoughts, though. He had moved his right clawed hand up as he looked to the honour guard of his, his eyes looked over the figure, feeling his plan fall into place very quickly. Everything to him was a means to an end, this meeting was killing two birds with one stone, the armoured guard looked at him, with a slight bow down to his lord. Venurix stood up and turned to his left, his hand extending to the face of the figure in front of him, the full covering helmet of the guard reached Venurix’s fingers as if to give them a kiss as if a man would to a prestigious woman. Venurix, with a chuckle, had raised two fingers, the claws, gliding through the still; warm air quick, he did not bow to the leader of this place. As his fingers went up, the claws slid through the eye slits of the honour guards helmet, and stabbed into the eyes of the black clad guard, causing him to make a wail of pain as the Dread King dug his claws on his gauntlets’ in deeper. His arm raised up, picking the guard up, the black armoured guard flinched a few times, while Venurix spoke cold and harsh. “You plot to kill me, this is what happens, and this is why I have kept my throne for ten millennia. You are pathetic, you are scum, like all of your petty assassins of your family’s house, I crush you like an insect.” The guard, began to glow and pulse with light, as the body begun to turn to mist, the blood too, this was his soul, it began to seep up into the air, the mess of the encounter was quickly gone, and the figure was no more, even the armour, seemed to disappear, as if the man was nothing but mist. The dread king put his hand down and turned his head to Anaya and he spoke very softly, toward her. “I am sure, we can come to an agreement. I mean, we are just as good foot soldiers as we are a navy…” He gave a soft chuckle, his hidden, helmeted head and face, looking eerily around the room.

Anaya: Anaya watched the man before her kill one of his own fighters, his own guards but it was with reason and she guessed he knew what he was doing so in truth she did not react much to it other than the simple watching. But the words that went in her ear, dear, god how she hated that word and enough was about enough. As Victoria kept her mouth to Anaya’s ear Anaya without even turning her head placed a claw at the center of the girl’s throat and in a simple fast movement the girl started coughing up blood and fell to the floor. The woman’s claw had grown out three feet stabbing into the girls jugular and out the other then-then retracted all in a blink. It was messy once the girl fell to the floor bleeding to death and choking on her own tongue, flopping around like a land fish. Anaya said not a word as she took a cloth off the side of her throne and cleaned her hand from the drops of blood that covered her nail. Heartless and fast that was one way to set a mood, that other man said a bunch of things and had pride to a ton for, was talkative but Anaya was something else, she was hard cold and new her standing and did not have to voice it. “do you eat human bodies? Would you like that one?” she said as she moved her claw now cleaned to the armrest as she leaned back in her chair watching the girl flop around life leaving her.

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons White_10

Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 7:52 pm; edited 2 times in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

Female Posts : 97
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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by SLGray April 22nd 2016, 4:20 am

Ok.  After reading your posts, they are not really updates.  Updates include new sections/forums, codes been installed, new staff members, change of forum theme/version, etc.

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Slgray10

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose April 22nd 2016, 4:24 am

Please list a full list of what all is clad as an update, as every section I have posted is an update to new thing added to a forum topic, I just have supplied a snip of what was added for the viewers so they can read it here and make the choice if they wish to click the overhead update link.
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by SLGray April 22nd 2016, 4:26 am

I will not discuss it here.  I will send a pm.

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Slgray10

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose April 30th 2016, 1:02 am

Talked to Staff member SLGray , said I could keep doing what I have been doing, just wanted to state that before I carried on, as a notice.

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons White_10

Update added in, RPC (role play character) and member has left till Later notice, we will miss you Jeff, a Snip of his Exit for all to enjoy:
Link to Were to see this in the story: Click Here to Read More

JeffLynixDeLaRose: Jeff sat up in his room, staring at the knapsack that he had packed a few nights prior to tonight. The baby blue crystalline hues ran along the edge of the bed before catching the outer line of a shirt. The scent that lingered to the fabric reminded him of when he first entered the home, all those years ago. He was so young and so frail. Worried about all that surrounded him, the young boy turned into a stronger man than he or anyone of his siblings ever thought he could become. He knew that this castle had made him into the person he hated. He needed to know that his family was better off without him and that they were going to all kill themselves one way or another. He didn't want to be around for that. Not this time. He slowly began to fold clothes as one of the maids passed his open door. "M'lord? What are you doing." "Inform the queen that I am needed elsewhere. She will probably be pleased with my decision but it is about time that her son left home." The maid raised a brow. "But we need you here, sire." Jeff simply shook his head. "No. I have been battered, broken, bastardized, belittled and bloodied so many times since I have been home and it has all been for nothing. I hold no children who love me. I hold no lover to love me. I hold no family that loves me. If I don't get out now, I never will unless I'm on a pyre out in the middle of the ocean. That isn't how I want to go out." Jeff sighed softly and nodded to the maid. "Fetch the horse from the stable, the one that just arrived from my deal with Brakerback Farm. The black Clydesdale. Gold Saddle." The maid nodded and began to strut back down the stairs, hiking up her dress a tad as to not trip on her outfit. He listened to the heels of the maid clack against the floor until it became distant and kept folding clothes and materials that he would need. He reached over and picked up his brother, Jaurl's knife. It was sleek, black, and ready to kill in a tri-blade fold, and for one moment, he felt like a piece of his brother was leaving with him, as his brother had entered the same way. He finished packing so he had enough food, water, clothes, Firestarter, and a whetstone. Hanging on the side was a hatchet, as to chop down trees and make a shelter once he found a nice spot away from the Iron. He slowly slung the bag over his shoulder and placed his regular weapons on his back, only leaving behind empty drawers and boxes from his arrival. He had his golden armor on as he walked toward the back door, and out to the stables. The prince, whom would stick a cigarette between his lips as he did so, climbed onto the horse and nodded to himself, as he looked at the iron. "Goodbye-...Until we meet again." He whispered in draconic, before planting his foot into the side of the horse, spurring it into a gallop down the trail and away from the iron within minutes. He passed through the town, as the townspeople started to clap and cheer as he rode off. He waved with a form behind his mask, plastered onto his lips. He knew that the majority of these people would die in the summer, but he thanked the gods he wouldn't be around to see it. After he made it to the edge of town, he broke into a full sprint on the horse and made his way, straight into the sunset, off to better adventures, and to finally give his mother what she wanted. He would be back, eventually. But if he wasn't, then it was for the better. He loved his family, and he knew his travels would eventually benefit them all. Once away from the iron by a few miles, he broke off, away from the other direction he arrived on, going down not only a new path he had never been on before but a new path in life. Maybe this would be his greatest adventure. Only time would tell.

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Cowboy-sunset
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Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 7:57 pm; edited 3 times in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose May 13th 2016, 10:49 pm

New parts added to the story,

Snip of the new part, read more to find out information before and after this little snip, enjoy and feel free to register with the page to get emails and updates about everything! Click here To read it in Full

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Anaya: She gave a laugh at the part where she spoke out of turn, it was nice the girl did have a voice and did know how to use it, and Anaya knew very well this place needed work, it needed life and most of all it needed better servants. “the only reason they are the way they are is due to how stupid some of my servants are They don’t know how to cook or clean most of the time, which is why I have been looking in and putting out word to get new aid, which is what your jobs will be, you have a voice and I want you to use it, if you wish to be just a castle or city slave then don’t worry about that voice but to be my personal girl you will have larger jobs along side, my other girl, Chesmay. She is my first girl here and is learning her jobs but she is a good girl and I very much so enjoy her company. As my personal girl I will break you once as it was in your papers you are without being opened up as of yet, so I will do that for you but I will do it once and once alone not more, so if you crave more I will allow you to pick a guard you like or they can pick you, but you do have choice and no one will just take you without my say so. And if they do try you can inform me of this and they will be strictly punished.” She leaned back in her chair as she ran a claw along the girl’s cheek for a second before leaning back and removing her hand “no one will harm you under my watch, and if I am not around there are some guards that respect me more than others and if some try to harm you just call out for them and they will come. if you see something here that is not right or you feel things should be changed as my slave I wish you to voice it to me, if you bring it up we will get word to fix it, making this place better is part of why you are here in the first place, you being here, giving life and light to the dark stone is why I need you here in my halls. You are what gets the dust out my dear Winter Flower ” Anaya smiled she really did enjoy the name Winter and it fit the elf well Anaya would get underway in the coming days to have a collar made, she wondered if it would b best to make them out of leather or metal.

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Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 7:54 pm; edited 2 times in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

Female Posts : 97
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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose June 14th 2016, 5:35 am

New thing added to the Role Play forum, we now have a Wix page fully linked to the main page

As well as we have some new mods and story lines for everyone to see, more updates coming and for any questions message me.

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Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 7:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose October 2nd 2016, 11:03 pm

New Rules added to all Forums topics, as well as a new Admin Arthus
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Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 7:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

Female Posts : 97
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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose October 20th 2016, 11:30 am

New side story started, Merfolk of Valaria
New topic Made, History of Valaria

View all here Click Here to View

Sneak peek:
The History of Valaria

Old men tell stories of how the world was made, stories of how it was all made from the tears of dragons so sad as they got kicked out of their homeland that their tears made life grow and made the rivers run. Other men tell stories on how the world was carved from the back of a massive land turtle who made magic with a blink of an eye and who’s flippers made the waves crash. But they are old wife’s tails to simply give a story to a child who needed sleep, no, we watched the world get made so let’s say you are hearing it from the people that put the ink on the page first hand.

Back in the days of old, how the humans call it anyway, we called it dawns time, there were two things, ash and sand men, or so we were called by humans that came later. But in our tongue, we were called the Rasp. Cold outsides made of wood and stone, glowing blue eyes able to see into the souls of others, if there were others to see into, and no voice, we talked with our hands and actions, a lot of pointing and grunting, and that sound the rasp, we made it often like a hum to call forth the sands and dunes we worked with to move us from location to location when we just did not want to use our feet.

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRqu-VrKSq4Q1gFVljlBDFemYtoRTkWVx_5TGIo76ie4G5ow0cNUw
The Rasp

Then there was sand, so much black ash-like sand it just covered the world, no end in sight to the mass seas of sand and emptiness. Every now and again you should find a camp set up with large dunes and sand being held together by more sand and light magics. We did not only work the sand and live with it, we lived in it, anyplace was better than the sun cooked sands that fried you if you went out for long, even we which our crusted flesh had trouble with the never ending heat. But then one day it all seemed to change for everyone and it just seemed like the world once cooked and baked by the sun not a thing in the form of something that was not us or sand.

There was a mighty uproar in the camp that day, I could hear the rasping sound just buzzing at full volume, it was like they were all in so much shock they just could not stop, even the sand was moving around due to them not being able to control it properly, homes and holes fell apart as they ran from them and they tumbled behind their back, then there she was. Walking behind another male as I looked at her, they said she was just found walking around saying words no one understood or could make out. But I do say she was mighty fine to look at, strange but in a nice way. With a bit of magic and some fiddling, we, in turn, figured out what she was saying.

God as found you, you may call him God, we have found this world and soon we shall place beings upon it to bring life to your ash like dirt. Soon there will be rain, water from the sky that will moisten your skin and you will no longer be hard and fowl, soon there will be grand seas and lush grass as far as the eyes can see. New life will grow lush your lands and everything will be well, he deemed there to be light upon this world and there shall be light. But one must be wary of ones that govern the lands for they are fearsome and strong, the grand blue Sky-keeper shall govern your sky, shall her wings block out the sun and grant you shade from its wrath, shall her body be so large no one shall be able to cage her, a powerful monarch of the sky’s able to give freedom to the worthy and grant wings to one she sees fit. Upon the land shall tend the dragon, fire from its jaws of teeth larger than a man, its feet will shake the earth and its tail shall pave the way for rivers to the sea, shall it grant wisdom to all that seek it out and give the world peace from war and punishment. Upon the sea there shall be the largest of all, the serpent, body as a snake and fins as a whale, it shall give life to the waves and grant nothing but hardship, giving judgment to the ones befitting its wrath, a force to be recorded with and a tail that can start a hurricane with one fall splash. All shall befall this place in ten moons pass, watch ye walkers of the ash like dunes, be watchful as soon the dunes will grow wet and this sea of sand will turn to a sea of water

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Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 8:08 pm; edited 2 times in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

Female Posts : 97
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Location : Somewhere in Cyberspace

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose November 19th 2016, 9:29 am

Snip of the new part, read more to find out information before and after this little snip, enjoy and feel free to register with the page to get emails and updates about everything! Click here To read it in Full

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She giggled at the guard's words as she nodded and slowly walked into the castle, looking around she loved it. Moving she pulled various types of knives from her thighs and bag and various other weapons before actually fully walking in. She loved being in a castle once again and smiled. Itching her nose she sniffed at the air and sensed different types of species and not humans as she made her horns visible once again. The castle was a great place and hey they had some rugs that felt nice on her bare feet. She didn't wear shoes as she hated the feeling that shoes gave her and always went barefoot since she was a little girl. If the people who inhabited this world required shoes then she would, of course, put some on without any argument. Walking into the room with the other people she bit her lip and looked around. She was quite sure on how to approach them in conversation and didn't want to just sit in a random chair. She knew her father would have probably killed someone if they walked into the castle and just sat at the table and said nothing invited in or not. Making sure to speak when everyone wasn't, she let her lip go and spoke, "Greetings...My name is Seraphine Black and I apologize if I have interrupted anything but this is the world I am currently in and felt the need to introduce myself and not try to go unnoticed." She spoke confidently but softly as to not seem vicious in any way at all.

Anaya could not help but smile as Sam bit his own tongue and gave a wheezing sound but did not say a word as that sister Minori was starting to peek his attention, anyone that was willing to be snappy with Anaya was worth his time. He almost spat out his meal as he jammed another chunk of meat in his mouth to stop the words from spilling out in congratulations to the woman. But as Sam kept to himself Anaya was smiling as she picked up another pearl and put it in her mouth as it was like her whole body shimmered gold for a second them dimmed back down as her body shivered, pearls the golden dragons drug, it made this amazing feeling of euphoria and if one wanted to gain a place in a castle or into her favor they could really just buy their way in with this simple underwater trinket. She pushed her snow white hair over her shoulder as she smiled at her sister and cleaned the bit of saliva from the side of her mouth, yes pearls made her drool slightly. “oh dear sister don't strain your elven mind on telling me such a tail right now, I fully agree it must be so hard for ones of lesser intellect as the elven people to truly portray a story of such grandeur, it may take you days to gain up the words and inform me of your venture to a land so distant from your beloved home.” she moved her hand over the table as her red stabbing eyes looked into her sisters as she gave a grin and slid the woman's plate closer to her “but please be silent and eat, to fill your belly of course, I would hate to see you thin ” Anayas eyes were daggers so many had fallen before them, and now Minori was staring down the gun of them. But anaya would not harm family, even adopted family, she had done her harming of her family in the past and it was a new age and a new family brought into the castle so there was no need to harm anyone even if they back talked a little, Anaya would not want it any other way, kept things interesting. She looked to Daya as the guard came in and Daya moved to exit and asked what she needed from the servants, she was glad the servants did as informed “alright miss Daya, you enjoy your dealings with our prisoner, and be sure to only go to the locked cells down in the catacombs the rest of the lower levels are off limits, and it is dangerous” Anaya took a claw and put another chunk of dried pork in her mouth as she swallowed it as always without chewing and looked up to their guest that had come in and said her part. “welcome then Seraphine Black take a platter and have a seat at any wooden table, eat your fill there is more than enough. ” Anaya looked at the girl, she was an odd looking one, so bright yet dark at the same time, had not seen one like that before, she questioned to herself, it would be something to learn about and all dragons were suckers for knowledge as many knew, so this new being would be fun to pick at and learn from.

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Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 8:10 pm; edited 2 times in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

Female Posts : 97
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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose November 30th 2016, 6:47 am

New Role Play Open for All To Read The Merfolk of Valaria The Wages of Evil, Click here to View the Rest
DeLaRose A Story of Dragons White_10

ThorAutum: -Carrying his trident in his left hand as he swam, Zague swam for the Upathian coast. He had been in these waters once or twice, but it was long ago, but he remembered how to get there and what it looked like.
Sensing that he reached the waters, he stilled with a quick stop as he spread his arms wide to either side, increasing his drag, his jaw dropping at what he saw in front of him. Great swathes of the sea floor had been gouged away, no doubt as a result of dredging, that he swam to the surface to make sure that he was indeed where he thought. He silently wept for the ocean that would take a lifetime to restore to its original beauty, and it enraged him. Ducking back beneath the surface he swam closer, and in the direction of the harbor where he could already see a vast Armada of wooden ships by way of the sails cutting into the horizon of dusk. His eyes adjusted to the failing light and as he came into the harbor could see the silhouette of a mermaid. More and more of the figure came into view as he got closer, revealing curly hair and colors that of a black mermaid, and figured it to Vexylla as he had seen her once before. He slowed his tail as he came close, coming to a full stop a few strokes away.- "Has anyone else shown up yet, I came as soon as I heard." -He said in a gravely quiet tone that spoke of hardly checked anger.- "I am Zague."

DayaAutum: -The scraping and banging sounds of the crates and boxes in the wooden hulls had stopped as the sun set upon the islands, and the scuttle but of the workers had begun in earnest. Vexylla stayed beneath the waters in the twilight shadows of docks listening to their conversations to piece together what she could of their plans. Her fins and arms swaying in the ebb and flow of the waves and undertows along with the occasional lazy swaying of her tail. As Zague approached she bent her elbow and extended her forefinger to her black lips signaling him that they needed to be quiet. Not that they would hear, but so she could easily hear them “Most ships are loaded, only fifteen need anything else and we have that done well before noon. They will set sail on time.” “ I didn’t think we would load a hundred ships in two days, what with ten days of food and all?” -Vexylla grins and cast a pleased look towards Zague hoping he understood the value of the information she had just heard. After a half hour of listening, she had heard enough and greeted the Merman -Greetings Zague, sorry for my asking for silence but we need more knowledge if we are to give them a proper introduction. I now know where they are headed and when, and how many of these ships will be going. They are not going fishing this time, it seems they have resolved to prey upon their own kind.-

ThorAutum: -He went silent as they listened in on them, taken aback by the size of the fleet, he didn't think it had been that many. So they would be leaving at high noon and she knew where their destination was. He hoped others would be coming soon, it would take the time to decimate them he knew even if a Kraken was by their side, 100 ships... A little thought and he placed the number of crew to be well over 2000. He laughed at the thought.- "Then that means that they will be I'll prepare to face us aside from their number, but a few storms and some sharks should make it far more even and once they are in the water...they will have no hope." -How is the integrity of these ships, could we loosen the keel to make them weak but strong enough to not arouse suspicion? Once they set sail they will have nowhere to run, and with weakened ships, we could bring them down to size rather quickly." -He swished his tail to remain in place, and as he spoke ran a hand through his hair to get it out of his eyes with his right hand.-

DayaAutum: -The murmurs from the ship's workers continued above punctuated with occasional laughter and the thuds of their feet. The smell of burning tobacco penetrated the water and drops of a rum made from wild cane plants occasionally sprinkled upon the surface above them. Vexylla occasionally tilted her head as her hair drifted in the shores currents as she listened to both Zague and for hints that they might divulge yet more useful intelligence - I have over heard them say earlier that they will have three days food once they reach their destination. That leaves seven days food for the voyage. No doubts they plan on leaving the party no choice but to plunder those islands whether their suspicions of piracy are true or not. So if we strike just before the fourth days travel it will be just over halfway between here and there. -Vexylla gives and evil twisted smile to Zague as she contemplates the choices such an action will leave them. We only need reduce them enough till they no longer have enough warriors to carry out their plans and they must turn back. Leaving us to take more ships at will. My plan is to halt their advances, and for them to return home empty handed with horrific tails of our deeds. No doubts with continued efforts we can wreck havoc upon them and they shall devour one another. -Vexylla nods with satisfaction at the hopeful outcome of her plans-

ThorAutum: -Zague listens to her as she speaks and nods at the plan.- "Very well. No doubt that they will leave a large trail, so I will be back before the attack and try to recruit some more help. Until then, be safe and hopefully be back in time for the fight." -He dips his head slightly and turns for the open ocean, intending to visit the closest blue and black villages.Looking back upon the fleet of ships he grimaces and his silver eyes flashed. He returned his head to the open sea and made a long husky thrust with his tail and a sweep with arms and a closing of his dark fins and pushed himself forward towards nearby settlements to seek out others to aid in what would be, a monumental task. Even for those with grand powers given to the Merfolk-

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons 11111110

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Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 8:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

Female Posts : 97
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Language : Fluent in Sarcasm, Backtalk, and English as my third Language.
Location : Somewhere in Cyberspace

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose December 2nd 2016, 11:05 pm

Snip of The Latest Story Line For All To Read The Merfolk of Valaria The Wages of Evil, Click here to View the Rest
DeLaRose A Story of Dragons White_10

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Cara-mermaid-drawing

DayaAutum: -Vexylla swam underwater towards the others, she was full of grief and the excitement she felt earlier had left her. She was grieving and trying to gather herself together. under the vortex of rain hitting the water and choppy waves of the storm she came to them, her arms folded tight across her chest as if to press upon her aching heart and bowels. She paused about ten yards out and collected herself and then with a couple pushes of her tail fins she closed the distance between them - The mermaid slain today was my daughter I -She stopped for a moment not knowing how to continue, and then swallowed and continued- Those who saw her are no more, and with the storm they shall be counted no doubts as lost to the sea with no knowledge of our presence. We can continue as planned as the storm you brought will pass. - Her thoughts started to return to her now and her words came more quickly and easily - That wave could not have been natural, there is another merfolk among us who aided us, a Blue no less able to send waves upon the shore. I think with the time we have before the fleet moves out we should try and contact them, the Blue can be very shy after all.

PersphoneLuciano: -The mermaid watched as the grieving female ducked back into the safety of the sea wondering what her next move should be. She was alone and unfamiliar with this area and she needed to find shelter soon so she could rest a bit. Diving back into the sea she began to slowly watch the mermaid swim to the others being careful not to tail too close to be noticed. As if sensing her fear and apprehension a sleek bottlenose dolphin swam to her circling her as if studying her. He was young weighed about 350 pounds and was at least 8 1/2 feet long. His muscles corded as he swam around her then seeming to smile as he bumped her arm playfully pulling a smile from the wary blue mermaid as she gripped his dorsal fin and allowed him to pull her a bit closer to the other but sensing her need to stay out of sight used his body as her shield so she could listen as the grieving female explained about her daughters death and the understanding of the sorrow and grief that seemed to overwhelm her. She gasp softly as she realized that this female noticed she was near and curled herself beside the dolphin as he shielded her and watched the others with knowing eyes-

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Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 8:14 pm; edited 2 times in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

Female Posts : 97
Reputation : 5
Language : Fluent in Sarcasm, Backtalk, and English as my third Language.
Location : Somewhere in Cyberspace

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose December 8th 2016, 8:07 am

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New Rank Badges made and updated, as well as 2 new mods have been added to the forum, DayaAutum and Lunaria

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Ranks in more depths posted here to see full topic, Click here to Veiw

Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 8:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

Female Posts : 97
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Location : Somewhere in Cyberspace

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose December 19th 2016, 8:10 pm

Snip of The Latest Story Line For All To Read The Iron Dynasty A Rose Has Thorns, Click here To View The Rest

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons 93c3418634a01e1412840754bfd4eb1a

The Land of Pyros was settling, evening time having come quicker than usual as the sun was setting over the horizon, casting a clear orange and faded red blaze within the cloudless cold Mid-December Sky. Snow had finally settled on the ground, sticking and staying, covering the trees and roofs of many homes, even the largest city, The Iron City had its very roofs coated in this soft cold white powder. At the very gates of The Iron City stood the Guards, horses, and carriages from people whom were both coming and leaving, or those whom were unfortunate to have to walk back to their homeland on foot in this cold time of the year. The smell of dinner was wafting all throughout the Iron City, from fresh warm bread straight out of the oven, to the juiciest of meats and warmest of meads from the famous Bar within the city known as Hogs Water, which was also next to the Brothel, a rather popular place as well. Plenty of people in cloaks and warm winter time furs were hurrying back and forth through the city, doing their Christmas shopping, children having snowball fights, men roaring with laughter in the many bars, all was pretty much jolly this season. Though, from the outside of the City, in the vast forest, was a man traveling towards the city. As he walked through the snow silently, not making a single sound even with each footstep, he made his way out of the thick of the Forest and to an opening, giving him a clear view of the Iron City and all its vast Glory. The sun blazed behind this man, casting his Shadow to a large extreme that it covered the cliff side of which he was standing on. If one were to look closely enough, it could be seen that this man had very pale skin, icy blue eyes, and long dark brown hair. He appeared to be at least 25 or older, standing approximately 6 foot 4 and weighing around 230 pounds. His attire consisted of a dark steel cuirass, dark-steel gauntlets, dark-steel faults with a black lamb under them, and dark-steel boots. He pressed his palm against a tree and breathed in calmly through his nose, smelling the fresh winter air and piney forest, before exhaling through his mouth. The man then looks down the cliff, noticing a shadow cast off some rocks that had fallen. He then steps back for a moment, taking another deep breath, before running towards the edge of the cliff and jumping off, diving straight down towards the shadow as he channeled his mana so that he sunk within the shadow the moment he touched it. The man then begins shadow hopping towards the Iron City from various shadows cast by trees, until he had reached the very entrance. He finally rematerialized to his true form, panting and brushing off some snow from his fur cape, before making his way into the city along with some other crowds of people. He looked around, his icy blue eyes examining every shop, person, various guards, weapons for sale, etc. He then spotted a Bar/Inn called Hogs Water, in which he raised a brow to the name but thought nothing more of it. He then makes his way over to the bar, opening the door gently and stepping in. The bar was very very warm, filled with many men drinking, roaring with laughter, bar-maidens going back and forth to serve drinks. He made his way over to the bar stool and took a seat, just as a Bar-Maiden walked over and gave him a rather interesting look as if she was attracted by his features. "And what can I get you, hun?" She spoke out, to which he replied, "A pint of water would be fine." She giggled a bit to this, before heading off to the back to get his water, in which two men sitting by him spoke out in chuckles. "Are you a damn light-weight boy? Never had a drink in your life? Surely you'd like a mug of Honey Mead?" He kept his gaze on the bar, shaking his head and speaking out silently. "No, as good as it sounds it's not what I'd like to drink right now." The Bar-Maiden had then brought him his drink, in which he smiled at her and took out 2 gold pieces and set them down on the counter for her. "Hm. So you're not interested in the mead, well suit yourself. So what's your name lad?" The man spoke to him, right as he was finishing his pint of water, setting the glass back down on the bar. He then turned and looked at the man, giving him a blank expression as he spoke out his name. "Tesh Keimo."

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Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 8:25 pm; edited 2 times in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

Female Posts : 97
Reputation : 5
Language : Fluent in Sarcasm, Backtalk, and English as my third Language.
Location : Somewhere in Cyberspace

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose December 22nd 2016, 3:17 am

New Graphics Made For Role Plays, Click To View Main Page

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New Banner For Admin made Aswell

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Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 8:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

Female Posts : 97
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Language : Fluent in Sarcasm, Backtalk, and English as my third Language.
Location : Somewhere in Cyberspace

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose December 30th 2016, 8:42 pm

Update 12.22.2016, New Coding Done for Mod account and Player account names, glitter and glowing names can now be made in any color under the sun!

Update 12.30.2016 New Banners made on all Forum Role Play Titles!

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Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 8:28 pm; edited 2 times in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

Female Posts : 97
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Language : Fluent in Sarcasm, Backtalk, and English as my third Language.
Location : Somewhere in Cyberspace

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose January 18th 2017, 11:37 pm


We now have a facebook page = To the Facebook page, Please like well you are there.

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Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 8:28 pm; edited 2 times in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

Female Posts : 97
Reputation : 5
Language : Fluent in Sarcasm, Backtalk, and English as my third Language.
Location : Somewhere in Cyberspace

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose January 28th 2017, 10:03 am

Update 01.28.2017- New Graphics Made for New Role Plays Open For Players to Join - Click Here to Go To The Page
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Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 8:28 pm; edited 2 times in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

Female Posts : 97
Reputation : 5
Language : Fluent in Sarcasm, Backtalk, and English as my third Language.
Location : Somewhere in Cyberspace

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose January 30th 2017, 1:07 am

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons White_11

Update, new story line open for viewing and partaking, please message me for details if interested in being a part of the role play view more here - Click Here to See The Story!

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It took four hours to arrive at Stoivania, and Anarial was quite annoyed at this point. She had kept perfect posture the whole way and she wanted it to be over. As the castle comes into view she inhales deeply, it was beautiful, it was more than what she had wanted or expected. As soon as they get inside the gates she jumps off her stead and pats his head, she orders her things to be sent to her new chambers. She turns to the rest of the people, demanding that they leave her stead alone, she would handle him herself. She heads into the castle, swings both of the doors open she quickly makes her way in and is meet by the head guard. He was a tall and muscular man, his skin was dark causing his pale blue eyes to stand out and Anarial couldn’t help but stare a moment, her mother’s words to gain a mate running through her head now. She shakes her head to bring herself back to the present. She orders him off to collect all of the servants, cooks, and guards. She then heads to the throne room and takes her place on the head throne, causing many whispers as they wait for her to speak up. She takes notes of the two other head people, Alice, the head of the servants. She was a short and fat woman, ill-tempered and Anarial had a filling that she would be taking the women’s life soon. Then the head of the kitchen comes to her, his name was Oliver, he was a short fat man who stuttered and quickly darted off to hide behind other people and tries to keep out of sight. Once they were all there she would speak up, standing before them all. She holds up the papers she brought with her, stating that she was now the ruler here. Once she finished speaking she looks about and flat out asked if anyone has issues with her claim. Seven people shouted out in outrage. She glares at them but keeps her cool and then speaks up, demanding the two maids and five guards be taken down to the dungeon in shackles to be dealt with later, she’d come up with a creative way to handle them as well as make sure anyone else who had issues would be punished as well. She then sets about to make the castle her home, demanding that all of the old king’s belongings be taken outside and burned, she had the former mate of the king’s things packed up to be taken back to her Mother’s castle. Once she set everyone about to do what she had demanded she heads to the center of the castle and takes a few seeds out sighs softly she plants them in the soil there, whispering a chant in her elven tongue above them that would cause them to grow into a full tree of her homeland before the night was over. Once she was happy with everything she headed up to her chambers, unpacking her things and calling it an early night. Crawling into bed and deciding to handle the rest of the issue tomorrow. She knew the servants she brought with her would need a day or two to adjust and she would too. Easily drifting to sleep in her new massive, four post bed.

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Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 8:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

Female Posts : 97
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Language : Fluent in Sarcasm, Backtalk, and English as my third Language.
Location : Somewhere in Cyberspace

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose February 22nd 2017, 4:58 am

New Graphics Made For Role Plays and Old Graphics Re-made To Make Them Better, Click To View Main Page
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Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 8:35 pm; edited 2 times in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

Female Posts : 97
Reputation : 5
Language : Fluent in Sarcasm, Backtalk, and English as my third Language.
Location : Somewhere in Cyberspace

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DeLaRose A Story of Dragons Empty Re: DeLaRose A Story of Dragons

Post by Anaya DeLaRose March 6th 2017, 2:42 am

Update, new part in the story of the Iron Dynasty for viewing and partaking, please message me for details if interested in being a part of the role play view more here - Click Here to See The Story!

DeLaRose A Story of Dragons White_11

As one of these soldiers fell, a soldier of the second rank failed to assault imaginary enemies trying to enter the opening in the line. He was soon tackled by Sebastian knocking him far from his original position and Sebastian shouted at him madly "You just cost your comrades their lives, soldier! Do you think this to be a holiday parade? Or maybe you want to kill off a few of us and think failing at your cover will allow the enemy to accomplish your ends for you?" The soldier, human, was accustomed to both non-human commanders and military discipline, but the level of precision and timing Sable was requiring was something one only saw in only the most elite of troops. And Sebastian, Sebastian! He saw every flaw, every misstep even by an inch without fail and was severe and immediate in his reprimands. Being a soldier, he understood the importance, however and knew all too well such things really were a matter of life and death on a battlefield and could only respond with a disciplined response of promising to never miss again. Atop the wall above, Daya Autum watched them closely as they drilled, undeterred in the bitter and relentless winds. Her cape flew behind her like an ominous black flag from her black onyx armor. Her long black hair likewise flew from her necrotic white face under her silvery crown. Sable had told her, despite her strictness and seemingly unimpressed demands for better from the soldiers that she was well pleased with them and was confident that the operation would be carried out with the utmost skill, strength, and determination. They moved like a monstrous machine of death that left no weaknesses exposed nor chance of escape. It was in fact, a most impressive, and terrifying, sight. The few minor flaws were now being corrected to ensure the perfection of this deadly marching machine. As of yet, they had not broken them into two formations of the breadth needed to march into the two entrances of the cave the cultists were to gather in. Sebastian and Daya both agreed that only after Iron castle could be secured from the cultist's infiltration and it is certain no spies were among them would the breadth of the formations be made to fit the breadth of the caves to deny the cult this vital clue as to their actual plans. To rid Iron castle of cultist spies and operatives was Daya's task now, and she had her plans perfectly laid out and the time had now come. Turning sharply Daya marched along the walls passing the Iron Castles sentinels like a black specter with her billowing cape and hair from her armor and face of dead flesh and entered into the castle making her way to the hall where the traitor was kept. The same traitor that had let the assignation party into the castle to kill herself, the lycans, and Anaya. Nothing had been told to him, he was merely chained and fettered to the floor, given clean sheets and blankets, and food from the kitchen. Apart from being chained and locked in the hall, he lived and ate in better conditions than the guards who were free. Vester was on guard now, he looked up from his chair and nodded asking if it was time to finally interrogate the traitor. "Whelp, has the time come yet?" His accent was thick and similar to a Scot on Earth. Daya grinned stretching her black and blue lips into a twisted smile and nodded once. Standing up and dusting himself off Vester took a key and unlocked the door for Daya and she strode into the hall and stood in its center and folded her arms. Her armor was eerily silent and she simply gazed upon the former guard for a moment. Vester followed in locking the door behind him and leaned against the wall beside it watching them both with a displeased look on his face. He was short, dwarven almost but his frame was stout and very sturdy. His hair and beard was a brilliant red and face seemed well weathered and rough.

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Last edited by Anaya DeLaRose on July 18th 2017, 8:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
Anaya DeLaRose
Anaya DeLaRose

Female Posts : 97
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