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Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons

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Solved Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons

Post by Paul Webster July 19th 2016, 11:38 pm

Technical Details

Forum version : #phpBB3
Position : Founder
Concerned browser(s) : Safari
Who the problem concerns : Yourself
When the problem appeared : 8pm July 19th
Forum link :

Description of problem

Hi Everyone,

Tonight i have found a very strange issue.

All have been editing a new topic all day today with no problem, however tonight I have gone back to edit this topic again and to find I am unable to click these buttons at the top of the post and I cannot click them. The mouse icon does not change into the hand when hovering over and therefore cannot click.

I have tried to go onto other posts and most of them are ok. But a few have the same issue.

I have then tried to delete the forum cookies and when asked if I wished to delete the cookies and could not click either yes or no.

Other steps I have taken are deleting the computers (Macbook Pro) cookies, caches, signed in and out of the forum and completely shut the computer down.

I have 3 other admins that are having no problems.

Any ideas?

Edit: I think my permissions have changed for some reason. Not sure why or how to change it.
Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons Screen10

Last edited by Paul Webster on July 21st 2016, 1:58 am; edited 3 times in total
Paul Webster
Paul Webster
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Posts : 9
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Solved Re: Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons

Post by Paul Webster July 19th 2016, 11:57 pm

I think my permissions have changed. Not sure why.
Paul Webster
Paul Webster
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Posts : 9
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Solved Re: Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons

Post by TheCrow July 19th 2016, 11:59 pm

Please don't double post. Your posts need to be separated by 24 hours before bumping. Please use the edit button, instead!
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Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons Thecro10
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Solved Re: Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons

Post by Shadow July 20th 2016, 12:23 pm


You think your permissions have been changed but you are the founder, right?

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Solved Re: Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons

Post by Paul Webster July 20th 2016, 4:10 pm

I'm now thinking that it isn't the permissions.

I changed from phpBB3 to phpBB2 and some of the buttons do work again.

However the quick links that I have highlighted here do not work in either phpbb3 or 2.

Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons Screen11

When switching back to phpBB3 the original issue comes back.
Paul Webster
Paul Webster
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Solved Re: Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons

Post by Shadow July 20th 2016, 5:28 pm

Is the problem occuring with other browsers too? I can't seem to reproduce your problem.

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Solved Re: Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons

Post by Paul Webster July 20th 2016, 9:40 pm

I have just downloaded Google Chrome and I am having the same issue.

Edit: I have also noticed that some of the pictures posted by members have started displaying their own popup adverts. Could this be somehow related?
Paul Webster
Paul Webster
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Solved Re: Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons

Post by SLGray July 20th 2016, 10:41 pm

Try this: AP > General > Forum > Configuration
Scroll to the bottom and resyn your forum.

Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons Slgray10

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Solved Re: Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons

Post by Paul Webster July 21st 2016, 12:26 am

Unfortunately this has had no affect.

Edit: I have tried contacting apple support to see if it something on the laptop side but it is all clean.

However I have noticed in some pics posted by members that ads are popping up here as well. I have to seen this until yesterday as well. Here is a picture of the ad.

Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons Screen10

After finally coming to the conclusion this was being cause by the ads, I have installed an adblocker and it has cleared up the problem.

I will being looking to upgrade the site in the near future so all our guests and members are free of ads but for the time being, hopefully this situation will help forumotion in the long run.
Paul Webster
Paul Webster
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Solved Re: Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons

Post by Ape July 21st 2016, 3:07 pm

is this now solved ? as it is marked as solved you have 24 hrs to reply or i will lock this thread

Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons Left1212Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons Center11Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons Right112
Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons Ape_b110
Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons Ape1010

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Solved Re: Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons

Post by Paul Webster July 21st 2016, 8:46 pm

Yes this is now resolved. Hopefully my posts and issues will be of some help in the future.
Paul Webster
Paul Webster
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Solved Re: Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons

Post by Ape July 22nd 2016, 1:26 am

Problem solved & topic archived.
Please read our forum rules:  ESF General Rules

Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons Left1212Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons Center11Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons Right112
Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons Ape_b110
Unable to use some multi-quote, quote, edit, delete, help and answering yes or no buttons Ape1010

Male Posts : 19357
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Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

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