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Any New Java Script removes Chatbox from Toolbar?

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Solved Any New Java Script removes Chatbox from Toolbar?

Post by Sienna July 23rd 2016, 11:13 am

Forum Version: PhpBB3
Permission Level: Founder/Administrator

Hello! Back again with another problem. Sad

I've been having an issue lately when I apply any type of JS code, it gets rid of my Chatbox in the toolbar. :-(

Here's an example:

Any New Java Script removes Chatbox from Toolbar? 588ec67dd82c5c1e7c217b809b2e2ec9

The JS I was trying to implement was the mentioning system script. But it's not because of that JS specifically, it's any JS.

I do have some JS already implemented though.

Last edited by Kelso on July 25th 2016, 9:41 am; edited 1 time in total

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Solved Re: Any New Java Script removes Chatbox from Toolbar?

Post by Ange Tuteur July 23rd 2016, 3:38 pm

Hi @Kelso,

When I check your forum via the console I get a JavaScript error :
"Uncaught ReferenceError: x is not defined"

It looks to be coming from a script for voting / likes. Try editing that script and look for the character "x" at the end of it. If you find this character delete it and save the script.

If that doesn't solve the problem let me know. salut
Ange Tuteur
Ange Tuteur

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Solved Re: Any New Java Script removes Chatbox from Toolbar?

Post by Sienna July 23rd 2016, 7:35 pm

@Ange Tuteur

Thank you for helping!!

Sadly, I couldn't fix the 'x' you were talking about. However, I know what code you're referring too.

Voting System Code:

I went in and tried to find a random x up and down, but it wasn't there. Then I checked all my other scripts and still, nothing. :-(

I also went into the console and saw the 'x' you were talking about, but still, never found the bugger!

Female Posts : 93
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Language : English

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Solved Re: Any New Java Script removes Chatbox from Toolbar?

Post by Sienna July 24th 2016, 8:38 pm


Female Posts : 93
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Language : English

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Solved Re: Any New Java Script removes Chatbox from Toolbar?

Post by Ape July 24th 2016, 9:46 pm

I also looked over the code gave and could not find the X Any New Java Script removes Chatbox from Toolbar? Mouais

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Any New Java Script removes Chatbox from Toolbar? Ape1010

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Solved Re: Any New Java Script removes Chatbox from Toolbar?

Post by SLGray July 24th 2016, 9:51 pm

These are the errors I get:
SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list /:198:127
Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated.  Use defaultPrevented instead. jquery.min.js:3:7108
Use of Mutation Events is deprecated. Use MutationObserver instead.

Any New Java Script removes Chatbox from Toolbar? Slgray10

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Solved Re: Any New Java Script removes Chatbox from Toolbar?

Post by Ange Tuteur July 25th 2016, 1:09 am


I checked your forum again but I'm not seeing the error related to "x" anymore. Try installing another JavaScript to see if the problem returns. If it does, let me know. salut

The other errors I see shouldn't affect JS codes management. The ones that are of concern are in files like : 99XXX.js, 10XXX.js, 20XXX.js, etc..
Ange Tuteur
Ange Tuteur

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Solved Re: Any New Java Script removes Chatbox from Toolbar?

Post by Sienna July 25th 2016, 9:40 am

@Ange Tuteur

Come to think of it, I was really tired at the time and failed to mention that I had a JS that was blank and had an "x" in it only, nothing else.

I deleted it just to clear out my JS and kept looking for the notorious "x". I reinstalled the better Mentioning System you made (thank you for that, by the way!) and it's working perfectly now. Thank you so, so much and I'm sorry I didn't realize I found the "x" sooner. :-(

For anyone else who has the similar problem, I went in and found that I had a JavaScript made and the only content in it was the letter "x", which was prevent new JS from working.

Big thanks to Ange for the help!


Female Posts : 93
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Solved Re: Any New Java Script removes Chatbox from Toolbar?

Post by Ape July 25th 2016, 1:35 pm

Problem solved & topic archived.
And thank you for letting us know the fix you found to this problem Smile

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Any New Java Script removes Chatbox from Toolbar? Ape_b110
Any New Java Script removes Chatbox from Toolbar? Ape1010

Male Posts : 19468
Reputation : 2012
Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

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