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Adding a "no option" option.

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Adding a "no option" option. Empty Adding a "no option" option.

Post by Kynata August 29th 2016, 2:36 am

Whenever I make a user profile for like, an image selection or drop down selection, it never gives me the option of granting the member a "no option" option, or deselecting something.

Like if it were with a text field, they could just not write in it. But what if the member accidentally clicked on an image and now it's there and they can't remove it?

How do I let members deselect or choose "no option"?

Thanks in advance.

Female Posts : 64
Reputation : 2
Language : English

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Adding a "no option" option. Empty Re: Adding a "no option" option.

Post by Valoish August 29th 2016, 3:44 am

If it's for an image that can't be unticked the only thing I can think of is making a blank/transparent image (Can be as small as 1px by 1px) so that the member can choose that and it will give the appearance that there is no option selected.

Female Posts : 291
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Adding a "no option" option. Empty Re: Adding a "no option" option.

Post by Kynata August 29th 2016, 4:19 am

Yeah I was thinking that, but it's really silly that we can't unselect, lol. Oh well, thanks!

Female Posts : 64
Reputation : 2
Language : English

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Adding a "no option" option. Empty Re: Adding a "no option" option.

Post by SLGray August 29th 2016, 5:26 am

Is this solved?  If yes, please mark it with the solved topic icon.

Adding a "no option" option. Slgray10

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