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No button for "visitor message", cant send messages

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In progress No button for "visitor message", cant send messages

Post by Scatterbrain February 16th 2018, 11:08 am

The visitor-message-function does not work. There isnt a button to show for the option to post a message in anyones profiles. How do i solve this?


Female Posts : 82
Reputation : 2
Language : swedish

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In progress Re: No button for "visitor message", cant send messages

Post by Ape February 16th 2018, 12:03 pm

Hello Please post your URL of your forum.
when you say No button what part are you talking about?
#1 in your members profile on the tabs ?
#2 the button on the left in the screen shot?
No button for "visitor message", cant send messages Captur97

For #1 you need to make sure the settings are turned on in 2 places.

Admin panel:
ACP >> Users & Groups tab >> Users >> Profiles
General options tab >> Activate advanced profile : YES
Visitor messages YES No button for "visitor message", cant send messages Save12

Members Profile:
Your members Must have this turned on in their profile for this to show up.
press your profile button in your navbar.
find the Preferences tab >> Allow visitor messages on my profile : Set to how you wish. SAVE.

ACP >> Display tab >> Pictures and Colors >> Pics management >> Advanced Mode >>
Find the Buttons tab >> scroll down to Post new private message : and make sure you have a button there.

No button for "visitor message", cant send messages Left1212No button for "visitor message", cant send messages Center11No button for "visitor message", cant send messages Right112
No button for "visitor message", cant send messages Ape_b110
No button for "visitor message", cant send messages Ape1010

Male Posts : 19472
Reputation : 2013
Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

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In progress Re: No button for "visitor message", cant send messages

Post by Scatterbrain February 20th 2018, 2:05 pm

Hi again. I have this button. But it does not show in members profile. It does show if I send a message. Its like I have to "open" the function to make the button show for members? Ive already have the settings. :/

Female Posts : 82
Reputation : 2
Language : swedish

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In progress Re: No button for "visitor message", cant send messages

Post by Ape February 20th 2018, 4:36 pm

The button will not show on your members profile if they have not set it to have the system working.

If the member has not ticked the settings in their profile you can't send them a post all your members have to say if they want to use it or not.

if you send me a link to your forum and a test account on your forum with admin right's i will take a look for you.

You must only send this by PM


No button for "visitor message", cant send messages Left1212No button for "visitor message", cant send messages Center11No button for "visitor message", cant send messages Right112
No button for "visitor message", cant send messages Ape_b110
No button for "visitor message", cant send messages Ape1010

Male Posts : 19472
Reputation : 2013
Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

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