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Visitor Messages - "Hide Message" Button

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Solved Visitor Messages - "Hide Message" Button

Post by Zandranna March 12th 2017, 12:17 pm

My question:

I have read up on everything on this board regarding Visitor Messages and can't find an answer to this........

How can I hide the "Hide" link in the Visitor Messages posts?

Whilst after spending an hour or so figuring out where the hidden messages go and how to delete them completely, there is no way that some of my members are going to understand how to do this if I explain it to them.

I have spent a long time today first of all by trying to use css to hide the "hide" link and then going into the various areas of the templates to see if I could remove or change something in there that would then hide the the "Hide" link.

I am now at a loss, so would appreciate someone leading me in the right direction. Thank you.

My Comment:

When I first set up my board a few weeks ago I was really puzzled on activating the Visitor Messages.

Did it mean that I left messages for my visitors or was it a space for my visitors to leave messages for me. Then I saw the url said "wall" so I tested out posting on my own wall and a friends wall, to see if I could do both.

Now if that confused me, a reasonable intelligent person, it must confuse a lot more people that instead of testing it out would simply not bother to use it. I personally consider it a terrific feature and would like to see my members using it.

As I say above, I have read every single post on this board concerning the visitor messages and I see a lot of people, like myself, simply do not understand why on earth the profile tab is labelled "Visitor Messages" - Surely it would make far more sense to change the wording of the tab (which seemingly we can't do ourselves) to either "Comments" or "Wall" - I personally would think as the url says "wall" then the profile tab should perhaps be "Wall".

Thank you for your time.

Last edited by Zandranna on March 13th 2017, 10:56 am; edited 1 time in total

Female Posts : 77
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Location : Lancashire UK

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Solved Re: Visitor Messages - "Hide Message" Button

Post by SLGray March 12th 2017, 6:51 pm

Is your forum version #phpBB2 ?

I do believe there is not a separate CSS selector for that link.  It and the delete link are part of the message footer selector.

Visitor Messages - "Hide Message" Button Slgray10

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Solved Re: Visitor Messages - "Hide Message" Button

Post by Zandranna March 12th 2017, 8:07 pm

Yes, it's phpBB2.

I did look around the message footer but couldn't pin it down. I'll have another look see. Thank you.

Female Posts : 77
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Location : Lancashire UK

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Solved Re: Visitor Messages - "Hide Message" Button

Post by Zandranna March 13th 2017, 10:54 am

Ok, I couldn't for the life of me find where to go to hide it but I have been testing the "Hide Message" button, and I see now exactly where the posts goes, how to delete it after it's hidden and also how to get it back on the Visitor Message box if someone wants to. So I can easily explain that to my members now, so I don't have to hide the "Hide Message" button now.

I have seen loads of posts on this forum of people asking where their hidden message goes after clicking on the "Hide Message" and they haven't been getting a real answer, so here's mine.


When clicking on "Hide Message" the message is moved to one's Savebox in the PM system.

To delete said message or to send it back to the Visitor Messages section. Go to Savebox - find the post - and one will see the relevant buttons to do both "Delete Message" or "Send to Profile".

Perhaps a member of staff might like to do a Tut post on that.

Thanks for your time.

Female Posts : 77
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Location : Lancashire UK

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Solved Re: Visitor Messages - "Hide Message" Button

Post by SLGray March 13th 2017, 3:31 pm

I do not know which topics you looked at, but I know they go to your savebox.

Problem solved & topic archived.
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Visitor Messages - "Hide Message" Button Slgray10

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Male Posts : 51676
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