Online and offline profile?
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Online and offline profile?
Help me go Online under the avatar in the version of the ModernBB engine and add a picture for offline. And I want to change the icon online. This is real ?
And if it is not difficult for you, tell me, can the text be generally done online and offline ???
Just when a person is online: ONLINE
And when offline, then: ofline
Thank you in advance!
Used search, but there for phpbb3 ??? And for ModernBB? Or I was looking bad ...
Recently, I have vision problems and I really see bad ...
I need for ModernBB ...
Help me go Online under the avatar in the version of the ModernBB engine and add a picture for offline. And I want to change the icon online. This is real ?
And if it is not difficult for you, tell me, can the text be generally done online and offline ???
Just when a person is online: ONLINE
And when offline, then: ofline
Thank you in advance!
Used search, but there for phpbb3 ??? And for ModernBB? Or I was looking bad ...
Recently, I have vision problems and I really see bad ...
I need for ModernBB ...
Re: Online and offline profile?
Yeah, this can be done, can we get your forum url?
Also, do you have templates at ModernBB?
Just post here your forum url and I'm gonna check it out.
You want text online/offline instead of icon be visible along with profile info, right?
Let's say something like in this forum just it doesn't need any extra colors, design & placement below avatar and probably username
Yeah, this can be done, can we get your forum url?
Also, do you have templates at ModernBB?
Just post here your forum url and I'm gonna check it out.
You want text online/offline instead of icon be visible along with profile info, right?
Let's say something like in this forum just it doesn't need any extra colors, design & placement below avatar and probably username
Re: Online and offline profile?
Ikerepc wrote:Hi.
Yeah, this can be done, can we get your forum url?
Also, do you have templates at ModernBB?
Just post here your forum url and I'm gonna check it out.
You want text online/offline instead of icon be visible along with profile info, right?
Let's say something like in this forum just it doesn't need any extra colors, design & placement below avatar and probably username
This is my test forum and a link to any post, so that you do not search for a long time.
Yes, there are templates.
I need the text, the inscriptions Online and Ofline.
Be under the avatar or above the avatar.
I was glad if you could help me with online and offline icons following the example of this technical support forum.
Re: Online and offline profile?
Ok, so you can do the following:
ACP -> Display -> Templates -> General -> viewtopic_body
If you have changed your viewtopic_body template already:
If you have viewtopic_body template without any changes you can only replace whole template with following:
Now go to CSS and paste following code at the end of file:
And at the end enable a Javascript codes and paste following code:
Name it whatever you want and enable it only "In the topics" (thick only that box).
That will put "online" or "offline" message right after rank and before user profile stats.
You can make is stylish by using .postprofile-status class.
ACP -> Display -> Templates -> General -> viewtopic_body
If you have changed your viewtopic_body template already:
- Spoiler:
find this code:
and delete it. Only that part - brackets and that text inside of them, not space after it on anything before.
Now find this code:- Code:
<div class="postprofile-rank">
And paste following code right after that:- Code:
<div class="postprofile-status{postrow.displayed.ONLINE_IMG_NEW}">
If you have viewtopic_body template without any changes you can only replace whole template with following:
- Spoiler:
- Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var multiquote_img_off = '{JS_MULTIQUOTE_IMG_OFF}', multiquote_img_on = '{JS_MULTIQUOTE_IMG_ON}', _atr = '{JS_DIR}addthis/', _ati = '{PATH_IMG_FA}addthis/'{ADDTHIS_LANG}, addthis_localize = { share_caption: "{L_SHARE_CAPTION}", email: "{L_EMAIL}", email_caption: "{L_EMAIL_CAPTION}", favorites: "{L_SHARE_BOOKMARKS}", print: "{L_PRINT}", more: "{L_MORE}" };
if(typeof(_atc) == "undefined") {
_atc = { };
var hiddenMsgLabel = { visible:'{JS_HIDE_HIDDEN_MESSAGE}', hidden:'{JS_SHOW_HIDDEN_MESSAGE}' };
showHiddenMessage = function(id) {
try {
var regId = parseInt(id, 10);
if( isNaN(regId) ) { regId = 0; }
if( regId > 0) {
$('.post--' + id).toggle(0, function() {
if( $(this).is(":visible") ) {
$('#hidden-title--' + id).html(hiddenMsgLabel.visible);
} else {
$('#hidden-title--' + id).html(hiddenMsgLabel.hidden);
} catch(e) { }
return false;
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$(document).ready(function() {
$('pre, code').each(function(i, block) {
$('.post').each(function() {
if (!$(this).find('.postprofile-avatar').html().length) {
$(this).find('.postprofile-rank').css('border-bottom', 'none');
$(this).find('.postprofile > dl > dt').css('min-height', $(this).find('.post-head').innerHeight());
Now go to CSS and paste following code at the end of file:
- Code:
.online::before {
border-radius: 0px;
height: 0px;
right: 0px;
top: 0px;
width: 0px;
And at the end enable a Javascript codes and paste following code:
- Code:
$(function() {
Name it whatever you want and enable it only "In the topics" (thick only that box).
That will put "online" or "offline" message right after rank and before user profile stats.
You can make is stylish by using .postprofile-status class.
Re: Online and offline profile?
Oh, chocolate fritters!
Thanks buddy !!!!
And you can make them pictures?
Like these ones:
Thanks buddy !!!!
And you can make them pictures?
Like these ones:
Re: Online and offline profile?
OK, so replace JS with this one:
Than find this in given template:
And add this code to your CSS:
Height is different because offline image is 41px and online only 30 so this way it seems ok to me... You can play with margins in css or you can just crop them.
I would probably just make some code like this to fix that (instead of css code right above this one):
- Code:
$(function() {
Than find this in given template:
- Code:
<div class="postprofile-status{postrow.displayed.ONLINE_IMG_NEW}">
- Code:
<div class="postprofile-status{postrow.displayed.ONLINE_IMG_NEW}">
And add this code to your CSS:
- Code: {
height: 35px;
background: url("") no-repeat;
.postprofile-status.offline {
height: 40px;
background: url("") no-repeat;
Height is different because offline image is 41px and online only 30 so this way it seems ok to me... You can play with margins in css or you can just crop them.
I would probably just make some code like this to fix that (instead of css code right above this one):
- Code: {
height: 32px;
margin-top: -2px;
background: url("") no-repeat;
.postprofile-status.offline {
height: 41px;
margin-top: -11px;
background: url("") no-repeat;
Re: Online and offline profile?
thanks again!!!
I think it's easier to make pictures of the same height and width and everything will be fine)))
thanks again buddy!
topic solved!
I think it's easier to make pictures of the same height and width and everything will be fine)))
thanks again buddy!
topic solved!
Re: Online and offline profile?
Problem solved & topic archived.
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