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Widgets in a separate tab in the mobile version

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Total Votes : 4

Widgets in a separate tab in the mobile version Empty Widgets in a separate tab in the mobile version

Post by MattiaDes January 8th 2021, 6:17 pm

Currently, in the mobile version, widgets are displayed at the bottom of the forum. This thing isn't very practical, because they are difficult to see and use.

I suggest to create a special section (tab) where to show widgets that have been made visible in the mobile version. Here's an example of what it would look like:

Widgets in a separate tab in the mobile version Rrr0yD2

Obviously it would only be visible to those who have activated widgets in the mobile version.

Also I would remove the "Watched" section, as it's useless and ugly to see for those who don't control topics. (Or allow admins to hide it)

Widgets in a separate tab in the mobile version BWfsXbg

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Widgets in a separate tab in the mobile version Empty Re: Widgets in a separate tab in the mobile version

Post by SarkZKalie January 11th 2021, 7:50 pm

A toggle widget button? Voted Yes Very Happy

Widgets in a separate tab in the mobile version Sarkzk10
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Male Posts : 1447
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Widgets in a separate tab in the mobile version Empty Re: Widgets in a separate tab in the mobile version

Post by KPOP January 12th 2021, 12:04 am

very good idea indeed

Female Posts : 81
Reputation : 5
Language : dutch

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