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Widgets in a separate tab in the mobile version

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 Widgets in a separate tab in the mobile version Empty Widgets in a separate tab in the mobile version

Post by كونان2000 March 7th 2022, 9:29 am

Widgets in a separate tab in the mobile version

 Widgets in a separate tab in the mobile version Sg1fcpil7pva

welcome everybody,
This trick is similar to @MattiaDes suggestion  Widgets in a separate tab in the mobile version 1830443236
Widgets in a separate tab in the mobile version

1: go to the mobile version templates
2: index_box
Enter the following code at the top of the template
widgeto {
    display: block !important;
    margin-top: 10px;
    padding-right: 10px;
 .module {
display: none;

3: overall_footer
Find the next part in overall_footer template
<!-- BEGIN switch_connected -->

replace it with
  <!-- BEGIN switch_connected -->
 <!DOCTYPE html>

    $(".forum, .box, .module,  .box-widget-bottom").addClass("module1");
.module1 {
display: none;

.module2 {
display: block !important;
<widgeto><i class="material-icons"></i><br />widgets</widgeto>
widgeto {
display: none;

The widgets button appears on the home page only 

Hope you like this trick  Widgets in a separate tab in the mobile version Icon_biggrin

Male Posts : 256
Reputation : 109
Language : Arabic

BlackScorpion, SarkZKalie, TonnyKamper and jucarese like this post

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 Widgets in a separate tab in the mobile version Empty Re: Widgets in a separate tab in the mobile version

Post by كونان2000 May 12th 2023, 6:10 pm

Jadde00 wrote:The first message hangs in the left column of widgets is completely uninformative, you need to show the last message of the removed by skouliki topic instead.
sorry I didn't understand what you mean Think

Male Posts : 256
Reputation : 109
Language : Arabic

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 Widgets in a separate tab in the mobile version Empty Re: Widgets in a separate tab in the mobile version

Post by Mihai May 12th 2023, 6:51 pm

كونان2000 wrote:
Jadde00 wrote:The first message hangs in the left column of widgets is completely uninformative, you need to show the last message of the removed by skouliki topic instead.
sorry I didn't understand what you mean Think
Thats not actually an user, its a very strange one that likes to promote their website for no reason... Razz

Male Posts : 922
Reputation : 38
Language : Romanian, English
Location : Bucharest, Romania

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