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Improvements to our private messaging system

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Improvements to our private messaging system Empty Improvements to our private messaging system

Post by Ape August 27th 2021, 11:07 pm

  Improvements to our private messaging system  

Dear users,

As you may have already noticed, this week we launched a few improvements to our private messaging system, in order to make it more convenient and clearer to use.

Indeed, a few operational "quirks" made the system a little difficult to follow. We are therefore happy to present these few small but pleasant changes made in your private message box:

1. The PMs are now grouped by subject: we keep the discussion thread between the same interlocutors and with the same subject title.

2. You can now consult the history of the discussion beyond the first 7 messages: pagination has been added to go back as far as necessary in the discussion.

3. In some versions, a small icon indicates which messages you have already replied to.

4. The message being viewed is clearly indicated in the history (your members will stop wondering why their message appears twice!)

To summarize, we now have a real discussion thread per topic, more understandable and more user-friendly!

Forumotion users who write a lot of PM will immediately see the positive impact of this optimization. And if you don't quite see what it is about, just trust us: it’s much better now!

Administrators who have customized the templates privmsg_topic_review and privmsgs_body before this update must take the modifications below into account.

Your Forumotion Team Improvements to our private messaging system Icon_king

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Improvements to our private messaging system Ape1010

Male Posts : 19548
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Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

skouliki, SLGray, YoshiGM, cassini, Niko, SarkZKalie, TonnyKamper and like this post

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Improvements to our private messaging system Empty Re: Improvements to our private messaging system

Post by Luzz September 2nd 2021, 11:44 am

If you have customized the privmsg_topic_review and privmsgs_body templates, prior to this update, please make the following replacements, choosing your version of the forum.

To add pagination on the MP page

Template : privmsg_topic_review

For all versions, add this code at the end of the privmsg_topic_review template:

<div class="pagination">

To add the reply indicator and the style of the current message



Mobile Version:





Posts : 2110
Reputation : 380
Language : French, English, Russian

skouliki, Ape, YoshiGM, TonnyKamper, Terminator44 and hbghlyj like this post

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