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[PunBB] Add Additional/Secondary Scrolling General Announcement Window to homepage + Youtube support

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[PunBB] Add Additional/Secondary Scrolling General Announcement Window to homepage + Youtube support Left110%[PunBB] Add Additional/Secondary Scrolling General Announcement Window to homepage + Youtube support Right11 0% 
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[PunBB] Add Additional/Secondary Scrolling General Announcement Window to homepage + Youtube support Empty [PunBB] Add Additional/Secondary Scrolling General Announcement Window to homepage + Youtube support

Post by NAMTron July 31st 2022, 1:12 am

This suggestion is for the Punbb format only.
This is a suggestion/request that has been asked for several times by of our forum users over the past 2 years.
For those unaware, via the punBB format Admin panel, it is possible to add a scrolling general announcement window to the homepage.
The feature is customized/managed as demonstrated below:

Administration Panel -> General -> Messages & Emails -> Announcements -> General announcements options ->
[PunBB] Add Additional/Secondary Scrolling General Announcement Window to homepage + Youtube support Screen12

You can see the default singular scrolling general announcements in action on our videogame hobbyist website via the link below:

Here is a screenshot of the scroll also
[PunBB] Add Additional/Secondary Scrolling General Announcement Window to homepage + Youtube support Screen13

My suggestions based on our community feedback are:
A. would it be possible to add the option to have multiple individual announcement scrollers that can be managed individually
B. WOuld it be possible to also add Youtube video display support on the homepage also

Also just putting it out there that If this is something that would require commission work for coding it if considered,
our community have already suggested they are more than happy to support the addition of the feature via crowd funding to contribute to the development of it.


Posts : 32
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Language : English
Location : Ithica

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[PunBB] Add Additional/Secondary Scrolling General Announcement Window to homepage + Youtube support Empty Re: [PunBB] Add Additional/Secondary Scrolling General Announcement Window to homepage + Youtube support

Post by SLGray July 31st 2022, 4:40 am

A. You can have multi-announcements, unless I misunderstand what you mean.

[PunBB] Add Additional/Secondary Scrolling General Announcement Window to homepage + Youtube support Slgray10

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[PunBB] Add Additional/Secondary Scrolling General Announcement Window to homepage + Youtube support Empty Re: [PunBB] Add Additional/Secondary Scrolling General Announcement Window to homepage + Youtube support

Post by NAMTron July 31st 2022, 11:47 am

Hi SLGray
That is correct, and i am currently using multi announcements.

However there is only the option to have one singular scrolling announcement panel containing all of the multiple announcements.

I was suggesting adding the ability to have more than one row of scrolling announcements.
And also the option to individually control both scrolling rows speed/direction/display duration if that makes sense.

Posts : 32
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Language : English
Location : Ithica

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[PunBB] Add Additional/Secondary Scrolling General Announcement Window to homepage + Youtube support Empty Re: [PunBB] Add Additional/Secondary Scrolling General Announcement Window to homepage + Youtube support

Post by Jucarese July 31st 2022, 1:04 pm

You can create as many ads as you want in the ads section to occupy the maximum width. That option is not only from Punbbb, it is in all the forums the section of announcements, you only have to add your html codes of announcements that you want.
[PunBB] Add Additional/Secondary Scrolling General Announcement Window to homepage + Youtube support Imagen14

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