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Notify user when moderation is complited

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Notify user when moderation is complited Empty Notify user when moderation is complited

Post by Guest November 6th 2022, 1:17 am

At this moment, when we do any moderations such as moving topics, locking, deleting etc.. the user never get any notification and that might be annoying. First, they may wonder where is my topic, secondly, they can ask why is my post deleted..
Some forums have moderation system that allows moderator to send notification why something is done. By doing so, users have clear understanding and we avoid further questioning why some moderaion is done. I believe xenForo has this system very well done. But, they charge 300 euros per month to use their forums.

What do you guys and girls think? Would you agree on this?

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Notify user when moderation is complited Empty Re: Notify user when moderation is complited

Post by SLGray November 6th 2022, 12:40 pm

Could you tell me what other providers have this service?  The forums I am on do not have this.  They use PM's.

Notify user when moderation is complited Slgray10

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Notify user when moderation is complited Empty Re: Notify user when moderation is complited

Post by Guest November 6th 2022, 1:14 pm

As far as I know, only the named one XenForo does. It is actually quite detailed done with so many options. The only thing that I am interested about is a simple notification to used such as "Message in *topic name* is deleted. Reason: Spam"

Something like that. Or it can be used for moving topics and deleting them as well.

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Notify user when moderation is complited Empty Re: Notify user when moderation is complited

Post by Guest November 6th 2022, 9:52 pm

Here you go live example:

Notify user when moderation is complited Screen23

And what user get in return:

Notify user when moderation is complited Screen24

Test forum:

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Notify user when moderation is complited Empty Re: Notify user when moderation is complited

Post by Ape November 7th 2022, 4:34 pm

I like the sound of this it would help us on the support forum to we move a lot of post

I think vbulletin has this setting but you can turn it on and off in the ACP i think. Think

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Notify user when moderation is complited Ape1010

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Notify user when moderation is complited Empty Re: Notify user when moderation is complited

Post by Guest November 7th 2022, 6:02 pm

Ape wrote:I like the sound of this it would help us on the support forum to we move a lot of post

I think vbulletin has this setting but you can turn it on and off in the ACP i think. Think  
Honestly, no idea if they do or not. But I recall when I was moderator on one forum and they use XenForo, it was so easy to control all moderation. Private messages are also well done. But, that platform is very expensive Very Happy

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Notify user when moderation is complited Empty Re: Notify user when moderation is complited

Post by SarkZKalie November 15th 2022, 11:28 am

Vote up yes

Notify user when moderation is complited Sarkzk10
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