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go to the topic with the addition of #navstrip

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go to the topic with the addition of #navstrip Empty go to the topic with the addition of #navstrip

Post by poesia-verses January 24th 2023, 7:26 am

Rolling Eyes
I have in the left column News from Interesting authors, there is a link to go to the topic with the addition of #navstrip, that is, the browser window is reduced to the location bar -navstrip and how to do this in the list of FORUM topics so that when you click on the topic, this ending is added? and when you click on the "LAST MESSAGE" LINK, it was not added.

 i have the code, but it blows to the navstrip anyway

link example

I can't edit the template where the list of forum topics is, it doesn't exist

go to the topic with the addition of #navstrip Clipbo16

$(function(){  var a = $('div.maintitle.floated.clearfix');  var b = $('#navstrip');  var offset = a.offset();  if(b.length)offset = b.offset();  if(a.length+b.length==0)return;  $(window).scrollTop(  });

the code that is

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go to the topic with the addition of #navstrip Empty Re: go to the topic with the addition of #navstrip

Post by skouliki January 24th 2023, 3:17 pm

Please do not open similar threads to multiple support forums.
Please read our forum rules: ESF General Rules

since you have already opened the same thread in the Russian support
this topic will be locked

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