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_userdata variable modification

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_userdata variable modification Empty _userdata variable modification

Post by Aizen the Virtuoso August 21st 2024, 9:41 am

If there's a way to add more features to this variable, it would make some projects and code manipulation much easier. Are the developers who work on coding for Forumotion active on this support forum?

I would love to discuss with them about variables and (in my opinion) outdated RPG modules.

It would be much easier to give suggestions after discussing and understanding which parts of the code are easier to manipulate and which are not.
Aizen the Virtuoso
Aizen the Virtuoso

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_userdata variable modification Empty Re: _userdata variable modification

Post by Razor12345 August 21st 2024, 10:55 am

Good afternoon!

I won't go into development details, but this variable is needed to verify the user who is currently browsing the forum.
For example, thanks to this variable, your forum knows that you are an administrator and displays certain items that are not available to general users. And a lot of other things this variable (and the request for it) does.
If this variable contains a lot of data - it will greatly affect the performance and loading speed of the forum, as the request for receiving data from this variable is send on every page.

Also, if you have specific suggestions - please describe them. You should not use abstractions to describe your ideas.

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_userdata variable modification Empty Re: _userdata variable modification

Post by Aizen the Virtuoso August 21st 2024, 11:56 am

Razor12345 thank you for answer! Here is my list of suggestions:

Feature Request List

1. User Group Color Integration

  • Description: Integrate the current group color of a user into the
    object, accessible via
  • Purpose: This feature would allow developers to dynamically display and utilize user group colors throughout the forum, enhancing the customization and visual coherence of user interactions.
  • Benefit: Streamlines the process of styling and theming based on user group, allowing for a more personalized and visually appealing user experience.

2. RPG Data in Member List (Optional)

  • Description: Allow RPG data to be accessible within the Member List, enabling sorting and filtering of users based on RPG attributes. This feature should be optional, controlled via a checkbox in the admin panel.
  • Purpose: This feature would allow forums with RPG elements to easily manage and display users based on their RPG stats, roles, or achievements directly within the Member List.
  • Benefit: Improves the functionality of the Member List, allowing for richer user management and better showcasing of RPG-related achievements or statuses.
  • Admin Control: Admins can enable or disable this feature through a checkbox in the admin panel, providing flexibility based on the forum’s needs.

3. Global RPG Data Object (Optional)

  • Description: Introduce a global JavaScript object,
    , which contains RPG-related user data and is available on every page. This object could be initialized in the header template, ensuring that RPG data is readily accessible without additional AJAX calls. This feature should be optional, controlled via a checkbox in the admin panel.
  • Purpose: To provide a lightweight and efficient way to access RPG data across all pages without bloating the
    object, while still offering developers the tools needed for advanced customization.
  • Benefit: Enhances coding flexibility and reduces the need for redundant data calls, leading to a more efficient and responsive forum environment.
  • Admin Control: Admins can enable or disable this feature through a checkbox in the admin panel, allowing them to weigh the benefits against potential performance considerations.

4. Optimized Data Collection for Top Users List

  • Description: Streamline the process of collecting multiple users' data by reducing or eliminating the need for separate AJAX calls with delays. Consider implementing a batch data retrieval method or server-side processing to gather necessary data more efficiently.
  • Purpose: To simplify and automate the update process for "Top Users" lists or similar features that require data from multiple users.
  • Benefit: Reduces manual effort and potential performance issues associated with multiple AJAX calls, leading to a smoother and more efficient forum management experience.
Aizen the Virtuoso
Aizen the Virtuoso

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_userdata variable modification Empty Re: _userdata variable modification

Post by Anne165Hernadez August 24th 2024, 6:54 am

Content Removed
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_userdata variable modification Empty Re: _userdata variable modification

Post by Aizen the Virtuoso August 26th 2024, 2:34 pm

I believe one of the most unique aspects of your platform is the RPG section within the forums. This feature sets Forumotion apart from social networks and could be a key area for further development. Expanding and enhancing the RPG functionalities would not only attract more users but also provide a distinctive offering that other platforms do not have.
Aizen the Virtuoso
Aizen the Virtuoso

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_userdata variable modification Empty Re: _userdata variable modification

Post by SLGray August 26th 2024, 11:54 pm

Please do not go off-topic.   This is for a specific suggestion.

_userdata variable modification Slgray10

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_userdata variable modification Empty Re: _userdata variable modification

Post by The Godfather September 20th 2024, 10:35 am

Hello @Aizen the Virtuoso

I'm sorry for the delay. The demand "User Group Color Integration" is available online now.

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_userdata variable modification Empty Re: _userdata variable modification

Post by Aizen the Virtuoso September 21st 2024, 11:01 am

Thank you, that’s great.

I hope we can get the remaining features when possible.

Aizen the Virtuoso
Aizen the Virtuoso

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