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Clocks on your board

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Tutorial Clocks on your board

Post by Master Marc July 25th 2009, 8:54 pm

Add Clocks on your Forum board

Clocks on your board

To get clocks on your board,you'll have to choose a flash clock from this website.


There are msany types of clocks you can choose from.

Clocks on your board Fleche10 Analog
Clocks on your board Fleche10 Animal
Clocks on your board Fleche10 Animation
Clocks on your board Fleche10 Count Down and Up
Clocks on your board Fleche10 Dark Background
Clocks on your board Fleche10 Digital
Clocks on your board Fleche10 Holidays
Clocks on your board Fleche10 Logo and Custom
Clocks on your board Fleche10 Seasons
Clocks on your board Fleche10 Sports
Clocks on your board Fleche10 Transparent
Clocks on your board Fleche10 Wallpaper

When you decided which type of clock you would like to use on your forum,then do the following:

1/ Go to {there is a link above}
2/ You'll see this image to the right/bottom of the website :

3/ Below the image,click on this link ~ Want a Clock on Your Website?

4/ Choose a Category

5/ If you found the clock you'd like,then press ~ View html tag

6/ Read the terms of service and press Accept

7/ You'll have the code for your clock. Congratulations!!!

Where Can I Use These Clocks?

You can use these clocks:

=> On your html pages
=> On your side widgets
=> On your forum messages if you have html enabled
=> On your Homepage Message { ACP=>Display Tab=> Homepage=>Generalities=>Homepage message }
=> On your portal

Master Marc
Master Marc

Male Posts : 3661
Reputation : 47
Language : English and Spanish.

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Tutorial Re: Clocks on your board

Post by skouliki February 10th 2020, 4:46 pm

This code was updated to fit in with the new HTTPS address

updated 10.02.2020 by skouliki

Female Posts : 15411
Reputation : 1709
Language : English,Greek
Location : Greece

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