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Resynchronizing Your Forum

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Tutorial Resynchronizing Your Forum

Post by Rok July 18th 2009, 4:47 pm

Resynchronizing Your Forum

Resynchronizing Your Forum

If your forum is undergoing a very minor issue that you can't cope with, then try resynching the forum. Resynching your forum will not hurt it, but it will help fix the small bugs and ticked settings for your forum. So, it won't hurt to give it a shot.
To resynchronize your forum:
  1. Head off to your Administration Panel, and then click the General tab. (Be sure that you have the Admin Panel set in Advanced Mode.)

  2. Resynchronizing Your Forum Configuration Forum -> 'Configuration' section

  3. Now that you are on the Configuration page, scroll all the way down the page until you see the Misc options* table. You'll then see at the bottom that you are able to resyncronize your forum. Tick the option box to do so, and then click Save.

Now, if that doesn't fix up your minor issue in your forum, then your best condolences would to answer your question in the Support Forum section. Furthermore, if you wish to fix up your forum by backing it up, then check out the Utilities.

Wanna grab this code and share it with others? It's preset right here:
[center][size=26][color=teal][font=Century Gothic]Resynching Your Forum[/font][/color][/size][/center]
If your forum is undergoing a very minor issue that you can't cope with, then try resynching the forum. Resynching your forum will not hurt it, but it will help fix the small bugs and ticked settings for your forum. So, it won't hurt to give it a shot.
To resynchronize your forum:
[list=1][*] Head off to your Administration Panel, and then click the General tab. (Be sure that you have the Admin Panel set in [i]Advanced Mode[/i].)

[*] [img][/img] Forum -> '[i]Configuration[/i]' section

[*] Now that you are on the [i]Configuration[/i] page, scroll all the way down the page until you see the [b]Misc options*[/b] table. You'll then see at the bottom that you are able to resyncronize your forum. Tick the option box to do so, and then click [i]Save[/i].

Now, if that doesn't fix up your minor issue in your forum, then your best condolences would to answer your question in the [url=]Support Forum section[/url]. Furthermore, if you wish to fix up your forum by backing it up, then check out the [url=]Utilities[/url].

Last edited by Rok on July 21st 2009, 3:44 am; edited 2 times in total

Male Posts : 6822
Reputation : 234
Language : idk

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Tutorial Re: Resynchronizing Your Forum

Post by skouliki February 10th 2020, 1:39 pm

This code was updated to fit in with the new HTTPS address

updated 10.02.2020 by skouliki

Female Posts : 15404
Reputation : 1709
Language : English,Greek
Location : Greece

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