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Quite a few questions on tweaking my forum's look...

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Quite a few questions on tweaking my forum's look... Empty Quite a few questions on tweaking my forum's look...

Post by Duo Cultellus January 30th 2010, 10:39 am

Trying to tweak my forum to my liking, and there are a few things I'm wondering if I can do, with CSS or just the regular control panel. It'd be great if you guys could tell me if any of this is possible. Took pics to show what I want.
EDIT: I am using phpbb2. Forgot to mention that.
Thanks for any help.

Quite a few questions on tweaking my forum's look... ForumTweak1copy
A. Move the Forum Category title to the left of the column, as well as make the font slightly larger.
B. Make the "Last Post" Column longer.
C. Switch the positioning of the "Last Post" column to the left of Post Count and Topic Count

Quite a few questions on tweaking my forum's look... ForumTweak2copy
-Place the Navigation Bar over my banner, preferably in a specific place.

Quite a few questions on tweaking my forum's look... ForumTweak3copy
-Simply change the, "Who is online?" text to, "What's going on?"

Quite a few questions on tweaking my forum's look... ForumTweak4
-The picture is enough explanation. The login widget DOES place the login box to the right, but it squishes the forum. Also, the first "Changed" example is only wanted if my second image in this post is not possible.

Quite a few questions on tweaking my forum's look... Capture
-I simply want to make the username font bigger for all users.

6. Quite a few questions on tweaking my forum's look... Solved10, for the most part.
Quite a few questions on tweaking my forum's look... TweakReference
-In other forums, they are able to have separate sections on the boards, above all the other posts, for announcements. Is this possible to do?

Again, thanks for any help that anyone can provide.

Last edited by Duo Cultellus on January 30th 2010, 9:27 pm; edited 2 times in total
Duo Cultellus
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Quite a few questions on tweaking my forum's look... Empty Re: Quite a few questions on tweaking my forum's look...

Post by Wolf the Wolf January 30th 2010, 4:04 pm

Sorry, I don't know how to do all the others, but I can help with the last one! For the last one, with a different board thing for announcements and stuff.

Go to Admin Panel >>> General >>> Messages and E-mails >>> Configuration >>> Messages

And under that there should be an option where it says 'Separate Announcements and Stickies from the Messages'. Then choose 'With a table'. Done!
Wolf the Wolf
Wolf the Wolf

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Quite a few questions on tweaking my forum's look... Empty Re: Quite a few questions on tweaking my forum's look...

Post by kirk January 30th 2010, 5:49 pm

i am not sure about the others i have to try to understand them a Lil better.
but the who's online thing. if you are using phpbb2 or punbb i am sure that can be changed in the template editing.

what versions are you using?

OK for # 4 that is something that may be possible by the the templates as well.

#2 That looks like it would have to be done by making a custom nav bar then placing it under the logo. or actually it could be made as one thing.. kind of something like how i have my logo over here. but mine is scrolling.

what i would do is add the links for your nav bar. have the off to the right and then just add the gray as the background and you would get that effect. but the gray back ground would also go all the way across the bottom of the logo. so it might look better if the nav bar/links where centered.

but this is another that would have to be done through the templates.

so i need know what versions you are using.. and if you using in visions or phpbb3 then i am sure most can be done with css.. but you would have to wait for someone like ankllien or final blond to reply with that. i am limited on my css skills.

so i would wait fro a few more replies first to see what other options you may have to try to achieve what it is your asking.. most seem simple enough it's just a matter of how to get it... lol.

if you post your logo i can give you an example of what i mean by that.

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Quite a few questions on tweaking my forum's look... Empty Re: Quite a few questions on tweaking my forum's look...

Post by Duo Cultellus January 30th 2010, 9:25 pm

Wolf the Wolf wrote:Go to Admin Panel >>> General >>> Messages and E-mails >>> Configuration >>> Messages
And under that there should be an option where it says 'Separate Announcements and Stickies from the Messages'. Then choose 'With a table'. Done!
Awesome, thanks so much! Works pretty well.

kirk wrote:i am not sure about the others i have to try to understand them a Lil better.
but the who's online thing. if you are using phpbb2 or punbb i am sure that can be changed in the template editing.

what versions are you using?

OK for # 4 that is something that may be possible by the the templates as well.

#2 That looks like it would have to be done by making a custom nav bar then placing it under the logo. or actually it could be made as one thing.. kind of something like how i have my logo over here. but mine is scrolling.

what i would do is add the links for your nav bar. have the off to the right and then just add the gray as the background and you would get that effect. but the gray back ground would also go all the way across the bottom of the logo. so it might look better if the nav bar/links where centered.

but this is another that would have to be done through the templates.

so i need know what versions you are using.. and if you using in visions or phpbb3 then i am sure most can be done with css.. but you would have to wait for someone like ankllien or final blond to reply with that. i am limited on my css skills.

so i would wait fro a few more replies first to see what other options you may have to try to achieve what it is your asking.. most seem simple enough it's just a matter of how to get it... lol.

if you post your logo i can give you an example of what i mean by that.
I'm using phpbb2. As for what you're trying to suggest for #2, by the sound of it, I don't think that's what I want to do. But I might just not understand what you're saying. Either way, as you asked, here's a link to my banner.
Maybe you can give me a better understanding of what you mean..?

And for the others, when you say they can be changed with the template... I'm not sure about how I would go about doing that...
Duo Cultellus
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Quite a few questions on tweaking my forum's look... Empty Re: Quite a few questions on tweaking my forum's look...

Post by kirk January 30th 2010, 10:08 pm

Actually i just tried the logo thing. it wont work the way i said because your logo has those pointy things on the end the banner that makes the gray background show behind the whole box.

if it was just a rectangle then the gray would have only been at the bottom with your navbar.
on how you had in the example.. it would have been more of an optical illusion.. it would have not really been a nav bar as a whole.. but you would never tell the difference.. it\'s hard to explain.

something like this. keep in mind i did this rely fast and it\'s a bad example... lol
the links don\'t click and the text is the wrong color etc.. but you can see what i mean.

as far as the others i will see if i can find them. i think the who\'s online thing should be easy. i will explain when i make sure it can be changed.

Basically i am just going to go into the template,find who\'s online. then you can change the name. it\'s probably in the index body template.
so I\'ll let you know as soon as i try it.

Last edited by kirk on January 30th 2010, 10:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Quite a few questions on tweaking my forum's look... Empty Re: Quite a few questions on tweaking my forum's look...

Post by Duo Cultellus January 30th 2010, 10:12 pm

Alright, cool. Thanks for your help.
Duo Cultellus
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Quite a few questions on tweaking my forum's look... Empty Re: Quite a few questions on tweaking my forum's look...

Post by Sanket January 31st 2010, 5:22 am

Since this thread appears to be solved, I will lock this thread and mark it as solved.
Quite a few questions on tweaking my forum's look... 2j4t5a8

Sanket Smile

EDIT: MrMario: Unlocked

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