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Is there any way I can add a "poke" feature?

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Solved Is there any way I can add a "poke" feature?

Post by MicBoring June 30th 2012, 3:08 am


I was on another forum, and they had this really nice feature called a "poke feature". It allowed users to "poke" each other (rather similar to Facebook). Is there any way I an add this to my forum? I'm using invision.

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Solved Re: Is there any way I can add a "poke" feature?

Post by Derri June 30th 2012, 3:18 am

Try this script.

You can change the name to "poke" instead of "like".

So essentially you will have a poke button. However it is like your rep system. So it replaces reputation.

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Solved Re: Is there any way I can add a "poke" feature?

Post by MicBoring June 30th 2012, 5:27 am

Hmm...I doesn't seem to be working, probably because I already have a "like" button. Is there anyway that I can have two buttons at once?

Or, perhaps, can it be added as some sort of widget in the portal or on profiles, like the "friends" feature?

Thank you for your help anyway! Smile
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Solved Re: Is there any way I can add a "poke" feature?

Post by SLGray June 30th 2012, 7:07 am

Do you what both a like and poke button? If no, then change the words in the like button to poke.

Is there any way I can add a "poke" feature?  Slgray10

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Solved Re: Is there any way I can add a "poke" feature?

Post by MicBoring June 30th 2012, 11:31 pm

I'll post a screen shot of what I meant:

Is there any way I can add a "poke" feature?  Pone_213

Is there any way I can add a "poke" feature?  Poke11

I was wondering if it was even possible, because this was a MyBb forum.
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Solved Re: Is there any way I can add a "poke" feature?

Post by Derri July 1st 2012, 6:49 pm

MicBoring wrote:I'll post a screen shot of what I meant:

Is there any way I can add a "poke" feature?  Pone_213

Is there any way I can add a "poke" feature?  Poke11

I was wondering if it was even possible, because this was a MyBb forum.

I don't think this is possible I have not come across any script so far relating to this.

Male Posts : 8711
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Solved Re: Is there any way I can add a "poke" feature?

Post by MicBoring July 1st 2012, 10:06 pm

Alright!Thanks for your help! Smile
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Solved Re: Is there any way I can add a "poke" feature?

Post by Sanket July 2nd 2012, 12:53 pm

Topic Solved & Locked

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