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private messages

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Solved private messages

Post by hobidetektori August 20th 2013, 11:56 pm

Only one thing but to me a very important question for you.
One of the members of the forum wrote that Administrator that is I read private messages.
So this way they want to hear from you whether it is at all possible to Admin or anyone unauthorized reading other people's private messages.
Your response plan to convey to the forum directly.
At issue is the forum "hobidetektori"
Thank you, Regards
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Solved Re: private messages

Post by Ikerepc August 21st 2013, 12:01 am

If I understand you ask can somebody read members private message? If yes, admins can't read messages what doesn't sent to him/her. Just his/her private messages.

(poradi malo na engleskom Smile )
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Solved Re: private messages

Post by hobidetektori August 21st 2013, 12:14 am

The problem is that one member on another forum claims that someone reading his private messages, and it's supposedly Admin - I.
This of course does not work, at least I do not do
Well that would not be too convincing to them whether or not it is possible to do and by doing that I of course do not know their password I put this question here, and I plan to respond to convey directly to the forum.
Thanks for understanding

Problem je sto jedan clan na jednom drugom forumu tvrdi da neko cita njegove privatne poruke i da je to navodno Admin - ja.
To se naravno ne radi , barem ja to ne radim
Pa da se ne bi previse ubedjivao sa njima da li je ili nije to moguce ciniti a da pri tome ja naravno ne znam njihove lozinke postavio sam ovde to pitanje i planiram da odgovore prenesem direktno na forum.
Hvala na razumevanju
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Solved Re: private messages

Post by Ikerepc August 21st 2013, 12:34 am

hobidetektori wrote:The problem is that one member on another forum claims that someone reading his private messages, and it's supposedly Admin - I.
[guote="hobidetektori"]This of course does not work, at least I do not do
Well that would not be too convincing to them whether or not it is possible to do and by doing that I of course do not know their password I put this question here, and I plan to respond to convey directly to the forum.
Thanks for understanding[/quote]You don't do that because it's impossible. Administrator, and nobody on forum CAN'T see others private message. For that it's call "private message".
Of corse admin can't see members password too. There have just one way to see it, that through admin panel; admin can change user's password, but than user can't log in, because it is different. So admin can't see anybody's private messages, or if he is, member is see that. There are not way to "hide" that.
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Solved Re: private messages

Post by hobidetektori August 21st 2013, 12:41 am

Thank you for your response.
I of course knew all that but I think it is better that others see you right answer.
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Solved Re: private messages

Post by Ikerepc August 21st 2013, 12:45 am

Glad to help you Smile
So please tag this topic solved, if you have more questions, just ask, we are there Smile
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Solved Re: private messages

Post by Sir Chivas™ August 21st 2013, 12:51 am

Zyon wrote:If I understand you ask can somebody read members private message? If yes, admins can't read messages what doesn't sent to him/her. Just his/her private messages.

(poradi malo na engleskom Smile)
hobidetektori wrote:The problem is that one member on another forum claims that someone reading his private messages, and it's supposedly Admin - I.
This of course does not work, at least I do not do
Well that would not be too convincing to them whether or not it is possible to do and by doing that I of course do not know their password I put this question here, and I plan to respond to convey directly to the forum.
Thanks for understanding

Problem je sto jedan clan na jednom drugom forumu tvrdi da neko cita njegove privatne poruke i da je to navodno Admin - ja.
To se naravno ne radi , barem ja to ne radim
Pa da se ne bi previse ubedjivao sa njima da li je ili nije to moguce ciniti a da pri tome ja naravno ne znam njihove lozinke postavio sam ovde to pitanje i planiram da odgovore prenesem direktno na forum.
Hvala na razumevanju

Please both of you speak English as this is a English Support Forum. If you need support in another language please look at the widget to the right that says Official Support Forums.

Regarding this, is this thread solved?
Sir Chivas™
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Solved Re: private messages

Post by Ikerepc August 21st 2013, 1:15 am

Sorry, I'm just say that he can work on english small (it is google translate. Smile ). I will not any more.
Yes, this topic is solved, if you want wait he, if not lock...
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Solved Re: private messages

Post by Sir Chivas™ August 21st 2013, 1:19 am

It's okay, you can talk to him via PM, but please be aware that you can't provide support via PM. However, I will wait for his approval.
Sir Chivas™
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Solved Re: private messages

Post by hobidetektori August 21st 2013, 9:33 am

Thanks to all of the engagement, the problem is solved
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Solved Re: private messages

Post by SLGray August 21st 2013, 9:34 am

Topic Solved & Locked

private messages Slgray10

When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
Never post your email in public.

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